• Meeting started at 2pm
  • Reviewed work group charge
  • Reviewed current group members
  • Confirmed that minutes from Nov. 2, 106 meeting have been updated to API share points
  • Confirmed all files have been uploaded to the API share point site
  • Mentioned that some team members are still having issues accessing the API share points
  • Rick recommended the group chairman requests from API to confirm all team members are on the roaster
  • Reviewed the following recent changes in the current document draft:
  • A decision was made on the casing sizes to be included in Table 1
  • Interpolation of restoring force within the casing sizes in Table 1 will be allowed
  • For casing sizes outside the range in the table, a formula will be used to calculate min restoring force for a specific casing size and weight
  • Described current problems with existing tolerances on restriction diameter (+0.125” 0.031”) and described a the new tighter tolerance range (+.031” -0.00”)
  • For under-reamed applications tests, there will be no maximum starting force
  • A study will be conducted to determine the effect of a staged step-down running in procedure on restoring force. If the restoring force changes by over 15%, a staged down procedure will be adopted
  • Decision was made to recommend a reporting restoring force values as stand-off as a function of five load values: 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%, and 300% of minimum restoring force. Additionally, the load for 67% stand-off ratioas it is currently measured will continue to be reported.
  • Reviewed new Criteria for Defining Retesting Requirements and agreed on the benefits of maintaining it in the document
  • Reviewed pending items
  • Some definitions are still being revised and added to the document
  • Develop a description of the new restoring force reporting format
  • Need to fix numbering sequence on definitions section
  • Changed terminology from “conventional applications” to “standard applications”
  • Develop procedure for monogramming for a hole size range
  • Finalize Table 1
  • Discussed replacement of the term “minimum restriction” by “restriction”
  • Glen recommended revising the definition of minimum restriction
  • Proposed revisions to the current definitions of Minimum rigid OD, Maximum rigid OD and Standard Application for clarity and consistency purposes; will review and finalize in the next meeting
  • John requested motion to adjourn
  • Motion to adjournMax by seconded by Brandon.