Kayleen Terrell
Initial reflections on myself as a teacher leader
Initial reflections from September are in blue.
Reflections from the end of November are in purple.
What is my definition of teacher leadership?
Teacher leadership is being able to talk among peers, listen to others, and communicate effectively. Lead in school/group activities.
Teacher leadership is being able to talk richly among peers beyond the basics of everyday classroom activities, listening to other teachers and respecting their opinions, creating opportunities for teacher collaboration, talking initiative for meetings or to address issues, be aware of the bigger picture and structure of your district and how this affects your daily classroom life.
How has this been a part of my career to date?
Sharing ideas in my team, math club this year.
Since this class, I find myself talking more initiative among my grade level team. I feel this is a good place to start. I determined the date and time our meetings last month to discuss student-led conferences. I complete the collaboration form for this meeting and plan to lead the next meeting on examining student writing.
Who has prompted me to lead in ways beyond my classroom?
Principal and myself, only because I felt I should.
I now feel it is time for me to grow as an individual and a teacher. I am prompted by my own desire to better myself and better my teaching, therefore improving the education of my students.
What have I done to increase my knowledge and skill in supporting collaborative learning for myself and my peers?
Taking college courses, working on my professional certificate, district offered classes,
I am still talking college courses, working of my professional certificate and talking district offered classes when I am able to.
Where do I go to get connected with other teacher leaders who are focused on improving student learning?
I get connected through staff meetings, grade level meetings, and their classrooms. I email for questions or conversations.
What are my strengths in terms of leading from my classroom and in my school?
Level-headed, not too emotional or overly willing to share every thought.
Same strengths, I am sure these will evolve over time and I will realize some other strengths I didn’t know I had, or I will develop the skills necessary to have other strengths.
What are some areas that I’d like to deepen in terms of my knowledge and skills?
Speaking up more.
I would like to deepen my knowledge of the district and union happenings that clearly affect my school and classroom.
Who do I think might prod me forward as I continue to learn and develop effective ways to engage myself and others in improving student learning?
Other teachers who encourage me
Other teachers will encourage me as well as any gaps I might see, such as with my grade level team. If I hadn’t filled out the collaborative form, I am not sure if anyone would have. It was necessary and something I had to do. Being more aware of the gaps that need to be filled at my school is what will prod me forward, because I can try and fill some of those gaps.
Who might give me an honest reflection of my strengths and areas for growth?
My principal other coworkers.
I still believe my principal and coworkers would be honest with me.
How am I supporting communication and collaboration in my school?
I am supporting by partaking in it and working with other staff members, looking for gaps to fill, recording when collaboration takes place.
What is my investment in the school improvement plan?
Just what everyone else is doing. Knowing what is going on in the school, promoting it to students.
The school improvement goals, are my personal goals as well. Keeping in line with the SIP and striving for student achievement is my investment.