1. Social Development is the process of learning to ______to other people

2. Sigmund ______is considered the father of psychology, and called himself a psychoanalyst. He developed the 3 Part Theory of Human Behavior:

______the part of human behavior consisting of needs, wants, & instincts

______the part of human behavior that includes the action a person takes in

order to satisfy the needs, wants, and instincts; self-centered

______the part of human behavior that controls the actions taken by each

person, that control being an issue of what is right and wrong; another word for this part of behavior would be…



ID: Johnny needed a new pair of snow boots.

EGO: Johnny took Sam’s boots when Sam wasn’t watching.

SUPEREGO: Johnny decided it was wrong to steal the boots, and made plans to return them.

3. Erik ______took a new approach in the field of psychoanalysis, by suggesting that environment plays a major role in the development of human beings. He wrote the 8 Stage Theory of Psycho-social Development: (child development would be limited to the first 6 stages)

Stage 1: ______The child, well - handled, nurtured, and loved, develops trust and security and a basic optimism. Badly handled, he becomes insecure and mistrustful.

Stage 2: ______The "well - parented" child emerges from this stage sure of himself, elated with his new found control, and proud rather than ashamed. Uses “NO!”

Stage 3: ______The child learnsto imagine, to broaden his skills through active play, to cooperate with others, to lead as well as to follow, to start activities or make the first move in relationships with others.

Stage 4: ______The child learns to master more formal skills of life such as relating with peers according to rules, progressing from free play to play that may be elaborately structured by rules and may demand formal teamwork such as baseball and mastering academics; develops a good work ethic

Stage 5: ______Adolescence affords children a time for to experiment, trying various roles, and thus hopefully find the one most suitable for them. Focus on “Who am I”, “What are my strengths and weaknesses?”

Stage 6: ______Two people, once identity has been established, have detailed knowledge of each other, resulting from a close or long association or study of one another. The relationship maybe sexual or platonic in nature.

Stage 7: ______Caring for another…in marriage or of the next generation.

Stage 8: ______If the other seven psychosocial crisis have been successfully resolved, the mature adult develops this peak of adjustment.

4. At about ______of age, the child not only knows the parent’s voice, but will recognize them in all aspects. (this is the reason why paternity/maternity leave in many professions lasts for this same time period…so the child will not confuse the parent with the caregiver)

5. The child may suffer from ______if they have not yet learned that “objects and people continue to exist even when they can’t be seen”. When the parent leaves their sight, they may become upset.

6. By the age of 6 months, the child may suffer from ______. By this time they should visibly demonstrate an attachment to the primary caregiver, and may fuss and cry when left in the care of someone they don’t know well.

7. ______behavior is when children show a distinct preference for associating with the same sex. Girls like girls and boys like boys. It is a normal pattern of social development that should not be confused with sexual development.

8. ______is an unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain

way. Your “persona”, or ______is the way you show yourself to the outside world…the impression you give to others. Which one varies, and which one stays the same?


Carl ______was the psychiatrist who developed theories on personality that

are still used in diagnostic profiles and inventories today.

9. Austrian psychologist Alfred ______theorized about personality and a child’s order of birth in the family.

First born is ______

Middle child is ______

Youngest child is ______

10. Name one or more disadvantages of being an only child:


Name one or more advantages of being an only child:


11. Friendships serve many different functions within social development, including cognitive resources such as:

______the transmission of information from one child to another

______requires children to combine problem-solving contributions and share rewards
______occurs when novices work together on tasks that neither can do separately
______refers to one child setting an example and the other imitating that example

12. There are 3 types of play:

______acting things out; problem-solving

______building; creating

______using senses to find out what materials will do, and what happens when you do things to them; self-testing of abilities

13. There are 6 stages of play or social participation:

Stage 1: ______Engaged in no observable activity

Stage 2: ______Independent play by themself with toys different than what others are playing with

Stage 3: ______Watching other children, but not interacting with them

Stage 4: ______Children are aware of each other’s presence; they are playing beside each other with similar materials, but not with each other

Stage 5: ______Children are taking turns with each other; interchanging materials

Stage 6: ______All children working toward common goal with some evidence of social organization