AP PsychologyWise
11/06 – 11/23Unit 7
Unit 7 Calendar – Cognition
Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / FridayNovember 6th / November 7th / November 9th / November 10th
CUA 6! Handout for Unit 7!
Due Tomorrow: Concept Map 31 / Due Today: Module 31 Concept Map
Topic:Studying and Building Memories
-Concept Map 32 & 33
-XC:Article/Video Review (Due November 16th) / Due Today: Module 32/33 Concept Map
Topic:Systems of Memory (Storing, Retrieving, and Forgetting)
HW:Module 34 Concept Map / WEEK 1 VOCAB QUIZ
Due Today:Module 34 Concept Map
Topic:Thinking, Concepts, and Creativity
- Module 35 Concept Map
- Next Friday: Annotated Bibliography!
November 13th / November 14th / November 16th / November 17th
Due Today:Module 35 Concept Map
Topic: Problem Solving and Decision Making
HW: Module 36 Concept Map
CUA 7 – Due on Thursday!
/ Due Today: Module 36 Concept Map
Topic:Thought and Language
HW:Study for Unit 7 CUA / Due Today:Extra Credit for Article/Video Review
Topic:Unit 7 Review and CUA
HW:Annotated Bibliography due Friday / No school!
November 20th / November 21st / November 22nd / November 23rd
Due Monday: Module 37
Unit 7 Essential Tasks
1)Describe information processing as relates to memory and encoding, including external influences/stimuli, selective attention, reticular formation, levels of processing, sensory memory, and short-term memory2)Discuss the concepts and structures related to information processing in storage and retrieval of memories, including long-term memory, explicit memory, semantic and episodic memory, implicit memories
3)Outline principles and mechanics that help or harm memory functioning at encoding (attention, chunking, serial positioning effect, deep/shallow processing, rote rehearsal), storage (decay, rehearsal, spacing effect), retrieval (retroactive interference, proactive interference), along with misinformation effects, source amnesia, and the effectiveness of child or eyewitness recall
4)Define cognition, and discuss how we think – paying special attention to modern theories of thought, such as theories of concepts, prototypes, and schema, and discuss creative thinking, paying close attention to convergent/divergent thinking
5)Identify decision making techniques (algorithms, heuristics, availability heuristics, representativeness heuristics), and factors influencing their effectiveness or decisions made, such as overconfidence, confirmation bias, belief perseverance, and hindsight bias
6)Synthesize the biological, psychological, and social factors allow us to use language (phonemes, morphemes, syntax, semantics), develop language (telegraphic speech), and theories of language (critical periods, Universal Inborn Grammar, linguistic determinism)
Unit 7 Varsity Terms AND Scientists (in bold)
Week 1 / Week 2Memory
Selective attention
Reticular formation
Levels of processing
Sensory memory
Short-term memory
Long-term memory
Implicit memory
Explicit memory
Semantic memory / Episodic memory
Serial positioning effect
Deep processing
Shallow processing
Rote rehearsal
Spacing effect
Retroactive interference
Proactive interference
Misinformation effects
Source amnesia / Cognition
Creative thinking
Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking
Availability heuristic
Representativeness heuristic
Overconfidence / Hindsight bias
Confirmation bias
Belief perserverance
Telegraphic speech
Broca’s area
Wernicke’s area
Linguistic determinism