Date Proposal Presented to Curriculum Committee / November 14, 2014Course Title
(Or Program) / IST2303 Intro to JavaScript
CIP Code
(Course or Program) / 11.0401
ACTS Code / No.
(1, 2, 3)
(Applies to Developmental Coursework only) / N/A
Department Code / 2530
Contact Person(s) / Brad Lawrey – – 870-994-7273 EX4035
Kathryn Langston – – 870-368-2083
Effective date of proposal / Fall 2015
Proposal Summary / This proposal is to create a new course for the Information Science Technology program to teach web application development using the JavaScript programming language. This course will build upon concepts taught in prerequisite courses IST1213 Intro to Programming and IST1503 Intro to Web Design.
This is not a transferrable course.
Need for the proposal / A new course for the Information Science Technology program, Intro to JavaScript will be a required course for the new Technical Certificate. This course will fulfill the need of having an advanced programming language course in the IST-TC program.
This course provides students the opportunity to learn a valuable technical skill needed in the Information Technology career field. Upon completing this course and the prerequisites, students will have a solid foundation to pursue opportunities in Web Application Development and Web Design.
This course will also be an elective option for the AAS-BT and AAS-GT degree plans.
Curriculum outline / Attached
Faculty needed for proposal / No new faculty.
Description of resources / The IST lab on the Ash Flat Campus will be used.
Costs associated with the activity / No new costs will be incurred.
Source of funding (if needed) / None
Similar activities in colleges within a 50 mile range / None
Curriculum Committee / Chairperson Signature: Date: 11-14-2014
Faculty Council / Chairperson Signature: Date:
Administrative Council / Chairperson Signature: Date:
Board of Trustees
(Programs only.) / Signature: Date:
Signed copy showing all required approvals must be scanned in and then sent back to curriculum committee chair for filing.
ADHE Submission / Date:
ADHE Letter of Notification / Date:
After all required approvals have been completed, proposed item may be added to catalog and course schedules
IST2303 Intro to javascript
Course Syllabus
Office Phone:
College Fax:
Office Hours:
This course introduces students to the JavaScript programming language and how it is used to design and enhance Web pages. Students will use step-by-step guided activities to learn how to build and modify JavaScript programs. Prerequisites:IST1213 Intro to Programming and IST1503 Intro to Web Design or permission of instructor. Spring 3 Credit Hours
JavaScript is a client-side scripting language web designers use to develop professional quality web applications. Its extensive use on the World Wide Web makes JavaScript the most widely used programming language in the world. After completing this course, students will be able to use JavaScript to build professional quality, dynamic web sites. Job roles include web applications developer, programmer/analyst, or software engineer.
By the end of this course students will be able to:
- Use JavaScript with HTML elements
- Work with JavaScript variables, data types and operations
- Write JavaScript code to create web applications
- Trace and resolve errors in JavaScript programs
JavaScript: The Web Warrior Series, 6th Edition
ISBN: 1305078446
Author: Vodnik/Gosselin
ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: Supplied by instructor as necessary.
Lecture, discussion, hands-on applications, questioning, and problem solving. Hands-on exercises and practice is an integral part of the course.
Students will read each textbook chapter and complete chapter assignments which will each cover one or more of the course learning objectives.
Students will complete quizzes and exams which will cover the course learning objectives.
Students will use the textbook website to assess their understanding of the chapter content and to aid in their learning of the chapter content.
Students will work independently and in small groups to resolve relevant issues related to the course learning objectives.
Grades will be given for assignments, quizzes, exams, and a final exam. Your course grade will be calculated as follows:
Assignments: 30%
Quizzes: 10%
Final Exam:25%
All assignments will be submitted online in myOzarka. All assignments will be graded for completion and accuracy.
Exams will be composed of two parts: objective and production. The objective portion of each exam will be made up of multiple-choice questions. Each objective exam will be taken online in myOzarka. The production portion of each exam will require the student to complete an in class lab assignment demonstrating their ability.
The final exam will consist of a production exam over all of the programs/chapters covered during the semester. It must be taken at one of the four Ozarka College sites. You must bring your student identification card with you to the exam site. You must sign in and out at the exam site to receive credit for this exam. No credit will be given for this exam if it is not proctored.
90-100 A - Excellent
80-89 B - Above Average
70-79 C - Average
60-69 D - Conditional
0-59 F - Failing
All assignments and projects must be turned in by the due date. Any assignment/project turned in after the due date will receive half credit (50% credit). Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis. It is your responsibility to inform the Instructor of any late assignments submitted.
Exams cannot be made up. Your lowest exam grade will be dropped from your final course grade. If more than one exam is missed, then you will have to take a zero for the second and every subsequent exam missed.
Quizzes cannot be made up. If you miss a quiz, then you will have to take a zero for that quiz.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings of class. Only absences with a documented excuse from a doctor or excused college activities will be considered as an extenuating circumstance. After a student has missed the equivalent of two weeks of class (4 classes), the instructor may assign a grade of "F" for the course. Extenuating circumstances may be considered at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic Integrity is expected of all students. Dishonesty includes claiming credit for work others completed, lying, plagiarizing, cheating on tests, and copying other students' assignments. A single incident of violating academic standards of integrity may result in an "F" for the assignment, an "F" in the course, or expulsion. A violation of academic standards will be reported to the Provost. The student(s) involved in the incident may appeal any action through the Grievance Procedure. Plagiarism is a very serious offense and includes copying from other students, purchasing completed assignments, copying from textbooks, claiming as one's own work the ideas of someone else, not giving credit to a source (whether the source was directly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized), or citing a source incorrectly.
Any student with special needs that may require any adaptation or modification of classroom work is responsible for informing the faculty of those needs and possible modifications/adaptations.
The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses with Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as "No Comparable Course." Additionally, courses with a "D" frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet by going to the ADHE website and selecting Course Transfer (
Effective July 1, 2008, Ozarka College campuses are tobacco free. This policy includes all buildings, grounds, and parking lots. Thank you for your cooperation.
Ozarka College is committed to learning for all students. One important component of student learning is diversity education; learning about others, learning with others, and learning from others. By providing diversity learning experiences, Ozarka College provides students with the opportunity to work together to influence their future, the future of their country and the future of the wider global society.
The Student Success Center is located in room C114 of the John E. Miller Building on the Melbourne campus and in the new Student Center Building in Ash Flat. Check with the main office in Mountain View for location on that campus. The center is free and open to all students. The SSC provides academic coaching by appointment or on a walk-in basis for individual or group tutoring. Success Coaches are available to assist with homework and help improve study and time management skills. The SSC also provides career counseling with the KUDER Career Planning System and resume assistance and has a job placement program. If you have any questions, visit our site at contact the SSC by phone: 870-368-2056 or email: .
The mission of Ozarka College is to provide life-changing experiences through education.
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