Learning & Teaching Management


·  Personalized space caters to individual learning needs and privacy

·  Will improve; collaboration, organisation and storage

·  Will provide a student with individual learning space

·  Links to assessments, portfolios and archives work

·  Opportunity for student self assessment (students responsible for meeting outcomes across all domains)

·  Opportunity to create individual learning plans

·  Opportunity to create contextual differences between faculties / year levels/schools

·  Opportunity to create customised learning sequences (assign specific tasks and resources) and customised types of assessment that is available 24/7

·  Allows for greater tracking of students either; individually or groups of students

·  Streamline learning tasks

·  Opportunity for student input into their learning sequence and tasks

·  In using this technology teachers will improve their ICT skills

·  Opportunity for more dynamic curriculum planning (updating and refinement)

·  Access of course and unit outlines (created by templates or imported direct)

·  Opportunity to create a whole school scope and sequence that is centrally stored and allows for identification of any gaps in the curriculum

·  Opportunity for teachers or teams to understand their teaching responsibility

·  Greater potential for interdisciplinary learning (particularly for secondary schools)

·  Teachers can see more easily what is being done across classes and years

·  Students and parents can see the links between classes and learning taking place

·  Opportunity for transparency between schools and parents

·  Opportunity for consistency between classes

·  Opportunity for less confronting communication and feedback

·  ONE STOP SHOP of teaching and learning resources (storage of resources; DLR, Vels, VCAA, VET) that will grow as teachers add to it


·  Creation and integration of timetables, rolls and class lists

·  Attendance records for teachers and parents

·  Ease of tracking students and accessing their records when moving between schools

·  Improved / expanded communication (emails and messaging)

·  Supports schools operations (OHS, student management, attendance etc)

·  Support resources management (e.g booking of equipment)

·  Tracking communication to families and standardising

·  Potential for less photocopying


·  Accessible to other teachers

·  Accessible over time

·  Enable shared responsibility for learning – student, teacher parent

·  Tracking student submission

·  Easier drafting process, collaboration and resubmission to support learning and success

·  Allows for documented student reflection

·  Allows for easier moderation

·  Allows for easier program assessment

·  Indicates patterns or trends

·  Opportunity for formative and summative assessment of content and practice

·  Gives teachers a better view of the student eg performance across other areas

·  Opportunity to coordinate submission dates across facilities

·  Timely delivery of assessment tasks

·  Timely delivery of feedback eg survey monkey

·  Easier access of results and tasks

·  Easier to manage reports and data


·  Allows for formative assessment to occur

·  Ongoing assessment portfolio

·  Current data accessible

·  Access to reports and progress

·  Report writing time is more efficient

·  Unscheduled reporting made easier (ad hoc reports)

·  Continuous reporting to parents and students means less pressure at reporting time

·  Standardised reporting (mid / end of semester)

·  Immediate feedback on tasks

·  Tracking students across schools (transitions)

·  Immediate feedback on reports


·  Collaboration between teaching staff within areas teams (continuity between what is happening in classrooms.

·  Inter-school

·  Intra-school

·  Tasks

·  Assignments

·  Academic tournaments

·  Forums, blogs, messaging, wikis

·  Within class

·  Access to huge range of resources developed by teachers

School info

·  Central meeting schedules and calendars (excursions, what’s on, etc.)

·  Easier access

·  Unit / Curriculum info

·  Easier updates

·  Streamlined data

Student Info


·  Timetables

·  Portfolio of work

·  Enrolments – course details

Staff info


·  Houses P&D performance plans

·  Improved confidentiality

·  Centrally stored staff info profiles, roles and responsibilities,, timetables