ABCGN Board of Directors Meeting

May 1, 2010

Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando, FL

Voting Participants:

Dianna Burns, BS, RN, CGRN, President

Ann Hayes, BSN, RN, CGRN, Immediate Past President

Barbara Schwant, BSN, RN, CGRN, President-Elect

Sandra Thomas, RN, CGRN, Treasurer

Kathryn Miller, RN, CGRN, Secretary

Suzanne Buchanan, BSN, RN, CGRN, Director

Deborah Copeland, BSN, RN, CGRN, Director

Jeannie Ebbert, RN, CGRN, Director

Janet Hannah, RN CGRN, Director

Georgette Knoebel, BSN, RN, CGRN, Director

Jenny Parkhurst, RN, CGRN, Director

Kendall Yoshisato, BS MS RN CGRN, Director

Anne Ragsdale, Public Member

Non-Voting Participants/Guests:

Sandra Brentnall, RN CGRN

Shirley Flowers, RN BSN CGRN


Theresa Vos, MS BSN RN CGRN, President, SGNA Board

Peggy Gauthier, MS BSN RN CGRN, President-Elect, SGNA Board

Nancy Eisemon, RN, MPH, APN/CNS, CGRN, Item Development Manager

Mary Beth Hepp, Executive Director, SGNA

Joanne Ray, Executive Director, AACVPR

Erin Butler, Executive Director, ABCGN

1)  Welcome- Call to Order Dianna Burns

ABCGN President Dianna Burns welcomed everyone to Orlando.

The ABCGN Board meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm ET.

2)  Roll Call

Secretary Miller called the roll of voting and non-voting members.

3)  Approval of Agenda

Ms. Schwant recommended that the Action Agenda be approved.

>APPROVED the Action Agenda.

Electronic Motions

Ms. Miller reviewed the list of motions that had been approved electronically since the Board’s last meeting in November.

2009 Business Meeting Minutes

Ms. Miller recommended approving the minutes from the 2009 ABCGN Business Meeting.

>APPROVED THE May 17, 2009 ABCGN Business Meeting minutes.

Audit Report

Ms. Thomas recommended that the board of directors approve the 2009 Audit Report.

>APPROVED the 2009 Audit Report.

Audit Allocation

Ms. Thomas recommended that the board of directors approve the allocation of the audit surplus funds: $10,000 to Strategic Plan Fund and $29,326 to Permanent Fund (investments).

>APPROVED the allocation of the 2009 audit surplus funds.

ACTION ITEM: Notify accounting to allocate funds as approved.

Qualifications for Recertification Audit and GI Specific Audit Committees

Ms Knoebel recommended that the board of directors approve the eligibility requirements for the Recertification Audit and GI Specific Audit committees with the following amendments:

6. Attend a committee meeting held during the SGNA Annual Course

7. Remove “Contact hour credits will be awarded under Category 11” as a qualification and include in the general information section.

>APPROVED the amended qualifications for Recertification Audit and GI Specific Audit committees.

ACTION ITEM: Begin recruiting for committee members via willingness to serve forms at booth, notice on website and notice in next issue of CERT Report.

Committee Assignments

Ms. Schwant recommended that the board of directors approve the revised committee assignments.

>APPROVED the revised committee assignments to include two TBD for the Nominations Committee.

Trademark Registration

Ms. Schwant recommended that the board of directors approve national trademark registration of the CGRN certification credential.

>APPROVED trademark registration of the CGRN certification credential.

ACTION ITEM: Begin registration process.

Policy Change

Ms. Hayes recommended that sections 6.4 and 6.5 of the Policy Manual be updated to reflect the move to all computer-based testing.

>APPROVED the policy change.

4)  Executive Director Report

Ms. Butler reviewed ABCGN’s accomplishments for the year and presented statistics for certification and recertification in 2009. She reviewed the year-end financials. Initiatives for 2010 include: website revision, development and implementation of on-line exam registration, and develop volunteer pool to staff new Recertification Audit and GI Specific Audit committees.

5)  ABNS Research Agenda Funding

Ms. Burns and Schwant gave an update on the ABNS Research Agenda. Ms. Schwant

briefly described a possible research project that would examine certification-specific descriptive and outcome data from the NDNQI database. Ms. Butler suggested that the Board might want to have a methodology in place to assess research proposals before ABCGN is asked for funding. The board discussed that they will need more information from ABNS regarding outcomes and purpose of any study that they would fund. The Board asked if the SGNA Research Committee could help review proposals. SGNA thought this would be an excellent collaboration.

6)  ABNSC Update

Ms. Eisemon gave a brief presentation on certificate programs, and explained the differences between certification and certificate programs. She updated the Board on changes that ABNSC is making to the standards that will affect ABCGN:

§  Standard 6—Mandatory license validation

§  Standard 9—Reliability—responsibility will rest with Castle

§  Standard 13—Program Enhancement: how have we grown our program; have we changed our requirements for certification or recertification.

§  Standard 17—Proof of trademark for certification credential required by 2012.

7)  Social Media

Ms. Butler asked the Board if they are interested in pursuing any form of social media. SmithBucklin has developed an assessment tool for associations to use to assess their readiness, goals, etc. The Board agreed to go through the assessment tool at its fall Board meeting.

8)  Other Business

Ms. Miller noted that the wording in the Recertification Handbook regarding Category 5 was misleading in regards to “nursing management.” This has never received GI specific credit. The Board agreed that nursing management should be removed from this section.

ACTION ITEM: Remove “nursing management” from the Category 5 description.

9)  Upcoming Dates/Deadline

  1. SmithBucklin Leadership Forum (July 21-22, Chicago)—Kathryn and Erin
  2. SmithBucklin Partners in Leadership (September 14-15, Chicago)- Kathryn and Erin
  3. SGNA Board Meeting and Regional Leadership Conference (October 28-30, Chicago) Barb and Kathryn
  4. ABNS Fall Meeting (October 1-2, Chicago) Kathryn, Nancy and Erin
  5. ABCGN Fall Board Meeting (TBD, Chicago)

The Board meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Parkhurst, RN CGRN
