Minutes – 22 July 2014


Meeting #4 – 22 July 2014 @ 1.30pm

Department of Business, Conference Room, 1st floor, Green Well Building

Meeting Chair / Damien Ryan, Mayor of Alice Springs
Present / John Boffa, Health Sector
Di Loechel, Aust. Hotels Assoc.
Eileen Hoosan and Philip Allnut, NGO AOD Sector
Matthew Osbourne and Kay Attard, Liquor Stores and Supermarkets
Annette Partridge, Licensed Clubs
Jeff Huyben, Tourism
Dale Wakefield, Women, Children and Families
Kay Eade, Business Sector
Jane Alley, NTG
Des O’Brien (Secretariat)
Apologies / Michael Liddle, Traditional Owners of Alice Springs

1  Welcome

Meeting started at 1.30pm.

The Chair welcomed and thanked the Alcohol Reference Group (ARG) members for attending. Apologies received: Michael Liddle.

A)  Minutes and Action Items

The Chair asked for any comments on the May ARG Minutes. Nil comments received.

Moved by: Matt Osbourne Seconded by: Eileen Hoosan

The June ARG Minutes accepted and all members in favour

The Chair went through each action item. All completed action items to be removed from the list.

2  Presentation

The Chair welcomed Acting Assistant Commissioner Kate Vanderlaan, Senior Superintendent Travis Wurst and Superintendent Brent Warren from the NT Police. The Chair stated our group is responsible for developing an Alcohol Management Plan for Alice Springs. As part of the process ARG members are interested to understand current NT Police data and initiatives and NT Police community engagement.

Travis, Kate and Brent spoke about the following:

·  Alcohol is a major factor with regards to crime in Alice Springs and impacts NT Police duties on a daily basis

·  During the period of 25 February to 3 April 2014, the Alice Springs Police undertook Operation Leyland. This includes:

o  The Temporary Beat Locations (TBL)

o  Monitoring alcohol supply to and within restricted areas

o  Alcohol Protection Orders

o  Monitoring DV hotspots and working with repeat offenders

·  During Operation Leyland alcohol-related offences decreased by greater than 50%; and there was a significant decrease in property break-ins

·  Much of the current initiatives will continue indefinitely

·  A broad overview of Alcohol Protection Orders and how it is managed

·  Discussion took place around current and possible loopholes associated with TBLs, including a noticeable increase in secondary supply

·  The NT Police outlined the current community engagement practice

·  The NT Police informed members that an effective Accord would be beneficial

The NT Police took questions from ARG members.

Action: Invite the NT Police Acting Assistant Commissioner to the August ARG.

3  Objectives and Strategies

Members recapped the suggested harm minimisation, supply reduction and demand reduction objectives and strategies identified from the previous planning workshop.

Action: Members want to know where the entire take away and on premises licensed premises are located in Alice Springs. Suggest that a map be produced of the entire take way and on premises licenses outlets in Alice Springs.

Action: Members would like to invite Gambling and Licensing Services to present at the September ARG. Invite Sean Parnell and Julie Rannard. Topics to be discussed include a liquor Accord, the new Licensing Commissioner arrangements, mapping of licenses premises in Alice Springs.

4  Engagement

A general discussion took place about current status of engagement. Members were tasked with engaging their sector about alcohol matters. A questionnaire survey was designed to assist members with their consultation. Members will report back to the ARG at the August meeting and provide an update on information gathered.

5  Next Steps

Each ARG member is to continue engaging their sector to obtain relevant alcohol management planning information.

6  Other Business

Next Meeting: 19 August 2014.

Meeting closed 3.30pm.

Department of Business 2