Flintshire Forest School

Health and safety policy

Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales



1Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of:

Sarah Partington – Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator

2Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring the policy is put into practice is delegated to:

Ruth Warhurst – Flintshire Forest School Leader

3All employees have to:

co-operate with managers and co-ordinators on health and safety matters

not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety

take reasonable care of their own health and safety

report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in his policy statement).


Health and safety risks arising from work activities

Activity Risk assessments will be undertaken by:

the Forest School Leader in charge of the Forest School sessions.

 Site Specific Risk Assessments will be undertaken by:

the Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst

The findings of the risk assessment will be reported to:

Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.

Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by:

Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington

Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.

Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced
the risks.

Site Assessments will be reviewed every three months due to seasonal changes.

 Activity Risk Assessments are reviewed with each group.

 Medical details and parental consent forms are obtained from all young people participating in Forest School to enable staff to make appropriate provision for individual needs.


Consultation with employees

Consultation with employees is provided by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School

Leader – Ruth Warhurst. This will be done directly with employees and

through the Flintshire Forest School Induction Pack and Staff



Safe equipment

Each Forest School Leader in charge of each session
will be responsible for identifying any equipment
needing maintenance.

 Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance
procedures are drawn up.

 Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance
is implemented.

Any problems found with equipment should be reported to:

Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst


Information, instruction and supervision

The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed at/leaflets are issued by: Flintshire County Council, County Hall Offices

Health and safety advice is available from: Occupational Health and Safety Unit, Flintshire County Council.

Supervision of young workers/trainees will be arranged/ undertaken/ monitored by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.


Competency for tasks and training

Induction training will be provided for all employees by:

Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst

Job specific training will be provided by:

Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School Leader - Ruth Warhurst.

Training records are kept at/by: Bryn Glas by Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.

Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire County Council.


Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health

The first aid box(es) is/are kept at:

Bryn Glas office and is taken out on site.

The appointed person(s)/first aider(s) is/are:

Sarah Partington & Ruth Warhurst whilst at Bryn Glas. The Forest School Leader in charge of the session whilst on site.

All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book. The book is kept by/at:

Ruth Warhurst at Bryn Glas Office or is taken out on site. All incidents must also be recorded on a Flintshire County Council ‘Accident/Incident/Near miss’ form.

 Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to Flintshire County Council who will then report the incident to the enforcing authority.



To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will:

Regularly risk assess all of our sites being used, as well as the activities being undertaken on site and the groups using them.

Have emergency procedures in place.

Keep a record of any accidents, or near misses.

Ensure all staff and volunteers are familiar with our H & S policy as well as Flintshire County Councils policy.

Review our policies on a regular basis and if an incident occurs.

Ensure all staff and volunteers are monitored on a regular basis.

 Flintshire Forest School Leader - Ruth Warhurst
is responsible for investigating accidents.

 Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
is responsible for investigating work-related causes of
sickness absences.

 Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
is responsible for acting on investigation findings to
prevent a recurrence.


Emergency procedures - fire and evacuation

 Flintshire County Council
is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.

Escape routes are checked by/every: Elspeth Parry – Sensory

Support Service, daily.

Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked by/every: Flintshire County Council, 6 months.

Alarms are tested by/every: Flintshire County Council, 6 months.

Emergency evacuation will be tested every: 6 months

Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales

Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales