Flexible Work Arrangement Proposal


Date: 2/27/08
Name: Jill Kubitschek
School: Sharon Elementary
Grade: 4th
Subject: Language Arts
What was the NCSCOS objective?
2.01 Use strategies to understand the text that was read
What was the gap or issue? (Include beginning data)
Since students can’t use RUNNERS bookmark/guides on the Predictive Assessments and EOG tests, students need to be sure they have it in their minds. Only 8 of the students know how to use it well. The students will be able to tell/write what each letter in R-U-N-N-E-R-S means by the end of the PDSA cycle.
What was the end result? (Include ending data)
After plenty of review and using the PA as a chance to really use it, there were 13 students out of 15 that mastered this objective. Only 2 students need more practice.
What were the key improvement strategies? (Include no more than 3)
  1. Students create cards with runners acronym (listed out below)
  2. Review RUNNERS daily and work in small groups to practice using it with different reading selections.

Comments and explanations
The RUNNERS acronym is used with EOG type reading selections and stands for:
R – read the title and introduction, and make predictions about the selection,
U – underline key words as you read the questions (before you read the selection)
N – number the paragraphs in the selection
N – now read the selection, and as you read…..
E – enclose important information that you may need to help answer a question
R – Reread the questions and eliminate bad or silly answer choices
S – Select the best answer choice
By creating their own RUNNERS cards, students each had a visual that was their own. Some even drew a person running to help commit the image of RUNNERS to memory.
At this point in the year, most of my students (13/15) can still write this out, from memory, and often do so when given a reading selection where they are required to answer questions. Students worked together in small groups on answering EOG type questions about a reading selection. When given the selection, they would start with R – state what R was for, and then do that task. Then, they would move on to U, etc. this repeatedly reinforced symbolism of each letter and they were getting hands-on practice with using it. Students also practiced writing the word RUNNERS and then orally recited the tasks that corresponded with each letter. We continue to practice and using the cards, especially for students who still can’t recall them from memory.

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