Florida Department of Management Services
MyFloridaMarketPlace Project
Discussion/Meeting Minutes / 05/03/20069:00 – 11:00
Subject: / MyFloridaMarketPlace User Group
Attendees: / Agency User Group
Discussion Topics
- Josh Yaffin welcomed the group, and opened up the presentation with a discussion about system performance. He stated that the team is continuing to take action in this area, including the installation of a server this weekend to help address performance issues.
- Josh also reiterated that agencies should not be including confidential attachments in MyFloridaMarketPlace. Agencies have the opportunity to redact this information prior to attaching to a transaction in the system, and need to be mindful of guidelines that the team has distributed previously. As additional guidance or policy is made available, the agencies will be notified.
- Kim Koegel continued the discussion about system performance by explaining that the team is taking a three part approach to addressing performance, including (1) Installation of new server this weekend (MyFloridaMarketPlace will be unavailable from Friday evening through Sunday evening as part of this installation), (2)System Updates (e.g., System Search Optimizations, Chooser Updates), and (3) Continuing education regarding effective searching techniques. Kim reiterated that these three things will work in conjunction to help address system performance.
- Kim reviewed highlights of the March and April releases (Releases 6.9 and 7.0), including 9 fixes that were addressed via an Ariba Service Pack. Kim also highlighted that release notes were distributed to Agency Liaisons, Purchasing contacts, F&A contacts, and Administrative Directors. Kim also mentioned that the MFMP team encourages all users to check the Toolkit at least twice per month to stay aware of recent project communications, including system release notes.
- Kim reviewed a Communications Update, specifically that the team has begun conducting ‘Agency Day’ sessions that provide the opportunity for one on one discussion with an agency. These sessions provide a venue to discuss workflow, attachments, and general questions about process and effective utilization of the system. Kim also discussed that the Toolkit has been reorganized, and that the team is working to continue to post relevant materials and job aids to the site.
- Chuck Bruce provided an update on Catalog Focus Group activities, and mentioned that the group would like to meet again in July.
- Garrick Wright provided an update on Change Review Board activities, including a review of the 5 change requests that the group prioritized during their April 3rd meeting. Garrick also acknowledged that the group has had 2 interim meetings to discuss changes around system performance. The group’s next meeting is scheduled for May 16th, and Garrick indicated that a funding mechanism should be in place in order to address some set of the change requests. At the May 16th meeting, the group will be reviewing estimates for each of the 5 change requests that were prioritized during the April 3rd meeting.
- Josh Yaffin introduced the DMS Process Team Members (Lori Potts, Rachael Grumme, and Debbie Gries). Lori and Rachael spoke to the group about upcoming site visits, prompt payment, and the creation of a user’s manual (i.e., Agency Best Practices) for MyFloridaMarketPlace. The team’s contact information was also provided so that agencies can follow up directly with process questions.
- The group had an extensive discussion around year end processing, including specific discussion around Certified Forwards, Releasing Encumbrances, Disbursement Transaction Overrides, and Payables. Lisa Thompson walked through the processes and screen shots associated with these processes, and answered any general questions about the process.
- Lisa also walked through available agency reports (on the DMS website). Lisa also highlighted the suggested year end reports that can be used from the website.
- General Discussion:
- In preparing for year end, the group agreed that it would be helpful for the team to send out a communication regarding when Certified Forwards will be marked in MyFloridaMarketPlace- specifically, when the file will be run, and a notice of when it is complete.
- Lisa Thompson is also following up on a question regarding invoicing against a closed Master Agreement. The group will be provided an update on this functionality.
- AHCA requested that the team follow up regarding suggestions for changing passwords (e.g., FLAIR encumbrance password) near year-end, as they ran into issues with this last year.