Quest Early College HS

English II

Ms. Douglas

English II Course Syllabus 2016-17

  1. General Information

Room Number: 3107

School Phone: 281-641-7323


Tutorial Times:Wedduring Flex Time / Morning Tutoring: TBA

  1. Textbook and Materials
  • Textbooks:
  • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. Copies of the play will be provided, but students may obtain a personal copy if so desired.
  • The Kite Runnerby Khaled Hosseini. Copies will be provided, but students may obtain a personal copy if so desired.
  • Ancillary Texts. We will be reading various short stories, non-fiction texts, and poems in class. Photocopies will be provided of each as needed.
  • Individual Class Materials:

  • 3 ring binder/ 3 inches (used in AVID classes)
  • At least 3-5 tab dividers (useful for handouts/ grammar notes, Literature notes, HW due/ HW returned.
  • Highlighters (at least 3 different colors)
  • Pens ( at least 3-4 different colors)
  • Sticky notes (different colors if desired) and/ or book flags to mark pages.
  • A stapler with staples
  • A notebook (spiral preferred).
  • Printer paper

  1. Classroom Expectations, Rules and Consequences

Students will be expected to:

  • Be prepared for class and on time.
  • Be respectful of peers and teacher.

  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Be responsible for actions and work.

*Failure to meet these expectations after an initial discussion with teacher will result in an email/phone call home. Repeated infractions may lead to further disciplinary actions by an administrator.

  1. Assessments
  • Students will be given several formative and summative assessments within a 9-week period.
  • Formative Assessments refer to smaller, often daily or weekly assignments such as short homework pieces, quizzes, daily notes or checkpoints, discussions, etc. They are used to check for student understanding and mastery throughout each 3 week period before a larger, summative assignment is given.
  • Summative Assessments usually include larger, culminating assignments such as group projects, formal discussions, tests and formal essays, etc.
  1. Corrections/ Re-assessments
  • Individual students will have the opportunity to correct select formative assignments once and revisions will be due one week after the assignment is returned. Students must complete and return the revised assignment on the new due date or else it will not be accepted. I will notify students when corrections on formative assignments are allowed.
  • Summative assignments will most likely not be allowed to be corrected on an individual basis; any exceptions will be based on teacher discretion. Some assignments such as formal essays may include a revision cycle as part of the final grade requirement. Students will be notified of these requirements ahead of time.
  • If 50% or more of the class fails to perform at a mastery level (70%) on an assignment, the objective will be re-taught and re-assessed and the higher of the two grades will be recorded for each class member. This does not apply to final exams.
  1. Grading Policy
  • Formative Assignments: 30% of the total grade
  • Summative Assessments: 70% of the total grade

Grading Scale

A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 75-79 D= 70-74 F= 69 and below

  1. Late Work Policy
  • Students must turn in each assignment on the correct due date in order to receive full credit for that assignment.
  • Assignments that are not turned in on the due date will be deducted 10 points for each daythat the assignment is late.
  • Students who turn in work late will have a late work folder and will be required to complete a Late Work Form explaining why he/she did not complete the work on time.
  1. Course Schedule/Learning Targets (*Please refer to Course Calendar on teacher website).


*Sign and return to school

I have read and understand the requirements for English II:

Student Name ______Period ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ____/____/____

Phone Number (_____) ______-______Parent’s Email Address ______