Approved 5-09-17


6:00 P.M.

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Community Center; 615 School St.


Call to orderby Joe Grennell at 6pm

Board Attendance: Oatman, Grennell, Pomasl, Listle

Pledge of Allegiance

Posting of meetingsverified by clerk

Motion to Approve Agendaby Listle/Pomasl, All Ayes; Motion Carried

Motion to Approve Prior Month Minutesby Oatman/Listle, All Ayes; Motion Carried

Motion to Approve bills/financialsby Pomasl/Listle,All Ayes; Motion Carried

Public Comments

  • Myra Oatman asked about an ordinance on junk vehicles sitting on properties with in the village.
  • Chris Oatman read a letter from the Lake Association about the trout pond that was at the Independence Day Celebrations.
  • Judy Popelka asked the board if a Board of Health meeting could be held in the community center possibly in September 2017.

Unfinished Business

New Business

  • Discussion with a Motion by Grennell/Oatman to Order 2 Changing Center & 2 High Chairs for Community Center not to exceed $700, All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Trustee Reports

  • Centennial Thank you Ad-Chris Oatman is working on finalizing.
  • Troutland-Mary Lou Pomasl-Patrick Peters is doing well in the EMT classes, Ambulance will be going in for an inspection in Rhinelander, EMT’s decided to leave the service as is and not change to basic, they will be ordering a laptop and installing Quickbooks to record all the financial information, and the cot inspections will be done by a new company and at the same time as Antigo does theirs.
  • Fire Department-Patsy Listle-All inspections are done except the Loggers Hotel, Dan is setting up the appointment to get that done this week. Nick DeHart ordered supplies/small equipment from Pomasl’s under the Remmington Grant. Firefighters cleaned the station on Saturday. They ordered new pagers, their current ones are outdated. They had combined training with Wolf River Fire Dept on ladder training. They have a new fire fighter, Brandon Teagan, he already has all the training and is moving to the area.
  • Door Project update-Patsy Listle-Buck started working on making a door opening between the library and the community center. Automatic doors will have to be looked at another time. They are much more costly than originally thought.
  • Independence Day Celebration Committee meeting tentatively set for Wednesday, April 19th at 6pm.

Clerk’s Report by Carol Blawat

  • New computer was put in Village Office. Pat Jaskolski ordered and installed everything. The total cost of was approx. $475 vs another quote of $975. Motion was made by Listle/Pomasl to authorize Carol to get Pat a $100 Visa gift card as a thank you donation for all his efforts, All Ayes; Motion Carried.
  • Liquor License Packets will be mailed out by the end of the week. It will be on the June Agenda for the board to approve them.
  • Spring Clean-up with Waste Management is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017.
  • Severe Weather Awareness Week is next week, April 17th- 21st, 2017. On Thursday, April 20th at 1:45pm there will be a state-wide mock tornado drill of the sirens.
  • Congratulation to Patsy Listle and Joe Grennell on being reelected for another 2 year term at the April 4th election. There new term starts 4-18-17.

Public Works Report-Scott is on vacation. Nothing to report.

Motion to Adjourn at 6:50pm by Pomasl/Listle, All Ayes; Motion Carried.

Carol Blawat
