Delano Tiger Athletic Booster Club

Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2012

1.  Introductions/Attendee’s: Vicki Noetzelman, Jan Lemke, Julie Giese, Kevin Max, Marie Thomas, Shelby Peters, Denise Burke, Holli Arthur, Roxanne Johnson, Janeen Peterson, Carolyn Gallagher, Pete Dubay, Christy McLain, Mindy Vieau, Kevin Noetzelman, Jill Arens, Patti Lemmerman

2.  Secretary report – June 10, 2012 Minutes, Approve at the end of the meeting

Motion by: One change as noted by Vicki. Motion by Pete Dubay 2nd: Carolyn Gallagher Approved

3.  Financial Report – June 10, 2012, Approve at the end of the meeting

Motion by: Kevin Max 2nd: Julie Giese Approved

4.  Old Business:

a.  Pavers: Display to be set up!

i.  Status of new paver orders: Vicki is working on getting a paver with the school’s motto. Once that is completed, construction will begin.

b.  4th of July Beer Tent – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - $900

c.  Give ‘n Grow – $246.24

d.  Program Jacket Ads – 2012-2013

i.  How are phone calls going? Follow-up with your businesses and if they indicate they don’t have the packet, you can send them the information that Vicki sent out after the meeting.

ii. Deadline – August 17!

iii.  First events – Tennis, Soccer and Cross Country

iv.  Need to make sure Program Jackets are at each event as advertisers have asked where they are.

e.  Gold Cards – August 19, Meet in the Cafeteria at 5:30

1.  Each team will need two adult drivers and four kids per car. Work with your Coaches on communicating/organizing this.

ii. Rezoning team update: Sub-group is meeting on Wednesday. Will review the maps on the packets and the letter that is used when residents are not home.

iii.  Number of cards to order? 600?-Sub-group to review.

iv.  Notice in the paper – to Ryan G or Matt K

v. Check and see if any of these businesses have cards left from last year. Flippin’ Bills, Doreen’s: Jan to check at Flippin Bill’s to see if he has any cards from last year. Denise will check with Doreen’s and Mindy will check with Jaunich Tire.

vi.  Marie Thomas will check about adding a promotion to the electronic sign as you enter the school.

vii.  Pete Dubay will check with the vendor to see if Napa Auto can be added to the Gold Card.

5.  New Business:

a.  Spirit Stickers –the group agreed to order 500 stickers. Marie Thomas will check with Administration to see if there is a standard Tiger head that will be used on all correspondence/materials.

b.  HS, MS, Elementary Open House: Marie Thomas to work with a contact at each school regarding selling the stickers at Open House.

i.  Coordinator at each location, Date: Aug 22 or 29. The stickers will be sold for $5 each.

c.  Invite Coaches to a Meeting: All agreed to invite the Coaches to the August 12th meeting.

d.  4th of July Opportunity: Vicki was approached by Alex Roeser about being one of the groups that supports the 4th of July Celebration. Consensus was to have Alex come to a meeting and give an overview of what this entails.

e.  Concession Schedule: Mitch completed the schedule. Mitch will work with the Coaches on when they are assigned to work. Notify your coaches of their schedule and determine if the time slot works for your team. If not, switch and let Mitch know. You will need one adult and three kids to work.

6. Meeting Adjourn: Motion by Christy McLain, 2nd by Shelby Peters. Approved

Congratulations to Delano’s 2011/2012 Conference Champs: Tennis, Boy’s Hockey, Boy’s True Team,

Congrats to state participants: Gymnastics, Wrestling, Baseball

Next Meetings: August 12, 2012 @ Delano High School Cafeteria

Future Meeting Dates: 2012–September 9, October 14, November 11,

December 9, 2013 - January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14