Biology I

Evolution Unit –Chapter 10 & 11

Vocabulary(worth 2 grades)

Use the Alligator Biology Book to define the following terms:

  1. Evolution- change over time
  2. Species pg. 298
  3. Fossil-the preserved remains of ancient organisms
  4. Gradualism pg. 301
  5. Adaptation- any inherited characteristics that increases an organism’s chance of survival
  6. Behavioral adaptation-adaptations such as migration orhibernation that can help allow an individual to survive
  7. Physical adaptation- adaptations such as feathers or webbed feet that can help allow an individual to survive
  8. Natural selection pg. 305
  9. Artificial selection pg. 304
  10. Population- members of the same species in the same place at the same time
  11. Fitness- the ability of an organism to survive
  12. Homologous Structure- structures made from the same embryonic tissue but have different functions
  13. Analogous Structures- structures that have the same functions but are made from different tissues and structures
  14. Vestigial structures- Structure that no longer have a useful purpose or function in modern organisms but did in ancient ones
  15. Paleontology pg. 316
  16. Gene pool- all the alleles or genes in a population
  17. Gene flow- the loss or gain (movement) of genes in a population, controlled by immigration and emigration
  18. Genetic drift- changes in a population’s gene pool due to chance
  19. Reproductive isolation- when species can’t interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  20. Behavioral isolation- species can’t reproduce due to differences in courtship rituals or other behavioral differences
  21. Geographical isolation- when species can’t reproduce because they are separated by geographical barriers such as rivers, mountains, or other bodies of water.
  22. Temporal Isolation- when species can’t reproduce because they reproduce at different times
  23. Extinction- the dying out of a species
  24. Co Evolution –a pattern of evolution that shows two species evolving together
  25. Punctuated equilibrium pg. 351
  26. Convergent Evolution- a pattern of evolution that shows unrelated species evolving with similar characteristics, shown by analogous structures
  27. Divergent Evolution- a pattern of evolution that shows new species being formed from a common ancestor, shown by homologous structures
  28. Adaptive radiation- a type of divergent evolution in which one species splits into many different related species
  29. Stabilizing selection- when average individuals are favored by nature
  30. Direction selection- when nature favors the individuals with the most extreme trait
  31. Disruptive selection- when nature favors the extreme in both direction, but not the average individuals
  32. Founder effect- when a small population repopulates or colonizes in a new area by chance
  33. Bottleneck effect- the drastic reduction of a population by chance
  34. Origin of the Species- The book published by Darwin in 1895 thjat described the process of natural selection
  35. Survival of the fittest- Also known as natural selection
  36. Speciation- the formation of a new species
  37. Law of Inheritance of Acquired Traits- a species would pass on to its offspring any frequently used, larger characteristics or any unused, smaller characteristic, proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
  38. Caron-14- Radioactive isotope used to measure the age of fossils less than 50,000 years old.
  39. Comparative anatomy- the study of very similar structures in different species
  40. Charles Darwin- Naturalist, considered the Father of Evolution, visited the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle, studied finches and tortoises, wrote the book On the Origin of Species
  41. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck- French Naturalist who prosed the selective use or disuse of an organ, organismsacquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime and then passed those traits on to their offspring
  42. The Theory of Biogenesis- only living things come from living things
  43. Abiogenesis- The idea that life can arise from non-living things, also known as Spontaneous generation
  44. Paleozoic Era- Evidence of marine life and plants(multicellular organism appeared)
  45. Cambrian Explosion- early part of the Paleozoic era, a huge diversity of animals species evolved
  46. Mesozoic Era- Age of the Reptiles (Dinosaurs)
  47. Cenozoic Era- Mammals emerged, the era we live in today

Important Dates for this unit:

**Evolution Flashcards are due by Monday, February 29th. **

**Evolution Flashcard Quiz: Monday, March 7th. **

**Nine Weeks Test: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8th and 9th. **

**Case 21 Test: Thursday, March 24th. **

**Evolution Test: Friday, March 26th. **


**Spring Break: March 14th-18th. **

**Easter Holiday: Friday and Monday, March 25th and March 28th. **