Central York Lacrosse Club
Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2011
- Call to order
Jim Gilhoolcalled to order the regular meeting of the CYLC at 6:05pm on October 16, 2011at the Manchester Township Building.
- Roll call
Julie Slack conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Jim Gilhool, Michelle Kollasch, Steve Lesher, John Kollasch, Carol Ross, Kim Brandstedter, John Yantek, Chad Hoch, Beth Mirkovich, Jeff Mirkovich, Tamie Johnson, David Fahs and Julie Slack
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Minutes were reviewed. The only question that arose surrounded Indoor Lacrosse….were we only accepting CYLC players. John Kollasch asked to present Indoor information in order to answer that question.
- Open issues
a)INDOOR—John Kollasch had checks to give to Steve for deposit.
A few players have decided to forego the Indoor season, while a few other players registered late. This had caused some of the teams to have s shortfall regarding registration fees. To this, John told the board that Lanco has reached out to him asking if we had room for players in our area that do not have a club team represented. It was decided upon that John would reach out to the above mentioned players to recruit outside players. If we cannot fill the teams as we promised Lanco, we may need to increase the fee to the current players. The affected teams appear to be U-13 and U-11. Kim Brandstedter mentioned a fundraiser or a buyout. Due to time constraints, this option is not viable.
b)YCLA—John Yantekpresented a verbiage change within the Youth/Players Code of Conduct….if a player is ejected from a game and moves from the youth level to the high school level the following season, the member club shall be fined $ 100.00. John Kollasch moved to accept the change in verbiage with Jim Gilhool seconding the motion. John Y. will make our position known at the next YCLA meeting.
The second item of YCLA business discussed was the competition level of U13 and U15. “A” teams would belong in the Gold Conference and “B” teams would belong in the Silver Conference. Eight teams from each conference would compete in the end of Season playoffs/Championship game. U9 and U11 remain non-competitive. If, for any reason, a team decides to forego a regularly scheduled season game, that club would be assessed a $50 fine for non-play/forfeiture. The use of a Host Field for regular season play was discussed at the YCLA meeting. The Host Field would be assigned an age group, ie. U15 or U13. The Host Club may only have one game played on a particular day, but would need to man the field for cleanup and property issues/violations. This idea was met with resistance. After a lengthy discussion, the Board agreed that our recommendation would be to keep the use of fields the same as last year…..One club playing against another…..and still keep records needed for the playoffs. Jim Gilhool made the motion to have John Y. relay our thought for Host Field/Host Club to the YCLA. Carol Ross seconded the motion. All were in favor.
c)CYLC SURVEY—Carol Ross created responses to each of the open ended questions/comments that were submitted by the survey respondents. She asked for reference regarding the guidelines or rules that CYLC follows. The order in which we are governed is as follows: US Lacrosse Guidelines, YCLA Guidelines and finally CYLC Guidelines found in the CYLC Handbook. Carol will tweak the responses and get them posted to the website.
d)REGISTRATION—Kim Brandstedter would like to get our registration process on-line. Most other club sports are completed entirely on-line. Kim will also look into using PayPal for Credit Card payments for registration. First year players may find it difficult to register in this fashion due to needing uniforms and gear. In years past, we have vendors available to outfit each new player; as well as, provide larger sizes for existing player’s uniforms and Club apparel. Kim is going to explore the following recommendation:
- Returning players will be given a 10 day window to register for Spring Lacrosse.
- Registration numbers and rosters will be reviewed.
- An “in person” registration will take place for new players needed to fill rosters where needed.
e)BUDGET—Steve Lesher presented the Current balance in our account. He also presented a proposed Spring 2012 budget. The budget included the Girls team funds. Steve will revise the budget to exclude Girls, reduced Game Day supplies and increased Coach development. The revised budget will be presented at the November meeting.
f)NOMINATIONS—The following individuals were nominated by Jim Gilhool and approved by the Board of the CYLC for vacant positions:
Dave Fahs for 1st VP and Scheduling Manager---Kim Brandstedter seconded
Chad Hoch for Athletic Director---Michelle Kollasch seconded
Tamie Johnson for Webmaster---Carol Ross seconded
Jeff Mirkovich for Equipment and Field Manager---Carol Ross seconded
- Action items
a)In light of the issues this past summer, the Board will work to create an expandedcode of conduct for all parents and coaches. The expansion will include expectations, as well as action steps taken at each infraction level.
b)The Board will also revisit the grievance process. Once finalize, the process will be communicated at the time of registration. A form that can be filled out on line and sent to the Board is an action item.
c)Inventory of all equipment is still needed.
d)The Board needs to define guidelines regarding the maximum number of players to field one team, creating a waiting list, and the number of players needed to start a second team.
- Adjournment
Jim Gilhool adjourned the meeting at 8:20pm.