At Home Preparation and Materials Listed by Lesson

The list below is a comprehensive list of materials needed for each lesson included with The Family School – Year 1 Geography course. It does not include the general materials listed in your course syllabus or the materials for the Enrichment section of each lesson, however.

Lesson 1

·  General Geography Flashcards (entire set) either online or hard copy

·  Prepare “The Divisions of Geography Activity” according to instructions in handout 1-1b—Handout: Divisions of Geography Activity Instructions.

·  Prepare to sing 1-1a—Song: All Things Bright and Beautiful (Children’s Songbook, 231)

·  Geography Timeline Card 1.1: Matthew Maury

·  Think of a time the Lord taught you something using a geographic term. See example in the lesson.

·  Gather several items to represent mathematical, physical, and political geography. (Ruler, clock, map, globe, cup of dirt, thermometer, raincoat, plastic animal, leaf, cup of water, plastic army or Indian figure, doll or item from another country, food from a different country, etc.)

·  Prepare to tell a little about the setting of the story you have chosen to read for the Literature section of the lesson and why you chose this book.

·  Take time during the next couple of weeks to help each child decide which country in Asia they would like to study. If you have more than one young child you might want to consider having the little ones work with you on one country while the older children study their own individual countries. You might help them choose by going to the library and selecting books on countries in Asia, or helping them think of individuals they know who have served missions in Asia, etc. The children will be working on these reports during the “Record” section of the “Individual Report” lessons.

Lesson 2

·  For the Strength of Youth pamphlet

·  Faith in God for Girls booklet

·  Faith in God for Boys booklet

Lesson 3

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.2-1.23

·  Make the following word strips:


Milky Way Galaxy

Solar System


Northern or Southern Hemisphere (depending on where you live)

Western or Eastern Hemisphere (depending on where you live)

(Your Latitude)______Degrees (north or south)

(Your Longitude)______Degrees (east or west)

(Your Continent)

(Your Country)

(Your State or Province)

(Your County)

(Your City)

(Your Street)

(Your House Number)

Lesson 4

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.2-1.23 (Mathematical)

·  Hard boil an egg for each child, cool and label each egg with the word “earth.”

Lesson 5

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.2-1.23

·  Learn how to use a thesaurus (using a book or online) so you can teach the children how to look up the word “neat.”

·  Write each child a very short personalized “Thank You” note which is messy, dirty and illegible.

·  Write each child a very short personalized “Thank You” note which is clean and neat and easy to read.

·  Copy two handouts from one of our previous lessons. Fill out one of them using good penmanship and keep it very clean and neat. Fill out another one using very messy penmanship and make it look crumpled, torn, and illegible with doodles all over it.

·  Make sure each child has chosen an individual country to study for the year.

·  You may want to have the youngest children study their chosen country as a group so you can help with all of the writing, maps, etc.

·  Gather reference materials for the study of each child’s individual country.

Lesson 6

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.2-1.23 (Mathematical)

·  Write the following scripture references on small pieces of paper. Place them in a container. Genesis 1:1,D&C 59:16-20. Nehemiah 9:6, Job 28:9-11, Job 36:26-28,

1 Nephi 17:36. Moses 7:30, D&C 45:1, D&C 104:14

·  Find the Hymn, “How Great Thou Art” Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints no. 86 and prepare to sing it with the children or read the words or replay it on the computer.

Lesson 7

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.2-1.23 (Mathematical)

·  Hard boil an egg for each child, cool and label each egg with the word “earth.”

Lesson 8

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.26-1.30 (Composition of the Earth)

·  Balloon or bike tire with pump

·  Pan for boiling water

·  Mirror or spoon

·  “Love at Home.” Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints pg. 294.

Lesson 9

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.31-1.42 (Atmosphere)

·  Use 1-9a-Map: Climate of Asia Colored Map as a guide to color the three, 1-9f—Map: Climate of Asia Blank Maps.

1. On one blank map color in ONLY “cold Asia” using purple.

2. On another blank map color in ONLY “dry Asia” using orange.

3. On another blank map color in ONLY “wet Asia” using green.

·  Preview 1-9m—Web Site: Martin-Willie Handcart Company Art Exhibit.

·  Choose two or three of the pictures and writings which exemplify how the pioneers endured this hardship (with prayer, faith in God, singing, serving, etc.).

Lesson 10

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.31-1.42 (Atmosphere)

·  Become familiar with the songs listed above.

·  A set of keys that open various things.

·  Four different types of maps with a key or legend that the children can look at. You can find them in your home or on the internet. Example: road map, map of world, physical map, population map, etc.

·  Each child will need several copies of the shape of their country. The template for this map is in the mathematical section of their notebooks and can be traced or copied. These copies will be used to make atmosphere maps showing information about their own country. The number of copies will depend on the information the child locates, the age of the child, and the time available. You can make these maps ahead of time or have the child make them.

·  Children will need to have access to reference materials in order to complete their research on the atmosphere of their country and make atmosphere maps of their individual countries (Public library, internet, home library encyclopedias, or reference books).

Lesson 11

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.31-1.42 (Atmosphere)

·  Map or atlas to locate the country of Israel.

Lesson 12

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.43-1.76 (Hydrosphere – Oceanic Waters)

·  A map, globe, or atlas to locate the country of Saudi Arabia.

·  Prepare to share a personal experience when you were reminded of the importance of something you took for granted. Examples: when the electricity went off; when friends went out of town; when we ran out of hot water; when something or someone was lost; etc.)

Lesson 13

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.43-1.76 (Hydrosphere – Oceanic Waters)

·  Find the scene in the movie “Cars” where the couple, “Minnie and Van,” are lost, and Van refuses ask for directions.

·  A road map that includes your present location and a place your family would like to go someday or become familiar with Google Maps or MapQuest.

·  Map Activity for Youngest Children - You may want to prepare in advance by tracing their country and the main rivers and lakes within its boundaries. You may want to look online to see if there are any black and white line maps that can be printed, showing the rivers and lakes in their specific country. During the Record section they can then color in the most important hydrosphere places and if necessary, you can help label them.

Lesson 14

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.58-1.76 (Hydrosphere – Continental Waters)

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.77-1.101

·  Asia Hydrosphere Flashcards found in the geography flashcard section in the online library.

·  Materials for Lithosphere Clay Activity

a. Playdough, clay, or homemade play-dough using 1-14a—Recipe: Playdough, for each child to form lithosphere shapes. Each child needs one container or about one cup of play-dough.

b. General Geography Flash Card Definitions

c. Open your computer to the “General Geography Flashcards,” and scroll to cards 77-101. Place the computer so the each child can view the pictures if they need help understanding what the landforms look like.

Lesson 15

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.77-1.101 (Lithosphere)

·  Globe

·  Map or maps that show the location of Mt. Everest and the Dead Sea. Use an atlas or a map or google maps online.

·  Book Alexander and the Terrible Horrible Day by Judith Viorst, or use the online link above

Lesson 16

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.77-1.86 (Lithosphere - Landforms)

·  Prepare an envelope with 1-16p—Paper Strips: Messages from the Lord, inside. On the outside of the envelope write “Messages from the Lord.”

·  Map Activity - For the very youngest children, you may want to pre-make their individual country lithosphere map by tracing their country and the main rivers and lakes within its boundaries. Then during the record section the child can color in the most important landforms and if necessary, you can help label them.

Lesson 17

·  Geography General Flashcards 1.77-1.86 (Lithosphere - Landforms)

·  Prepare or purchase a light refreshment native to a country in Asia. This can be as simple as a candy from Japan, pita bread and hummus from the Middle East, a cookie from Russia. If you need ideas you can look on the internet for recipes or go to your nearest international market or the Asian food section of the grocery store.

·  1-1c—Handout: Overview of Geographic Terms. You should already have this in your notebook.

·  Geography General Flashcards 1.102-1.112.

·  Geography General Flashcard Definitions found in the Flashcard Section. You should already have a copy of this from previous lessons.

Lesson 18

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.87-1.99 (Lithosphere – Elevation)

·  Become familiar with 1-18a—Song: Keep the Commandments - Children’s Songbook, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 146

·  Prepare the “My Boundaries” activity by cutting out 1-18h—Handout: My Boundaries Word Strips. Fold and place the word strips in a container.

·  Atlas

Lesson 19

·  General Geography Flashcards 1.87-1.99 (Lithosphere – Elevation)

·  Atlas or map (to be used to compare old maps of Asia to our current map and to help the children locate and label their blank maps).

Lesson 20

·  Asia Hydrosphere Flashcards (entire file)

·  Asia Political Geography Flashcards (entire file beginning with the title page)

Lesson 21

·  Asia Hydrosphere Flashcards (entire file).

·  Prepare to sing “Children All Over the World,” Children’s Songbook, 16.

Lesson 22

·  Asia Hydrosphere Flashcards (entire file)

Lesson 23

·  Asia Lithosphere Flashcards (entire file)

·  Read 1-23c—Talk: Elder Jacob DeJager. Using the ideas from this talk, be prepared to discuss ways you and your family could incorporate Elder DeJager’s counsel to learn languages, in your home.

·  Review 1-23b—Stories: Children’s Stories in Asian Languages, and decide which stories you would like to show the children representing Mandarin, Russian, Hindi, Arabic and Indonesian. The only one for Indonesia is “The Turtle’s Flute”. If you look under the main story viewing screen, you will see a dropdown box that allows you to change languages. Across the bottom of the screen you will find all the options for stories along with information about which stories are offered in the selected language.

Lesson 24

·  Asia Lithosphere Flashcards (entire file)

·  Become familiar with 1-24g—Website: World Religions, looking at the first page which explains what the religion is and explore each of the religion tabs.

Lesson 25

·  Asia Lithosphere Flashcards (entire file)

·  Cut out the cards from 1-25e—Cards: Asian Religions and become familiar with the final layout of the game.

Lesson 26

·  Political Asia Countries and Capitals Flashcards 1.1-1.17 (Far East and Northern Central Regions) and 1-19e—Handout: Countries of Asia List – (You should already have a copy of this in your notebook.)

·  You may print off the online map of the world, or you may use your own world map during the lesson to mark the places where your friends and family have served missions.

Lesson 27

·  Political Asia Countries and Capitals Flashcards 1.1-1.17 (Far East and Northern Central Regions) and 1-19e—Handout: Countries of Asia List – (You should already have a copy of this in your notebook.)

·  Gather the following items to help symbolize the governments of the world:

o  Aristocracy – jewelry

o  Communism - toy gun or knife or sword

o  Democracy - paper or sign that says, “Majority Rules”

o  Dictatorship - toy gun, knife or sword

o  Fascism - bundle of sticks and axe denoting power over life and death

o  Monarchy – crown

o  Republic - sign with the name of your state representatives and senators on it

o  Socialism - item of packaged food, toy train, medicine bottle, and bank

o  Theocracy - picture of the Koran

·  Prepare to teach the children one or two new skills that would help them save money in their future home. This will be taught during the record section of the lesson. Ideas might include: teaching the children to make bread, pizza, etc., teaching them how to sew or mend a torn item of clothing or sew on a button, teaching them how to improve the decorating in a room without spending a lot of money, teaching them how to fix something in the house.

Lesson 28

·  Political Asia Countries and Capitals Flashcards 1.1-1.17 (Far East and Northern Central Regions) and 1-19e—Handout: Countries of Asia List – (You should already have a copy of this in your notebook.)

·  Print off and fill out 1-28f—Handout: Fruits of My Labor using 1-28g—Handout: Fruits of My Labor-Parent Sample, as an example for yourself. The one you fill in will be your personal example of how you have been blessed by your labors, to share with your children.

Lesson 29

·  Political Asia Countries and Capitals Flashcards 1.18-1.37 (Southeast Asia and South Asia Region) and 1-19e—Handout: Countries of Asia List – (You should already have a copy of this in your notebook.)

·  Write the following letters on individual 3x5 cards or pieces of paper: WBIBSTKPRAMIOHASTL. Hide them in the room.

Lesson 30

·  Political Asia Countries and Capitals Flashcards 1.18-1.37 (Southeast Asia and South Asia Region) and 1-19e—Handout: Countries of Asia List – (You should already have a copy of this in your notebook.)