Biology I
Evolution Unit –Chapter 10 & 11
Vocabulary(worth 2 grades)
Use the Alligator Biology Book to define the following terms:
- Evolution- change over time
- Species pg. 298
- Fossil-the preserved remains of ancient organisms
- Gradualism pg. 301
- Adaptation- any inherited characteristics that increases an organism’s chance of survival
- Behavioral adaptation-adaptations such as migration orhibernation that can help allow an individual to survive
- Physical adaptation- adaptations such as feathers or webbed feet that can help allow an individual to survive
- Natural selection pg. 305
- Artificial selection pg. 304
- Population- members of the same species in the same place at the same time
- Fitness- the ability of an organism to survive
- Homologous Structure- structures made from the same embryonic tissue but have different functions
- Analogous Structures- structures that have the same functions but are made from different tissues and structures
- Vestigial structures- Structure that no longer have a useful purpose or function in modern organisms but did in ancient ones
- Paleontology pg. 316
- Gene pool- all the alleles or genes in a population
- Gene flow- the loss or gain (movement) of genes in a population, controlled by immigration and emigration
- Genetic drift- changes in a population’s gene pool due to chance
- Reproductive isolation- when species can’t interbreed and produce fertile offspring
- Behavioral isolation- species can’t reproduce due to differences in courtship rituals or other behavioral differences
- Geographical isolation- when species can’t reproduce because they are separated by geographical barriers such as rivers, mountains, or other bodies of water.
- Temporal Isolation- when species can’t reproduce because they reproduce at different times
- Extinction- the dying out of a species
- Co Evolution –a pattern of evolution that shows two species evolving together
- Punctuated equilibrium pg. 351
- Convergent Evolution- a pattern of evolution that shows unrelated species evolving with similar characteristics, shown by analogous structures
- Divergent Evolution- a pattern of evolution that shows new species being formed from a common ancestor, shown by homologous structures
- Adaptive radiation- a type of divergent evolution in which one species splits into many different related species
- Stabilizing selection- when average individuals are favored by nature
- Direction selection- when nature favors the individuals with the most extreme trait
- Disruptive selection- when nature favors the extreme in both direction, but not the average individuals
- Founder effect- when a small population repopulates or colonizes in a new area by chance
- Bottleneck effect- the drastic reduction of a population by chance
- Origin of the Species- The book published by Darwin in 1895 thjat described the process of natural selection
- Survival of the fittest- Also known as natural selection
- Speciation- the formation of a new species
- Law of Inheritance of Acquired Traits- a species would pass on to its offspring any frequently used, larger characteristics or any unused, smaller characteristic, proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
- Caron-14- Radioactive isotope used to measure the age of fossils less than 50,000 years old.
- Comparative anatomy- the study of very similar structures in different species
- Charles Darwin- Naturalist, considered the Father of Evolution, visited the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle, studied finches and tortoises, wrote the book On the Origin of Species
- Jean Baptiste de Lamarck- French Naturalist who prosed the selective use or disuse of an organ, organismsacquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime and then passed those traits on to their offspring
- The Theory of Biogenesis- only living things come from living things
- Abiogenesis- The idea that life can arise from non-living things, also known as Spontaneous generation
- Paleozoic Era- Evidence of marine life and plants(multicellular organism appeared)
- Cambrian Explosion- early part of the Paleozoic era, a huge diversity of animals species evolved
- Mesozoic Era- Age of the Reptiles (Dinosaurs)
- Cenozoic Era- Mammals emerged, the era we live in today
Important Dates for this unit:
**Evolution Flashcards are due by Monday, February 29th. **
**Evolution Flashcard Quiz: Monday, March 7th. **
**Nine Weeks Test: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8th and 9th. **
**Case 21 Test: Thursday, March 24th. **
**Evolution Test: Friday, March 26th. **
**Spring Break: March 14th-18th. **
**Easter Holiday: Friday and Monday, March 25th and March 28th. **