V261 Handout – Web Terms

V261 – Class 20 Simple HTML Tags

Tags / Tags are enclosed in left and right brackets and tell the web browser how to display the web page. In most cases there is a starting tag and an ending tag.
The end tag is also enclosed in brackets but has a “/” in front of the tag name.
<HTML> / This tag starts every web document. Without it, the web browser cannot read the page.
Ends every web document. It tells the browser it is at the end of the page. This tag is placed at the very end of the web page. Note the “/” in front of the tag name signifying that it is an end tag.
<!—xxxx / <!--This is a special “comment tag.” There is no end tag for a comment. This is used for notes to yourself about your page. Text inserted between the brackets of a comment tag won’t be displayed on the web page when read by a browser.-->
<TITLE> / The TITLE tag determines what will be displayed in the blue bar at the top of a web browser. Text inserted between these tags appears only in the blue bar and not on the page itself.
<HEAD> / Contains information about the page such as the TITLE, META tags for proper Search Engine indexing, STYLE tags, which determine the page layout, and JavaScript coding for special effects. IU blocks searching of student web pages by commercial search engines.
<BODY> / This area will contain everything that will be visible through a web browser, such as text and graphics. All of the information will be HTML coded.
<HR> / This tag draws a line across the web page. There is no end tag.
<BR> / BR inserts a blank line. There is no end tag.
<h1> / <h1>An important heading</h1>
<h2> / <h2>A slightly less important heading</h2>
em / Words can be emphasized using the <em> tag.
Lists / HTML supports three kinds of lists.
ul> </ul
<li> </li> / The first list is a bulleted or unordered list. It uses the <ul> and <li> tags:
<li>the first list item</li>
<li>the second list item</li>
<li>the third list item</li>
Note: You need to end the list with the </ul> tag, but the </li> tag is optional.
ol> </ol
<li> </li> / The second list is a numbered or ordered list. It uses the <ol> and <li> tags:
<li>the first list item</li>
<li>the second list item</li>
<li>the third list item</li>
Note: You need to end the list with the </ol> tag, but the </li> tag is optional.
<dl> </dl
dt> </dt
dd> </dd / The third list is a definition list allowing for terms and their definitions. This kind of list starts with a <dl> tag and ends with </dl> Each term starts with a <dt> tag and each definition starts with a <dd> tags:
<dt>the first term</dt
<dd>its definition</dd
<dt>the second term</dt
<dd>its definition</dd
<dt>the third term</dt
<dd>its definition</dd
Note: The end tags </dt> and </dd> are optional.
Note: All Three lists can be merged within each other.
Special Tags:
Email tag: / <A href=”mailto: in”> Type text to display here </A>
Hyperlink tag: / <A href= “www.spea.indiana.edu”> Type text to display over the hyperlink here. </A>
img src / img src="image.jpg" width="200" height="150">
img src / img src="image.jpg" width="200" height="150" alt=”More Informative Text Here”
Note: Alt used to add additional text.