Training Program on “Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources, Applications to Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture and Fisheries”
April7-16, 2009


The course is designed for fish hatchery/farmmanagers, research staff and technicians who are working in genetic enhancement, stock enriching or genetic research programs.

Objectives of the Course

To provide useful information on genetic resources and the means of its conservation during programs of genetic enhancement for aquaculture and/or stock enrichment in natural waters. The course will focus on the use of genetic approaches in enhancing food security without degradation of genetic resources. Annex 1.

Location and Facilities

The training program will be conducted at the site of the WorldFish Regional Center at Abbassa, Sharkia, Egypt (located about 90 km from Cairo) where high class research and training facilities, excellent housing and catering, recreation facilities, specialized library, 24-hour internet service, are all available.

Contents and Program

The course contents will be presented in lectures, practical training and demonstrations. A series of field visits will be conducted to selected hatcheries of various sizes and technologies. Similarly, several visits will be carried out to fish farms (small, medium, intensive, integrated farms). One cultural day in Cairo/Giza will be arranged during the first Friday of the program.

Transportation will be provided from and to the Cairo Airport to and from Abbassa according to flight schedules at the beginning and end of the program. Also, transportation will be provided during all events throughout the course.

The program will issue a preliminary acceptance letter to potential candidates which could be required to initiate the enrollment process. After depositing the training fees (US$1600), a formal letter of acceptance will be issued. This letter may be used in applying for an entry visa. Course participants are requested to check with Egyptian Embassies in home countries with regard to visa procedures (if required) and to determine if additional actions are needed (immunization, … etc). Updated information will be sent to the participants as matters develop. Providing the program management with all possible contact information will help to reach nominees whenever needed in timely manner.

The program will provide housing in a well equipped dormitory on the site at Abbassa. We will do our best to provide single residences. If this proves difficult, large shared bedroom are available for two participants. High quality bathrooms and showers are well distributed outside and within a few meters of residence rooms. There will be special and separate accommodations for ladies. Meals will be provided throughout the program. Laundry facilities are also available. In general, based on feedbacks of hundreds of trainees (96 countries), staying in Abbassa is an enjoyable experience at various levels.

Selection of participants

Candidates nominated to this program are expected to meet the following criteria:

Must be a University graduate.

A background in basic genetics will be highly preferred.

A minimum of 3-years experience in aquaculture activities especially in hatchery activities, stock enhancement programs or in related programs in research institutes.

Capable to discuss and receive the course contents in English which will be the language of the course. (no interpretation will be provided).

The participant must commit to full time participation in the course.

The participant should be physically fit to undertake the course

Female participation in the course is strongly encouraged.

The applicants are requested to fill in the information sheet attached (Annex 2). It will be a good idea to attach a CV if available.

Training Fees

Each participant enrolled in this 10-day course has to deposit US$ 1600 (Inclusive of training package, full accommodation and local transportation). The banking instruction will be forwarded to the course candidates. The amount covers the full period starting from the arrival day (6 April) till the departure day (17 April). Earlier arrival or late departure will be the responsibility of the course participants and could be treated on case by case basis. Spouses may be allowed to join if there is enough space available. In this case, there will be extra charges to cover the accommodation, food, and other logistics.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Abdel Rahman El-Gamal, Senior Aquaculture Scientist

Tel: ( + 20 55) 340 4228 / 3409315

Fax: (+ 20 55) 3405578


Annex 1

Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources, Applications to Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture and Fisheries

7-16 April, 2009

Course Outline

General overview on genetics principles

Concepts and definition of genetic terms

Qualitative genetics

Quantitative traits

The phenotype and its components

Environment, Genetics, G X E

Heritability and its role in selection and hybridization

Genetic difference

Applications of Genetics in Aquaculture

  1. Breeding

Brood stock management

Effective population size




  1. Genetic Manipulations

Monosex production



Gynogenesis and androgenesis

Genetic engineering

Applications of Genetics in Fisheries Management

Stock enhancement programs

Genetic conservation

Population Genetics

Gene frequency and factors affecting it

Genetic introgression

Biosaftey Issues and Regulations

A cultural Day in Cairo during first Friday