Where Do You Stand?

One side of the room represents “Strongly Agree” and the other side of the room represents “Strongly Disagree”. Note these with signs where possible.

Explain to the group that you will be offering statements and after the statement is read, they should stand at the place in the room that shows what heir belief is (acting as if the space were a line continuum). Read the first statement and have people line up. Tell people that it is OK to move if they feel that their answer shifts during this exercise. Ask anyone that wishes to respond, why they are standing there. You may need to model this since some people are reluctant to speak.


1.  I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18.

2.  Pre-marital sex is OK.

3.  My right to a healthy environment supercedes another person’s right to smoke.

4.  It is OK to euthanize a pet if it is old or in pain.

5.  It is OK to euthanize a human if s/he is old or in pain.

6.  Student government should fund a white student organization if asked through proper channels.

7.  Leaders should be held to higher moral standards than others.

8.  It is alright to lie to someone if you believe that it will benefit them.

9.  A Seminole (Native American nation) is an appropriate mascot for a university athletic team.

10.  I believe that as a person it is appropriate to single out ethnic groups that sponsor terrorism as part of the “public good.”

11.  I believe that it is OK to suspend some civil liberties for the sake of the war on terrorism.

12.  The premise for the war on Iraq was justified and “right”.

13.  I believe that religion has a place within our public school system.

14.  I believe that the Pledge of Allegiance should include the phrase, “Under God.”

15.  I believe that people living in the United States should have to speak English.

16.  I believe that GLBT people should not be employed in certain jobs in society.

17.  I believe that GLBT people should not be allowed to adopt children.

18.  I believe in a woman’s right to choose.

19.  I believe human cloning should be allowed.

20.  Marijuana should be legalized.

21.  I trust the US Government.

22.  Religion doesn’t play enough of a role in society today.

23.  There is too much of a focus on issues of race in US society today.

24.  I believe that cameras should be more prevalent to record possible illegal activity in society.

25.  I believe that prostitution should be legalized and then taxed by the government.

Wrap-Up Questions:

1.  Do we all have the same values?

2.  What felt awkward during this exercise?

3.  When were you unsure?

4.  Was there conflict between some of the right answers?

5.  What does this mean for working together?

6.  What assumptions did you make about others prior to this exercise?

7.  Other comments?