Informatics Strategy

Information & Communications Technology [ICT]

Information Management and Knowledge Services [IKS]

2013 - 2016

Date effective from: / TBC
Review date: / TBC
Version number: / Version 1.1

See Document Summary Sheet for full details

Section / Description / Page
Document Summary Sheet / 3
Document Amendment sheet / 4
1 / Introduction / 5
2 / Summary / 6
3 / Vision / 9
4 / Business Drivers / 9
4.1 / Trust Strategy / 9
4.2 / NHS Information Strategy / 10
4.3 / Commissioning/Service Contracts / 11
4.4 / Regulatory and National Requirements / 11
4.5 / The Environment / 12
5 / Information and Knowledge Services / 13
5.1 / Business Intelligence / 13
5.2 / Information Quality Assurance / 15
5.3 / Information Governance (IG) / 16
5.4 / Knowledge Services / 16
6 / Business Systems / 18
6.1 / Clinical Support Systems / 19
6.2 / Corporate Systems / 18
7 / IT Infrastructure / 19
7.1 / Access Devices (PCs and printers) / 19
7.2 / Network / 21
7.3 / Videoconferencing / 22
7.4 / Voice Communications / 23
7.5 / IT Support (including Service Desk, Desktop and IT infrastructure) / 24
8 / Informatics Training and Development / 25
9 / Environmental Strategy / 27
10 / Programme Management, Governance and Resources / 28
11 / Glossary / 29
12 / Appendices
A / Trust Strategy Summary: Improving health, improving lives / 32
B / Clinical and Corporate Systems Roadmap / 33
C / IT Infrastructure Roadmap / 34
D / Information and Knowledge Services Roadmap / 35
E / LYPFT Informatics Governance Structure / 36
F / Indicative Costs / 37
G / Strategic Implementation Plan / 38


ALL sections of this form must be completed. Those marked with * will be used as search information on Staffnet.

Document title*:
/ Informatics Strategy (ICT, Information Management and Knowledge Services) 2013 - 2016
Document Reference Number * / TBC
Member of the Executive Team Responsible* (Title): / Chief Financial Officer
Document author* (Name and title): / David Shelley, Head of ICT
Approved by (group):
Date approved: / TBC
Ratified by (group/Board): / Board of Directors
Date ratified: / TBC
Review date: / TBC
Frequency of review: / Every three years
Responsible for the review: / Head of ICT
Target audience:
(List, by title, the people this procedural document is essential for) / All staff and associated non –employed personnel, trust-wide
Responsible for dissemination: / Head of ICT

Please record what changes you have made to the procedural document since the last version.

This is a summary of changes to the document and is designed to show people exactly what has changed. The version number recorded below should correspond to the ratified version number shown on the Document Summary Sheet.

Version / Amendment / Reason
0.1 / Initial Draft / Produced Jan 2012
0.2 / Minor changes / First review on 30 March 2012
0.3 / Changes to take account of NHS Information Strategy ‘The Power of Information’ / Following comments from ETTSSG on 23 May 2012
0.4 / Implementation Plan (App 7) added / 12 June 2012
0.5 / Minor changes to reflect PbR dates and Trust HQ / 20 August 2012
0.6 / Re-formatted / November 2012. To conform to Trust Template for Strategy Documents
0.7 / Minor Updates / Dec 2012 minor updates to reflect latest Trust HQ status and Clinical System Review
0.8 / Section 5 revised and new sub-section added (Information Quality Assurance)
0.9 / General updates / 8 Feb 2013. Updated to reflect new Trust Strategy (2013-18) and Appendices updated.
0.10 / Section 6.1 revised and minor updates added / 10 Jun 2013. Updated to reflect Board decision to retain and develop Paris as strategic future clinical care system
1.0 / Version for approval by ET – 18 June 2013
1.1 / Minor amendments inc reference to CCIO 6.1.10 / Incorporation of comments/amendments requested by ET. Version to be submitted to Trust Board for ratification


1.1 The Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy approved in April 2008 set out a Trust wide approach to the development, deployment and operation of ICT systems and services covering the period 2008-12. A separate but complimentary strategy covering Information and Knowledge Services (IKS) was also produced for the period 2006 to 2010.

1.2 The Strategies were based on the expectation that an integrated care record system (CRS) provided by Connecting for Health (CfH) would be deployed in 2012 to replace the ‘interim’ system (PARIS) implemented in 2008. However, continuing delays in the programme, especially regarding the delivery of mental health systems, resulted in the Trust deciding to extend the PARIS contract for a further three years (2011-2014).

1.3 This approach was endorsed by CfH and the Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and resulted in the Trust effectively withdrawing from active involvement in the acute systems element of the National Programme for IT.

1.4 During the last two years there have also been significant initiatives, reports and strategies launched within the Trust, across the Leeds health economy and NHS-wide which have and will continue to have a major influence on the provision of Informatics services to the Trust. These include:

·  The requirement for the NHS to achieve up to £20bn of efficiency savings by 2015 as part of the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) programme of which the Trust has committed to saving £17m over the three years from 2010 to 2014, followed by a further programme of savings.

·  The publication of a national Mental Health Strategy ‘No health without mental health’ in 2011.

·  The consequences of the health and social care reforms published in 2011 and now underpinned by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 including:

o  The creation of GP led clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) overseen by the NHS Commissioning Board Authority (NHS England) that have replaced Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) with effect from April 2013.

o  The abolition of Strategic Health Authorities and the consequential reduction in scope of the National IT programme including devolving responsibility for the procurement and development of clinical care systems to Trusts

o  Devolvement of all care provision responsibilities including community and mental health services under the Transforming Community Services (TCS) programme, from PCTs to NHS providers or Social Enterprise organisations.

·  The successful bid by the Trust, as part of the TCS programme to take on mental health and learning disability services covering the York and Selby area (and certain North Yorkshire wide services) with effect from February 2012.

·  The development of an integrated ‘Care Pathways’ based approach to delivering mental health and learning disability care as a result of a Trust wide service improvement programme (2011 to 2014). This programme will also support the QIPP agenda by achieving efficiency savings and modernising and standardising the provision of mental health and social care across Leeds.

·  The adoption in 2010 of a five year Trust strategy ‘Improving health, improving lives’ (subsequently refreshed to cover the period 2013-2018) which established three ‘End Goals’ and five strategic objectives setting out what the Trust needs to do to achieve these goals (see Appendix A).

·  The publication in May 2012 by the Department of Health (DH) of its Information Strategy ‘The Power of Information: putting all of us in control of the health and care information we need’ which focuses on using information to drive better health, care and support – to improve people’s experience, quality and health outcomes

·  Recommendations and lessons to be learnt regarding Information and patient information systems in the Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry (the ‘Francis Report’) published in Feb 2013.

1.5 The scope of this Strategy encompasses the provision of ICT, Information Reporting & Analysis, Information Governance and Knowledge Services.

1.6 A separate review of the organisational structure and effectiveness of the Trust’s Informatics function was undertaken in late 2012 by the Trusts internal Auditors (RSN Tenon). The report was issued in February 2013 and makes recommendations to ensure that the necessary skills, resources and capacity to deliver this strategy are in place. This work is currently being progressed but is not referred to in this document


This Strategy outlines how the Trust aims to harness information and new technologies to support the achievement of higher quality care and the improvement of outcomes for service users. It aims to build on the progress achieved in the last 4 years in establishing Informatics as a key enabler in supporting the provision of care services throughout the Trust and the achievement of the Trust’s aim in ‘Improving health and improving lives’ of its service users.


3.1 Our vision is for Informatics to support the Trust in achieving its business objectives by:

1.  making health and care services more convenient, accessible and efficient by harnessing modern technology .

2.  developing an information-led culture where all health and care professionals take responsibility for recording, sharing and using clinical information to improve care

3.  becoming an ‘intelligent organisation’ which has access to accurate and timely information to support its business and is able to use that information effectively and appropriately.

4.  developing innovative and integrated solutions within a framework of national standards that ensure information can be used and can flow between systems efficiently, safely and securely.

5.  recognising and supporting the requirement to provide service users and carers with more control and easy access to their own care records and technology e.g. ‘virtual meetings’ and enabling a culture of ‘no decision about me without me’

3.2 The Strategy has the following main objectives:

1.  Support the seamless operation of mental health and learning disability services covering Leeds, York, Selby and parts of North Yorkshire by providing a fully integrated Information and IT infrastructure (by end 2014)

2.  Complete the move to a Trust-wide electronic patient record (EPR) used by all clinical services that fully supports the integrated care pathways approach being deployed as part of redesigning community and inpatient services (by end 2015 – to meet NHS England guidance on implementing EPRs)

3.  Support the introduction of new technology and infrastructure in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs in the provision of clinical care and support services such as telecare and telehealth, mobile/agile working, centralised document management and web based services (2012-2015)

4.  Improve the level of partnership working with Social Care and other care providers by aligning processes and systems wherever feasible (2013-16)

5.  Undertake an incremental programme that supports the achievement of or progress towards the following NHS-wide objectives, set out in the NHS Information Strategy ‘the Power of Information’ :

a.  Transferring electronically and in standard interoperable format all correspondence about service users between professionals and services.

b.  Making wider use of alternatives to face-to-face consultations eg Telecare,Telehealth including virtual meetings where this improves value for money and patient experience.

c.  Improving data quality, including universal use of the NHS Number.

d.  Using online technology to allow service users to access and participate in their health care, including entering information into their care records.

e.  Using secure electronic links to transfer information to users.

f.  Improving medicines management to support safer, more effective care

6.  Ensure that Informatics continues to provide ‘best value’ by evaluating alternative service delivery mechanisms including the rationalisation of IT Services (in particular Service Desk and data centre operations) and the provision of ‘Cloud’ based services i.e. services delivered by external organisations via the Web where appropriate

7  Continue the integration of the Trust’s voice and data services network and provide the necessary infrastructure to support the move towards agile and flexible working including the provision of wireless networks (WIFI), ‘hot desk’ facilities, mobile devices and a secure and resilient infrastructure to support remote and home working (2014/15)

8  Develop the organisation’s use of information as a resource to support clinical governance, improve efficiency and support service development and patient care

9  Develop the integration of information from different sources including activity, workforce, finance, outcomes and risk to enable a wider range of analyses to be undertaken

10  Ensure that all staff are trained to make effective use of information systems, email and the Web including the use of social media tools

11  Ensure that staff are adequately equipped with the appropriate IT technology to enable them to provide and utilise information in support of the business and to meet the Trust’s strategic objectives

12  Ensure adequate access and security controls are in place to manage access to the IT network, network systems and the information they hold

13  Minimise the risk of data loss or interruption of IT services by ensuring that appropriate security, environmental controls, system backup and disaster recovery procedures are in place

14  Ensure that ICT fully contributes to the Trust’s environmental (‘green’) Strategy by reducing energy costs and the overall carbon footprint that is generated by the use of IT across the Trust.

3.3 In order to support the achievement of these objectives the following technology based initiatives will play a key role in enabling the efficient delivery of the strategy:

1.  The replacement of paper medical records by electronic records (EPR)

2.  The development of Health and Care Record systems (in conjunction with Suppliers) to support the requirement for patients/service users to access and manage their care records online.

3.  Ensuring NHS and non-NHS healthcare systems can ‘talk’ to each other (interoperability) in order to support the new national strategy to “connect all” systems rather than “replace all” and to support the electronic exchange of information and documentation.

4.  Provision of mobile technology (including notebooks, tablets/slates and smart phones) to enable staff to adopt more agile and flexible work practices resulting in improved quality and efficiency of care delivery.

5.  Widespread deployment of modern IT infrastructure and systems such as collaboration tools, single sign-on technology, high capacity 3G/4G and WIFI networks and advanced document management tools (digital dictation, voice recognition) in order to reduce administration, improve productivity and support standardisation where appropriate.