Unit E: Safety Practices
Program Area: Health Occupations Education
Course Title: Allied Health Sciences II Number: 7212
Unit Title: Safety Practices
Time for
Instruction: 8 hours
Course Percent: 3%
Unit Evaluation: 66% Cognitive and 34% Performance
Competency: 2H05. Promote safety practices in a health care setting.
Specific Objectives:
2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures.
2H05.02 Observe fire safety regulations.
Unit E Master Outline
Unit E: Safety Practices
2H05 Promote safety practices in a health care setting.
2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures.
A. Using body mechanics *
B. Safety standards
1. Equipment and solutions
2. Patient/resident safety
3. Personal safety
2H05.02 Observe fire safety regulations.
A. Fire extinguishers
1. Class A
2. Class B
3. Class C
4. Class ABC (Combination)
5. Operating a fire extinguisher *
B. Preventing fires
Unit E Safety Practices
Competency 2H05: Promote safety practices in a health care setting.
Simmers, Louise. Diversified Health Occupations. Delmar Publishers, 4th edition.
HOSA Handbook, Section B. Health Occupations Students of America, Flower Mound, Texas, Latest Edition.
Here is a web site you may want to use as a resource for safety practices:
Teaching/Learning Indicators: The following symbols are used to indicate specific skills/areas required in the instructional activity.
Reading O Social Studies
Writing Science
Math The Arts
Health professional/parent/community involvement
Objective 2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures.
A. Using body mechanics*
B. Safety standards
1. Equipment and solutions
2. Patient/resident safety
3. Personal safety
Teaching/Learning Activities
· Cognitive
Have students participate in a discussion of the body mechanics. (Overhead transparency masters.) Include a teacher demonstration of body mechanics. Provide students with the skill checklist (Appendix 2H05.01A) and have them practice the skill.
· Teamwork
Body Mechanics Clip Board Relay. Students are to line up with a pen in groups of 5-8. Each group will have one piece of paper on a clipboard and is to write down a good body mechanic practice. The group that lists the eight basic rules first wins.
· Employability Skills
Invite a Physical Therapist to your class to discuss and demonstrate proper body mechanics and the importance of proper body mechanics in the workplace.
· Critical Thinking
Have students read section 11:2 in Diversified Health Occupations. Then, for each safety standard given, have students think about “why” the rule exists, and write their conclusions on the worksheet related to Preventing Accidents and Injuries. (Appendix 2H05.01B)
· Critical Thinking
Have students evaluate Safety Hazards in a patient’s room. In your classroom, place several safety hazards in a “patient room” (or have half the class do it for the other half of the class). Include things such as a throw rug, side rails down, bed in the highest position, call bell out of reach, supplies and equipment out of reach, an unlabeled bottle of solution, a pt. without an ID bracelet, etc. Students are to list all safety hazards as well as good safety practices. Have students brainstorm other possible hazards in a work environment.
· Teamwork
In teams, have students make up a short skit and role play patient and personal safety.
· Critical Thinking
Have students participate in a teacher led discussion on “What would you do if…….? (you find an unlabeled bottle of clear solution; you see an overloaded plug, you trip over a cord and cut yourself, etc.)
Objective 2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures.
Teaching/Learning Activities (continued)
· Critical Thinking
In groups of 3 or 4, have students rewrite the lyrics to a song such as Row, Row, Row, your Boat; The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round; The Brady Bunch; The Twelve Days of Christmas; using the explanation of safety standards.
· Special Needs
Each student will reach the highest level of mastery in the least restrictive environment as recommended in the student’s IEP.
Objective 2H05.02 Observe fire safety regulations.
A. Fire extinguishers
1. Class A
2. Class B
3. Class C
4. Class ABC (Combination)
5. Operating a fire extinguisher *
B. Preventing fires
Teaching/Learning Activities
· Cognitive
Have students participate in a teacher led discussion on using fire extinguishers and preventing fires. (Overhead transparency masters.)
· Employability Skills
Invite the fire department to do a presentation of fire safety and then supervise the students putting out fires.
· Critical Thinking
Have students participate in a teacher led discussion using scenarios and what type of fire extinguisher should be used. Ex. Working in medical records, someone trying to sneak a smoke, drops their cigarette on the files……Monique noticed smoke coming out of the copy machine…..Riquo working in dietary grabs a fire extinguisher to put out the grease fire…..etc.
· Teamwork
In groups of 2-3, have students locate the fire extinguishers in the school, noting what type of extinguisher they are, if they are in date, etc. Have them brainstorm and list as many ways to prevent fires as they can.
· Cognitive
Have students are to complete the fire safety RACE/PASS worksheets. (Appendix 2H05.02A)
· Employability Skills
Have students demonstrate steps on the fire extinguisher performance checklist. (Appendix 2H05.02B) Where are the fire extinguishers located in the school?
· Special Needs
Each student will reach the highest level of mastery in the least restrictive environment as recommended in the student’s IEP.
Daily Lesson Plans
Unit E: Safety Practices
Lessons: 5
Hours: 8 clock hours
Steps / Lesson #1 / Lesson #2 / Lesson #3Focus and Review / Place a large, heavy box on the floor in the front of the room. Allow one volunteer at a time to go to the front and pick up the box until someone does it correctly. / Clip Board Relay. Have students line up with a pen in groups of 5-8. Each group will have one piece of paper on a clipboard and is to write down a good body mechanic practice. The group that lists the eight basic rules first wins. / Write 5 safety questions on an overhead and have students write their answers to the questions while the teacher checks the roll. Then, reward each student who answers all 5 correctly.
Statement of Objectives / Objective 2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures. / Objective 2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures. / Objective 2H05.01 Apply body mechanics and client safety measures.
Teacher Input / Using the overhead transparencies, lead a class discussion on body mechanics.
Demonstrate principles of good body mechanics. / Review answers to homework assignment on Preventing Accidents and Injuries. Collect assignment for a grade.
Finish body mechanics check-offs.
In your classroom, place several safety hazards in a “patient room” and allow students to evaluate and respond to the situation. (See activity description on E.4) / Allow students 15 minutes to review/practice their safety skits.
After the skits are presented and debriefed, begin the next objective on fire safety by using the overhead transparencies to introduce students to the key points of the objective.
Guided Practice / Given the skill checklist for using body mechanics, have students practice the skill in pairs.
Once students feel proficient, the teacher can complete the skill check-offs. / In small groups, have students write a short skit (under 3 minutes) demonstrating good safety practices in a clinical setting. / Present safety skits.
Observe/evaluate safety skits from other class members.
Independent Practice / Begin homework assignment – Preventing Accidents and Injuries (2H05.01B) by reading section 11:2 in DHO and answering the questions on the worksheet. / Review safety standards. / For the remainder of the day, have students survey the school for fire safety. Note number, type and location of extinguishers, alarms, etc.
Closure / Review rules for use of good body mechanics.
Inform students of field trip to hospital/fire department on ______(date). / Ask students “What would you do if…” safety questions related to the hospital environment. Call on students to respond or have them write down their answers. / Review main points for fire safety and preventing fires.
Remind students of plan for next class (field trip to hospital or fire department for demo of using extinguishers.)
Materials / Overhead projector and transparencies
Skill checklists 2H05.01A
Worksheets for Preventing Accidents and Injuries / DHO
Lab area pre-arranged with multiple safety hazards / Overhead projector and transparencies
Field trip permission forms if needed
Unit E: Safety Practices (continued)
Steps / Lesson #4 / Lesson #5Focus and Review / FIELD TRIP TO HOSPITAL OR FIRE DEPARTMENT
Review the day’s objectives / Review correct answers to worksheets.
Statement of Objectives /
Objective 2H05.02 Observe fire safety regulations.
/ Objective 2H05.02 Observe fire safety regulations.Teacher Input / Assist hospital fire marshall or other fire safety professional in teaching and evaluating students on operating a fire extinguisher. / TEST – Safety Practices
Guided Practice / Observe fire safety demonstration.
Demonstrate proper use of a fire extinguisher using the skill checklist (2H05.02B) or an evaluation process determined by the fire marshall. / Take unit test
Grade test in class.
Finish any skill checklists if not completed.
Independent Practice / Homework assignment – What Do You Do if You Discover a Fire? Worksheet (2H05.02A) / Look in notes/text to clarify and correct incorrect answers on test.
Closure / Review important points learned about operating a fire extinguisher and fire safety.
Remind them about the unit test. / Praise their understanding of safety practices and positive behavior on field trip.
Introduce the next topic.
Materials / Skill checklists for using a fire extinguisher.
Worksheets – 2H05.02A / Tests and key
Unit E: Safety Practices
Terminology List
1. Body mechanics
2. Base of support
3. Posture
4. Alignment
5. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
6. Safety standards
7. Fire Extinguishers
8. Class A extinguisher
9. Class B extinguisher
10. Class C extinguisher
11. Class ABC
Name ______Date ______
1. Demonstrates broad base of support:
a. Keeps feet 6"-8" apart ______
b. Puts one foot slightly forward ______
c. Points toes in direction of movement ______
2. Picks up heavy object:
a. Gets close to object ______
b. Maintains broad base of support ______
c. Bends from hips and knees ______
d. Uses strongest muscles ______
3. Carries heavy object:
a. Keeps object close to the body ______
b. Uses strongest muscles ______
4. Changes direction:
a. Maintains broad base of support ______
b. Turns with feet and entire body ______
5. Places heavy object:
a. Keeps close to body ______
b. Maintains broad base of support ______
c. Bends from hips and knees ______
d. Keeps back straight ______
e. Uses strongest muscles ______
6. Pushes heavy object:
a. Gets close to object ______
b. Maintains broad base of support ______
c. Uses weight of body ______
d. Keeps back straight ______
------TOTAL ______
Mastery = 100% Yes
Non-Mastery = Below 100%
Date ______Evaluator ______
Name ______Date ______
Preventing Accidents and Injuries
Whose responsibility is it to assure that safety standards are followed in a health care facility?
For each safety rule, provide a brief explanation of WHY you think the rule is important.
Rule / Why?v Do not operate or use any equipment until you have been instructed on how to use it.
v Read and following operating instructions. If you don’t understand, ask for help.
v Do NOT operate equipment if your instructor is not in the room.
v Report and damaged or malfunctioning equipment immediately. Do not use it.
v Do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords. Do not use a plug if the third (grounding) prong is broken off.
v Observe all safety precautions when handling equipment.
v Never use solutions from bottles that are not labeled.
v Read labels of solution bottles three times.
v Do NOT mix solutions unless instructed to do so.
Rule / Why?
v Avoid contact of solutions with your eyes and skin.
v If you break equipment or spill solutions, immediately report the incident to your instructor/immediate supervisor.
v Do NOT perform any procedures on patients unless you have been instructed to do so. When you perform procedures, do so responsibly.
v Provide privacy for all patients. Knock on the door before entering a room. Speak before going behind privacy curtain.
v Always identify your patient. Be absolutely positive you have the right patient.
v Always explain the procedure so the patient knows what you are going to do. Never perform a procedure if a patient refuses to allow you to do it.
v Observe the patient closely during any procedure. Report any change immediately.
v Frequently check the patient area for safety hazards. Report unsafe situations immediately.
v Before leaving a patient area, observe all safety checkpoints.
v Use correct body mechanics.
v Wear the required uniform.
v Walk – do NOT run – in the lab, clinical area, hallways, and on stairs. Walk to the right. Use handrails.
Rule / Why?
v Report any injury or accident to your instructor.
v If you see any unsafe situation, report it to your instructor immediately.
v Keep all work areas clean and neat.
v Wash your hands frequently.
v Dry you hands before handling electrical equipment.
v Wear safety glasses when instructed to do so.
v When working with a partner, observe all safety precautions, avoid horseplay and practical jokes.
v If a solution comes in contact with your eyes, flush the area with water. Inform your instructor.
v If a particle gets in your eye, inform your instructor. Do NOT try to rub your eye or remove the particle.
Appendix 2H05.01B
Name ______Date ______
What do you do if you Discover a Fire?
R ______
A ______
C ______
E ______
How do you use a Fire Extinguisher?
P ______
A ______
S ______
S ______
Appendix 2H05.02A
ANSWER KEY – What do you do if you Discover a Fire?
R emove/Rescue residents from immediate danger