IPEN Travel Grant Request Form

COP4 – Geneva, Switzerland (4-8 May, 2009)

ICCM2- Geneva, Switzerland (11-14 May, 2009)

Grant Request DEADLINE- March 16th2009

 please submit requests to

Travel Support Limitations: Please note due to the significant number of travel requests to IPEN for COP4 and/or ICCM2, and the limit amount of financial resources, IPEN will not be able to support all requests. We estimate that approximately 70 NGOs within IPEN will seek travel support, and IPEN will be able to only approve 15-20 travel grants. Therefore, the following travel grant form will request information to help the Travel Grant Committee consider request.

 It is important that this Grant Request Forms be completed in their entirety otherwise it may not be considered.


(person requesting grant)

Have you already register for:

COP4 – Geneva, Switzerland (4-8 May, 2009)YES/NO

ICCM2- Geneva, Switzerland (11-14 May, 2009)YES/NO

Are you interested in participating in both COP4 & ICCM2?YES/NO


Will you require a full travel grant?
Full grant = Travel + Hotel + Meal expenses / YES / NO
If you do not need a FULL GRANT, please indicate the level of support requested.
This could be a specific USD amount or
one could also only request airfare OR hotel/meal support.
Please provide a airfare estimate:
(to/from Geneva, Switzerland airport (GVA)) / $ USD
Additional travel expenses (ie: visa, misc. other expenses) / $ USD

QUESTIONNAIRE: Please provide brief answers (1 -to-4 lines each) to the following questions. Your replies will help the Travel Grant Committee review your grant request.

1. Your Priority COP4 Issue(s): What specific issues or topics has your NGO identified as a top priority of concern for IPEN at COP4? Why and how do you plan to prepare for COP4?

2. Covering the COP4 Agenda: In order to ensure that the IPEN COP4 Team covers all priority issues to be discussed at COP4, upon reviewing the COP4 Provisional Agenda(see ANNEX 1 below, note Section 5 items a)- l)), please indicate which headings you would be able to cover and conduct preparatory research on, such as reviewing relevant meeting documents, see:

3. Participation in NIPs: What is the status of your country’sNational Implementation Plan (NIP), is your NGO participating in this process?

- If possible, provide a brief evaluation of the NIP in your country.

4. COP4 Activities:Please indicate if your NGO has conducted or plans to conduct activities related to COP4 or at COP4. If so please describe the activity.

ANNEX 1: COP4 Provisional Agenda

Available at

Provisional agenda

1.Opening of the meeting.

2.Organizational matters:

(a)Election of officers;

(b)Adoption of the agenda;

(c)Organization of work.

3.Rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies.

4.Report on the credentials of representatives to the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

5.Matters for consideration or action by the Conference of the Parties:

(a)Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use:



(iii)Evaluation of the continued need for the procedure under paragraph 2 (b) of Article 3;

(iv)Polychlorinated biphenyls.

(b)Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production:

(i)Best available techniques and best environmental practices;

(ii)Identification and quantification of releases;

(c)Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from wastes;

(d)Implementation plans;

(e)Listing chemicals in Annexes A, B or C of the Convention;

(f)Information exchange;

(g)Technical assistance;

(h)Financial resources;


(j)Effectiveness evaluation;



6.Activities of the Secretariat and adoption of the budget.

7.High-level segment.

8.Venue and date of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

9.Other matters.

10.Adoption of the report.

11.Closure of the meeting.