A2C2 Minutes for September 20, 2006

Kryzsko Commons Dining Rooms C & D

Attendees: Larry Bergin, Rodney Nowosielski, Ed Thompson, Sara Hein, Sudharson Iyengar, Dan Kauffman, Melanie Reap, Paul Johnson, Steve Allard, Juan Fernandez-Iglesias, Shellie Nelson, Greg Schmidt, Allison Quam, Bill Murphy, Robin O'Callaghan, Chris Malone, Pat Paulson, Rich MacDonald, Catherine Nosek, Steve Juaire, Nathan Moore, Matt Bosworth, Ron Elcombe, Ruth Charles, Brian Aldrich, Barb Boseker, Sharon Mansur, Ann Rethlefsen

Guests: Bruno Borsari, Burke Smejkal

I.  Call to Order- The meeting was called to order at 3:34 pm by Chair Ann Rethlefsen.

II.  Adoption of Agenda-addition of VIII, notifications and one time course offerings. Murphy/Elcombe m/s to adopt. Motion passes unanimously.

III.  Approval of Minutes: September 6, 2006.
Item IIB.7. – correct name misspelling, Rita Rahoi-Gilchrest
Clarify IIB. Lori Beseler did not attend meeting, rather Chair Rethlefsen reported on issues that were discussed prior to the meeting with Ms. Beseler.
Steve Juaire/Cathy Nosek-m/s to approve. Motion passes

IV.  Chair’s Report-clarify how long is the chair’s term, based on election held on 9/6/2006: 2 years

V.  General Education Course Substitution Requests: None

VI.  Course & Program Proposal Subcommittee Report: Ed Thompson—from September 13, 2006. The CPPS recommends approval/disapproval of the following courses and programs. Committee did not meet, no report.

A.  Revised Program

1. ART

2. None

VII.  University Studies Subcommittee Report, J. Paul Johnson – from September 13, 2006. The USS recommends approval/disapproval of the following courses.
J. Paul Johnson reported on the meeting.


ENGR 102, 390, and 480 are listed as electives for SSP, but SSP can be completed only with the full sequence of all three courses. Note: when doing registration it was noted that courses are not showing up when doing a search, You can search by USP code, can see U&D listing, but there were courses that did not show up on the USP page.

B. COURSE EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL. Approved courses in the Basic Skills expire at end of fall semester, 2007. The renewal process for these courses begins this semester, with USP Director notifying chairs of renewal process.


Unity & Diversity: Contemporary Citizenship: MKTG 101, Experiential Entrepreneurship (3), Mark Young
A2C2 adopted subcommittee recommendation, unanimously.


BIOL 427, Adv. Top.: Biomedical Ethics (WSU, 3 s.h.) for Unity & Diversity: Science and Social Policy, Jesse Clark. This was a cross referenced course, also was PHIL 330.
A2C2 adopted subcommittee recommendation, unanimously.

BIOL 499, Capstone Research: Agroecology (WSU, 3 s.h.) for Critical Analysis Flag, Burke Smejkal. Subcommittee has recommended disapproval. This course now is a writing flag, had been critical analysis flag course previously, approved March 2006, curriculum updated for Fall 2006. Student addressed and answered questions from A2C2 committee members. Burke declared Professional Studies major in spring 2006. Professor Bruno Borsari also offered support for the student’s situation. Student went through program planning in January, 2006, before this course ‘flag category’ was changed. It had been listed as a Critical Analysis Flag on the books at the time. A2C2 disapproves subcommittee motion to disapprove students request.
Motion to approve Juaire/Nosek. Motion passes unanimously.

IFSM 304, Ethics in the Information Age (U of Marlyland, 3 s.h.) for Unity & Diversity: Contemporary Citizenship, Samuel Siebenaler
This one has been tabled.
ART 433, Independent Study: Printmaking (WSU, 1 s.h.) for Arts & Science Core: Fine & Performing Arts, Sarah Yeiter
Subcommittee recommends disapproval. Student not present. A2C2 approves motion to disapprove.

ARCH 102, Pre-Architecture Design (Iowa State U, 4 s.h.) for Arts & Science Core: Fine & Performing Arts, Nicole Lentin
This one has been tabled.

VIII.  Old Business:

A.  New language and form revision Notifications- Ed Thompson presented revisions to Regulation 3-4, A2C2 members provided with marked up copy.
Motion to adopt Nosek/Moore. Motion passes.

B.  Report from Online Committee- Pat Paulson submitted the A2C2 Online Education Subcommittee recommendations for 4 items:
1. Definition of an ‘online course’
2. Revision of Term Course Input Form (TCF)
3. Revision of Regulation 3-4
4. Review of online courses
After discussion a motion was made by Malone, seconded by Boseker to approve using the MnSCU definition of online course, which is “Predominately = where all, or nearly all, course activity occurs in an online environment. One to two activities may occur face-to-face in a classroom, with the maximum being two activities. This motion passed unanimously. After further discuss it was decided to table the remaining three recommendations until the Registrar’s office provides definition of the course media codes.

Notifications and One Time Course Offerings
Chair Ann Rethlefsen read the following notifications to the committee.

C.  From RESC 232: Interdisciplinary Approach to an GS 232: Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean

D.  From RESC 233: Interdisciplinary Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants in U.S. Society to GS 233: Latin American and Caribbean Immigration to United States

E.  From RESC 234: Interdisciplinary Appraoch to Gender and Latin American Society through 20th Century Literature to WAGS 234: Gender and Latin American Society through 20th Century Literature

F.  From RESC 235: Interdisciplinary approach to Women and Social Justice Issues in Latin America to WAGS 235: Gender and Social Justice Issues in Latin America

G.  One Time Course Offering: MCOM 438: Journalism/Photojournalism Capstone

H.  One Time Course Offering: ECON 200: Experiencing Economics of Another Culture

I.  One Time Course Offering: MCOM 407: Issues Promotion

J.  One Time Course Offering: MCOM 447: International Advertising

IX.  New Business: None

X.  Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10pm by Chair Ann Rethlefsen.