Flintshire Forest School
Health and safety policy
Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales
1Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of:
Sarah Partington – Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator
2Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring the policy is put into practice is delegated to:
Ruth Warhurst – Flintshire Forest School Leader
3All employees have to:
co-operate with managers and co-ordinators on health and safety matters
not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
take reasonable care of their own health and safety
report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in his policy statement).
Health and safety risks arising from work activities
Activity Risk assessments will be undertaken by:
the Forest School Leader in charge of the Forest School sessions.
Site Specific Risk Assessments will be undertaken by:
the Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
The findings of the risk assessment will be reported to:
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.
Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by:
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced
the risks.
Site Assessments will be reviewed every three months due to seasonal changes.
Activity Risk Assessments are reviewed with each group.
Medical details and parental consent forms are obtained from all young people participating in Forest School to enable staff to make appropriate provision for individual needs.
Consultation with employees
Consultation with employees is provided by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School
Leader – Ruth Warhurst. This will be done directly with employees and
through the Flintshire Forest School Induction Pack and Staff
Safe equipment
Each Forest School Leader in charge of each session
will be responsible for identifying any equipment
needing maintenance.
Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance
procedures are drawn up.
Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
will be responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance
is implemented.
Any problems found with equipment should be reported to:
Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
Information, instruction and supervision
The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed at/leaflets are issued by: Flintshire County Council, County Hall Offices
Health and safety advice is available from: Occupational Health and Safety Unit, Flintshire County Council.
Supervision of young workers/trainees will be arranged/ undertaken/ monitored by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.
Competency for tasks and training
Induction training will be provided for all employees by:
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
Job specific training will be provided by:
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire Forest School Leader - Ruth Warhurst.
Training records are kept at/by: Bryn Glas by Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington.
Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by: Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington or Flintshire County Council.
Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
The first aid box(es) is/are kept at:
Bryn Glas office and is taken out on site.
The appointed person(s)/first aider(s) is/are:
Sarah Partington & Ruth Warhurst whilst at Bryn Glas. The Forest School Leader in charge of the session whilst on site.
All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book. The book is kept by/at:
Ruth Warhurst at Bryn Glas Office or is taken out on site. All incidents must also be recorded on a Flintshire County Council ‘Accident/Incident/Near miss’ form.
Flintshire Forest School Leader – Ruth Warhurst
is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to Flintshire County Council who will then report the incident to the enforcing authority.
To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will:
Regularly risk assess all of our sites being used, as well as the activities being undertaken on site and the groups using them.
Have emergency procedures in place.
Keep a record of any accidents, or near misses.
Ensure all staff and volunteers are familiar with our H & S policy as well as Flintshire County Councils policy.
Review our policies on a regular basis and if an incident occurs.
Ensure all staff and volunteers are monitored on a regular basis.
Flintshire Forest School Leader - Ruth Warhurst
is responsible for investigating accidents.
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
is responsible for investigating work-related causes of
sickness absences.
Flintshire Forest School Co-ordinator – Sarah Partington
is responsible for acting on investigation findings to
prevent a recurrence.
Emergency procedures - fire and evacuation
Flintshire County Council
is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.
Escape routes are checked by/every: Elspeth Parry – Sensory
Support Service, daily.
Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked by/every: Flintshire County Council, 6 months.
Alarms are tested by/every: Flintshire County Council, 6 months.
Emergency evacuation will be tested every: 6 months
Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales
Policy and procedures handbook collated by Forest School Wales