This document summarises the most popular elements of information and tools available on the ECO website, and how to access them. There is a row of tabs across the top of the webpage, and these lead to drop-down menus which give access to most of the documents and tools. The present version of the website (December 2009) also provides more prominent direct links to the most used features; these are grouped under the heading ‘quick links’ at the left side of the front page.

General Information (tab at top of webpage): General information about the organisational structure of CEPT, organisational structure of ECC, Office, ECO staff, how to reach ECO premises in Copenhagen and meeting facilities of ECO.

ECC Activities (tab at top of webpage):ECC Rules of Procedure, ECC Working Methods, list of contacts, Work Programme and Terms of References of the ECC and its constituent bodies, ECC rolling policy agenda and ECC policy goals can be found under title of “ECC Activities”.

Summary result of the meetings: Latest news from the recent meetings of ECC, its working groups, project teams and task groups, and project teams of the working groups can also be found under each individual folder (in the drop-down menus) for these groups under “ECC Activities” .

LoUs and MoUs signed by the ECC: A list and the details of MoUs and LoUs signed between CEPTand other organizations are also given by drop-down menu selection in “ECC Activities”. They can also be reached by quick link called ‘external partners’

ECO Meeting Document Server(see the symbol, “ ”, or the quick link ‘‘Meeting Documents’ or on the drop down menu ‘ECO Meeting Documents’ under ‘ECC Activities’ tab): The ECO meeting document server ( is a database containing all meeting documents of the ECC entities since 1992. Documents, to be considered at a meeting, can be found in the documents area of the respective ECC entity. These documents are normally not password protected and open to the public. Temporary documents, developed by the ECC entities during the course of their meetings, are also placed on “the ECO meeting document server” in the “Temporary documents” folders of the respective entity.

ECO Documentation Database (ERODOCDB) : (Quick link or on the drop down menus from ‘deliverables’) The ECO documentation database (ERODOCDB - contains all ECTRA, ERC and ECC decisions, recommendations and reports developed since 1992. Implementation overview for all these deliverables is also provided in this database and updated on a regular basis for all CEPT Members. Since July 2005, ERODOCDB also contains CEPT Reports developed by the ECC inresponse to the mandates issued to the CEPT by the European Commission. The EC Decisions can also be found in the database.

Public consultation: The newly adopted or revised ECC deliverables are sent to public consultation by the ECC and its constituent bodies. This process is open to all public for comments. The deliverables under public consultation are placed on the ECO web site ( together with the information on the deadline for comments and the name of the ECO expert to whom the comments should be sent. ‘Public Consultations’ is a drop-down option under ‘ECC Activities’, and also reached by quick link from the main ‘ECC page’ (a link to that page is placed in the text on the ECO front page).

EFIS database: On 31 January 2002 the ECO (former ERO) launched a new frequency information system called EFIS (ERO Frequency Information System). EFIS database ( contains the national frequency tables of most of the CEPT members together with ITU Radio Regulation allocations (Article 5 of the RR) and European common allocations. With the EFIS database one can search and compare spectrum utilisation across Europe with the related information such as CEPT activities, radio interface specifications according to the R&TTE Directive, and other national and international regulations.EFIS database has been accepted by the EC in 2007 as the European portal for spectrum information.EFIS can be reached by a quick link from the front page.

SEAMCAT : SEAMCAT® ( is a software tool based on the Monte-Carlo simulation method, which was developed within the frame of CEPT. This tool permits statistical modelling of different radio interference scenarios for performing sharing and compatibility studies between radiocommunications systems in the same or adjacent frequency bands. The software is maintained by ECO and distributed free-of-charge (available at SEAMCAT can be reached by a quick link from the front page.

ECA database: The European Common Allocation Table (The ECA Table) is the result of detailed spectrum investigation conducted by CEPT in 1990s. It covers all parts of theusable radio spectrum and contains the ITU Radio Regulation allocations (Article 5 of the RR), European common allocations, major utilisations in Europe, relevant ERC/ECC Decisions and ETSI standards for each band. ECA can be reached by a quick link from the front page.

'Class-1' equipment under the R&TTE Directive: The R&TTE Directive and the list of sub-classes of Class 1 equipment are contained on the ECO web site and can be reached by clicking on the ”Class 1 equipment” under the drop down menu of “Deliverables” on the front page. You may now select the R&TTE Directive itself or the R&TTE Guide by clicking on the relevant link given on the right hand side of the page. Desired sub-class templates can also be displayed and downloaded by clicking on the number of the sub-class in the same page.

CEPT Briefs and European Common proposals for WRC-12 Conference: The latest versions of the CEPT Briefs and ECPs, developed by the ECC-CPG, are provided via a direct link on the ECO web site. The link can be found under “News and Events” on the right hand side of the front page. These documents are regularly updated after each CPG meeting.

IMT: The details of the ECC activities regarding IMT can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC PT1-IMT Matters). It can also be reached via the following link (

SRDs: The details of the ECC activities on short range devices can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC Activities/WGFM/Short Range Devices) including the ERC Recommendation 70-03 and SE24 activities (

Digital Dividend: The details of the ECC activities on digital dividend can be found in the pages of the groups involved in this issue: They can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC Activities/TG4-Digital Dividend, ECC Activities/WG SE/SE42, and ECC Activities/CPG/CPG PTD). In addition, a web page ( is dedicated to the Digital Dividend activities within CEPT.

Numbering Issues: Harmonised European Short Codes, Next Generation Networks, future numbering issues and early alert system can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC Activities/WG NNA). They can also be reached by the following link (

Regulatory and Procedural Matters: Regulatory matters related to Amateur Radio, Enforcement, Impact assessment and Radio Interfaces (RIS) can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC Activities/WG RA). They can also be reached by the following link (

Compatibility Issues: All kinds of compatibility related matters can be found under the drop down menu of “ECC Activities” (ECC Activities/WG SE). They can also be reached by the following link (

Meeting calendar: An online calendar on the front page, under the drop down menu of “Events”, gives the timetables and venues of the meetings of ECC and its subordinate bodies.

Agreements: Information onMaastricht (MA02); Wiesbaden (WI95); Geneva 2006; Chester1997; Stockholm 61 and HCM Agreements can be found under the drop down menu of Deliverables on the front page.

CEPT Administrations: List of CEPT administrations, their web site addresses ( List of National contact points, conformity and enforcement contacts within each administration are given under the drop down menu of CEPT Administrations on the front page.