Hip-hop Grand Finals Competition Mechanics:

  1. Review of Entry

It is estimated that 38 winners by category, a total of 114 winners for all category will compete in the hip-hop grand finals. All official entries of qualifying round winners will be reviewed. TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will call or email qualifying round winners for confirmation of their attendance and participation in the Grand Finals competition. Winners may have the option to retain or change their group music. If they decide to change their music selection, they are asked to submit their new music recorded in CD to:

The office of TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre, located at the 2nd Flr. Unit 2-I City Walk Bldg., M. L. Quezon Extn. Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City (After Antipolo Doctor’s Hospital and before Vista Mall and Nayong Silangan), 1 week before the Grand Finals competition.

The group’s name and category must be printed on the CD.

The group is required to provide the following music information in writing to TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre prior to the event for each song used in the routine. a. Title, b. Artist, c. Composer, d. Publisher e. Recording Company

  1. Category

There will be two (2) categories in the competition:

  1. Junior Category – consists of students who are from 7 to 12 years old.
  1. Senior Category –consists of students who are from 13-20 years old.
  1. Group Composition

3.1Any group of students who won during the qualifying roundwill compete in the Grand Finals competition.

3.2The age range of members should be from 7 to 12 years old if Junior Category and from 13 to 20 years old if Senior Category.

3.3The group should have a minimum of ten (10) members and a maximum of twenty (20) members.

  1. Forms

All official entries of qualifying round winners will be reviewed. This includes their entry form, waiver form and medical clearance signed by their school doctor,

  1. Substitution

In the event that a registered member is absent or cannot perform on the day of the competition, substitution of the member can be made as long as 90% of the group members is retained.

The substitute member should submit to TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre all necessary documents such as personal data form, photocopy of school ID, medical clearance, and waiver form before he/she can be allowed to compete.

  1. Medical Requirements

It is the responsibility of the group member coach/teacher to report a member’s injury or illness to TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre.

If at any time prior or during the competition that a member becomes ill or his/her health condition is at risk, he/she may be declared ineligible to compete.

The group should have a “stand-by substitute member” to replace any member who would be declared ineligible to complete. The substitute member should prepare in advance all the necessary document forms such as personal data form, photocopy of the school ID, medical clearance and the waiver form signed by the substitute member and his/her parents/guardian.

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre reserves the right to withdraw any member found to be ill or who appears to have serious injury from competing.

  1. Costume, Props and Attire

Members should wear clothing reflecting real character and personality style of the hip-hop or urban street environment. The costume should not be offensive or out of character.

Discarded clothing should not be thrown off the stage to the audience.

Support gear such as knee pads, helmets, or any performing apparatus to aid in proper execution of a move is allowed.

Appropriate footwear must be worn. Laces must be fastened and secured.

All jewelry must be removed.

Costume, hair style and make-up should be appropriate to the age of the group member.

No chewing gum is allowed during performance on stage.

Body oils, glitter, powder or other substances applied to the body or clothing that may affect the clean dry surface of the stage and the safety of the fellow competitors are prohibited. Props and confetti are strictly not allowed.

Using of pyro technics and fire crackers are prohibited, the group who violates this rule is automatically disqualified.

  1. Music Requirements
  1. The dance routine must be performed in its entirety to music selected and prepared by the group. TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will not provide the group music.
  1. Group competition music must be the only piece of music recorded on a CD format. The CD must be in good condition containing no scratches. It is a group’s responsibility to keep a backup CD available at all times for use.
  1. The group’s name and category must be printed on the CD.
  1. There is no maximum or minimum number of songs or recordings that may be used in the routine.

Note: the judging panel concludes that fewer songs may be preferable over multiple music selections/mixes allowing for greater group focus on continuous dancing.

  1. Sound effects and original compositions are permitted. Groups are highly cautioned and advised against the music becoming too complex with too many edits, sound effects or songs preventing them from exhibiting a clean and continuous dance performance.
  1. The competition music must not contain inappropriate, lewd or offensive language.
  1. The group is required to provide the following music information in writing to TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre prior to the event for each song used in the routine. a. Title, b. Artist, c. Composer, d. Publisher e. Recording Company
  1. Due to varying copyright laws, TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre reserves the right to ask the group to replace the music for one that is acceptable for another piece of music of TM-Bennehodrik’s choice for such situations.
  1. Stage, Sound & Lighting & Venue

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will provide the stage venue, lights & sound system during the qualifying rounds.

The venue for the Grand Finals competition will be at the UP Film Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. Tickets will be sold to schools of the group finalists. An overall award for the “Most Popular Group” will be given to the most number of attendees during the event.

The Grand Finals competition will be on March 24, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The Junior and Senior will have different schedule for the Grand Finals. TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will officially open the entrance doors to guests, family and friends of the participants at exactly 9:00 a.m. The Junior Category competition will start at exactly 10:00 a.m. and is projected to end by 1:15 p.m. Senior Category competition will follow. It is estimated to start by 1:30 p.m. and will end by 4:45 p.m.

The school head or school principal is encouraged to bring in their students for moral support. The UP Film Institute is a large venue that can hold a lot of people.

The Junior Category and Senior Category competition will be done accordingly. All winners will be announced after all categories have been called.

  1. Technical Rehearsal

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will be the one to test the grand finalists’ CD music There will be no stage blocking or dance rehearsal for all participants.

JuniorCategory participants are requested to go to the dressing room at 9:00 a.m. for costume change and make-up at the backstage. After their performance, they are requested to vacate the dressing room and be inside the UP Institute to allow the Senior Category participants to occupy the dressing room. Reserved seats are allotted for the participants. By 5:00 p.m., they are requested to go backstage and wait for the announcement of the winners.

Senior Category participants are requested to go to the dressing room at 12:30 p.m. for costume change and make-up at the backstage. After their performance, they are requested to vacate the dressing room and be inside the UP Institute to allow the Open Category participants to occupy the dressing room. Reserved seats are allotted for the participants for the entire duration of the event. By 5:00 p.m., they are requested to go backstage and wait for the announcement of the winners.

Confirmation of attendance/presence of group finalists must be made to TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre by 9:00 a.m., one (1) hour before the start of the grand finals competition.

  1. Food & Beverage

Food and beverage are allowed for the audience to bring in the venue. They can also buy from any food stalls at the UP Film Institute.. But we advise participants and guests to practice the CLAYGO rule – “CLEAN AS YOU GO”. Trash bins are provided in the area.

  1. Filming and Photo Shoot

It is allowed for the school coaches/teachers, students or guests to film or photograph their school group representatives. But this should be done on their designated seats discreetly to avoid disturbance or distraction from the other members of the audience.

No one is allowed to stand, sit, or kneel in front of the stage.

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will allow two (2) school coaches/teachers or students to act as the school’s videographers or photographers when it is their school group representative’s turn to perform on stage. These two (2) school videographers or photographers will be stationed at each opposite side of the stage to document their school group representative’s performance.

  1. Performance Order

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre reserves the right to determine the performance order.

  1. Performance Time
  1. Minimum time = 3 minutes
  2. Maximum time = 3 minutes and 30 seconds

Performance time includes the entrance and exit to and from the stage, the dance proper and the curtsy. Performance time that exceeds the maximum allowance, greater than 3 minutes and 30 secondswill have automatic 3 point deduction.

  1. Criteria

The following will be considered during the group performance:

  1. Performance criteria = 50% or five points of the total score

Creativity (10%)

Staging, Spacing, Formations, and Level changes (10%) Showmanship, Intensity, Confidence, Projection & Presence (10%)

Street Presence/Attire (10%)

Entertainment Value/Audience Appeal (10%)

  1. Skill criteria = 50% or five points of the total score

Musicality (10%)

Synchronization/Timing (10%)

Execution/Controlled Mobility and Stabilization (10%)

Difficulty of Execution of Authentic Street Dance Styles (10%)

Variety of Street Dance Styles (10%)

A minimum of three (3) street dance styles must be performed in a routine to receive Variety points. The more styles a group includes and performs correctly in the routine the higher the variety score will be. The group should include in their performance a broad selection of street dance styles selected from the list provided without excessive use of the same move or patterns. A varied range of styles should be shown in the choreography of arm, leg, and body movements.

The following are a list of Street Dance Styles from early foundation to present: Locking Popping Bboying/Bgirling (breaking) Wacking/Punking Vogueing House Dance Party Dances or Club Dances (popular or trendy dances) Hip Hop Dance/Choreography Krumping Stepping/Gumboots

Traditional dance and folklore is welcome and considered part of a street dance routine.

  1. Board of Judges

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will set its own criteria for selecting eligibility, training skill level, and certification for credible, qualified and appropriate BATTLEGROUNDS Judges.

TM-Bennehodrik reserves the right to determine the panel of judges.

The panel of judges will consist of three (3) persons. There will be 3 different panels of judges for each category.

  1. List of Deductions
  1. All group members not on stage for the opening of the performance or for exiting during or re-entering the stage during the routine .1
  2. Late Start - failure to appear on stage within 30 seconds of being announced .05
  3. Grandstanding .05
  4. Pre start - pre-performance display greater than ten (10) seconds .05
  5. Fall trip or stumble/per occurrence - Major .1
  6. Fall trip or stumble/per occurrence - Minor .05
  7. False start/unsubstantiated .1
  8. Music Length – dance routine music exceeds 3 minutes .1
  9. Music Contains inappropriate language .1
  10. No inclusion of continuous uninterrupted music segment .15
  11. Lewd gestures, comments or movements/per occurrence .05
  12. Head stand/spin, tumbling, tossing and other dangerous stunts .2
  13. Clothing or props tossed into audience .05
  14. Use of props .1
  15. Clothing/shoes inappropriate .05
  16. Attire not intact (untied laces /clothing articles) .05
  17. Use of body oils, paints or other substances that affect the performance area .05
  1. Final Calculation
  1. Ten (10) points equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) is the possible highest score.
  1. Ranking will be used to get the final result of the tabulation.
  1. Any point deductions made by the ADJUDICATOR are deducted from the total score before arriving at an average total score.
  1. Any problem, discrepancy during the competition will be brought to the attention of TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre and the adjudicator and the respective decision(s) made will be final.
  1. Misinterpretation due to translation or interpretation of rules will resolved according to English version (as per English dictionary).
  1. Any protests are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.

Judging shall be carried out to utilizing the “Ranking System” and in case of a tie, the Point System shall be applied to break the same. Should there still be a tie after applying the point system, the judges led by their chairman shall agree on the means on how to break it. Judges decision is Final and IRREVOCABLE.

  1. False Start

An extraordinary circumstance occurs beyond the control of the group that affects their ability to perform at the beginning or any time in their performance, including and not limited to:

  1. Incorrect music played or cued music
  2. Problems due to equipment malfunction
  3. Disturbances caused by technical difficulty : lighting, stage, venue or sound
  4. Introduction of foreign object into the stage area, by an individual or means other than the group
  1. Management of Technical Faults
  1. Stop a performance immediately if it occurs at the beginning or during the routine.
  1. TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre, adjudicator and the judges will review the situation, and upon confirming a decision and correction of the problem, will re-introduce the group to return and restart the routine.
  1. Claim of an extraordinary circumstance by the group after the routine or performance has been completed WILL NOT be considered, accepted, or reviewed at all.
  1. Prizes

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre will award the following:

  1. Champion of each category: Trophy and P20,000.00
  2. Schools of the Champions of each category: P5,000.00

Special Award will be given to the group finalists:

  1. Overall Most Popular Group = P10,000.00 (most number of attendees or ticket sales) to be given a.1) to the school (for Junior and Senior Categories only) and/or a.2) to the Open category participants who have invited a lot of guests and sold a lot of tickets.
  2. Overall Best Costume Award = 5,000.00
  1. Defaults

Groups that do not appear, or are not ready to perform, or incomplete fifteen (15) minutes after the last call of the scheduled slot will lose by default.

  1. Walk-outs

TM-Bennehodrik Arts Centre promotes the values of good sportsmanship, and good camaraderie among others. School heads or school principals, coaches, and teachers are encouraged to remind their group representative members and students to practice these values at all times.

Walking out, boo-ing, and saying profane language are not good reflection of the school he/she represents. This is not what Rizaleños should be like. Acceptance of defeat, gaining friends, respect for others and humility should be executed at all times. After all, it is how one has given his/her best that matters most and its values in undergoing the discipline and hard work of rehearsals and performance.