P. O. Box 1041, 1000 River Road
Hopewell, VA 23860
Purchasing Department
(804) 524-6600 ext. 6030
Issue Date: January 4, 2012RFP #851-12
Title: Inmate Commissary Services for the Riverside Regional Jail Authority:
The Riverside Regional Jail Authority (RRJA) solicits interested Offerors to submit proposals (RFP) to provide Canteen Services for Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
Closing Date and Time: February 6, 2012, 11:00:00AM
Issuing Authority:Riverside Regional Jail Authority
Purchasing Department, Attention Michelle Jackson
P. O. Box 1041
1000 River Road,
Hopewell, VA 23860
Period of Contract:Three years from date of award (Renewable)
(Tentatively April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015)
Receipt of Proposals:Sealed proposals will be received until February 6, 2012, 11:00:00 AM, for furnishing the goods/services described herein. Please submit four (4) copies, marked RFP #851-12, “A Proposal for Inmate CommissaryServices for Riverside Regional Jail Authority:
If proposals are mailed or Hand Carried send directly to issuing authority above. Proposals will not be accepted via Fax machine.
The Riverside Regional Jail Authority has determined to issue a Request for Proposals for the inmate commissary services contract as opposed to an Invitation to Bid due to the fact that the Authority felt that it was not practicable or fiscally advantageous to the Authority to issue an Invitation to Bid, both due to the fact that this is a services contract, and therefore the quality of the services is the most important factor, and the fact that the proposers may propose different ways to provide the services requested.
Information:All inquiries should be directed to Michelle Jackson, Purchasing Manager (804) 524-6600 ext. 6030, FAX: (804) 524-6659.
Terms and Conditions: ALL enclosed General and Special Terms and Conditions shall apply to this Request for Proposal. Offerors are reminded to read and comply with all requirements of this solicitation.
My signature certifies that the accompanying proposal is not the result of, or affected by, any unlawful act of collusion with another person or company engaged in the same line of business or commerce, or any act of fraud punishable under Title 18.2, Chapter 12, Article 1.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended. Furthermore, I understand that fraud and unlawful collusion are crimes under the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act, the Virginia Government Bid Rigging Act, and Virginia Antitrust Act, and Federal Law, and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards.
I hereby certify that I am authorized to sign, personally or as a Representative for the Firm:
Name of Firm or Individual:______
Address: ______
Signature: ______
Name (type/print): ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Telephone: ( ) Fax #: ()______
Email address: ______
Federal ID #:______
VA State Corporation Commission ID #:______
Minority/Female[]yes[] no
RFP #851-12
Inmate Commissary Services for Riverside Regional Jail Authority
Proposals must be received in the Office of the Purchasing Manager, Riverside Regional Jail Authority, 1000 River Road, Hopewell Virginia 23860 by the date and time of proposal closing indicated above. NO late proposals will be accepted. NO faxed proposals will be accepted.
Proposals must meet all specifications, terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal (RFP). Proposers need to submit their Federal Identification Number in the proposal, as well as the identification number issued to you by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or a statement as to why such number is not required.
The proposer’s proposal MUST be manually signed in ink and returned by the proposal closing date and time along with any other requirements as specified in the RFP in order to be considered for an award.
Proposals must be in a sealed envelope and marked “RFP #851-12, “Inmate Commissary Services for Riverside Regional Jail Authority”
A proposal may not be altered after opening. The proposal must stay in effect for one hundred twenty (120) days after the closing.
A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference and tour of facility will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., at Riverside Regional Jail Authority, Authority Board Conference Room, located at 1000 River Road, Hopewell Virginia 23860.
The contractor will be responsible for all requirements and successful performance of this contract.
Riverside Regional Jail Authority is hereby soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide specific services described as inmate commissary services for the inmate population of the Riverside Regional Jail Authority, (RRJA) located at 1000 River Road, Hopewell, VA 23860; including compliance with all terms and conditions described in this document.
The selected Offeror shall, after award but prior to start up, establish and maintain a Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of the first-year contract amount based on previous year sales for the duration of the contract. The bond will insure the faithful performance of the contract. The contractor will be required to submit the performance bond within twenty (20) calendar days after written notification of award.
Any explanation desired by a proposer regarding the meaning or interpretation of any Request for Proposal provision must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 p.m., EST, January 12, 2012, to the Riverside Regional Jail Authority Purchasing Manager listed below and clearly marked “Questions for InmateCommissary Services for Riverside Regional Jail Authority”. Questions may be sent via email or facsimile to:
Michelle Jackson,
Purchasing Manager, Riverside Regional Jail
PO Box 1041,
1000 River Road,
Hopewell VA 23860
Facsimile (804) 524-6659
Revisions to this RFP or answers to questions concerning this RFP will be issued as addendum. RFP addendum will be distributed to all contractors who were sent this RFP and posted on Virginia Business Opportunities’ web site. Any addendum shall become part of this RFP and part of any contract resulting from this RFP.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference has been scheduled for this RFP. The purpose of the mandatory pre-proposal conference is to provide an opportunity for proposers to raise questions and verify any of the proposal requirements. The pre-proposal conference will be held:
Date/Time:9:00 a.m., EST, January 18, 2012.
Location:Riverside Regional Jail,
1000 River Road,
Hopewell VA 23860
A tour of pertinent parts of the facility will be provided at the time of the mandatory pre-proposal conference.
This contract shall be for a term of three (3) years, starting on April 1, 2012. This agreement will automatically renew for two (2) additional one-year terms unless either party gives written notice of termination at least ninety (90) days before the end of the original term. For additional information on contract period terms please refer to page 45 Section W. If delays in the proposal process result in an adjustment of the anticipated contract starting date, the contractor agrees to accept a contract for the full term of the contract.
The Riverside Regional Jail Authority will administer the contract. The successful contractor will be required to bill Riverside Regional Jail Authority directly. Any problems with delivery, payment, credit, etc. will be handled directly by Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
From the date the RFP is issued until anOfferor has been selected and officially announced, all communication regarding this RFP by potential Offerors and employees of Riverside Regional Jail Authority shall be in writing and addressed to the Purchasing Office.
Once a contractor is preliminarily selected, that contractor is restricted from communicating with Riverside Regional Jail Authority staff until a contract is signed. Violation of this condition may be considered sufficient cause to reject a contractor’s proposal and/or selection irrespective of any other condition.
The following exceptions to these restrictions are permitted:
a)Written communication with the person(s) designated as the point(s) of contact for this RFP or procurement;
b)Contacts made pursuant to any pre-existing contracts or obligations;
c)Riverside Regional Jail Authority staff and/or contractor staff present at the Pre-Proposal Conference when recognized by Riverside Regional Jail Authority staff facilitating the meeting for the purpose of addressing questions
d)Riverside Regional Jail Authority-requested presentations, key personnel interviews, and
e)Clarification sessions or discussions to finalize a contract.
The contractor will be required to assume responsibility for all contractual services offered in this proposal whether or not the contractor performs them. Further, RRJA will consider the contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the anticipated contract. If any part of the work is to be subcontracted, responses to this proposal shall include a list of subcontractors, including business name and address, telephone number, contact person and complete description of work to be subcontracted. RRJA reserves the right to approve or disapprove subcontractors at the time of award and throughout the contract period and to require the contractor to replace subcontracts found to be unacceptable.
Riverside Regional Jail Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, wholly or in part. Riverside Regional Jail Authority reserves the right to waive any deviations or errors that are not material, do not invalidate the legitimacy of the proposal and do not improve the proposer’s competitive position. All awards will be made in a manner deemed in the best interest of Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
/Release date for Request for Proposal
/January 4, 2012
/Last day to submit written questions
/4:00 p.m., EST, January 12, 2012
/Mandatory pre-proposal conference at Riverside Regional Jail Authority
/9:00 a.m., EST, January 18, 2012
/Riverside Regional Jail Authority responds to written questions through RFP Addendum to be sent to all prospective proposers.
/January 20, 2012
/Proposal Due Date
/11:00 a.m., EST, February 6, 2012
/Estimated date of interviews with top 2 Offerors
/February 13, 2012
/Estimated Contract start date
/April 1, 2012
Riverside Regional Jail Authority will conduct a fair, impartial and comprehensive evaluation of all proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth below.
1.The extent to which the proposal meets the requirements of the RFP.
2.Cost of required services to Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
3.The demonstrated ability of the proposer to provide the required services to Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
4.The quality of performance of previous contracts.
5.The financial resources of the proposer to perform the contract services.
The following terms used in this Request for Proposals (RFP) shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, have the meanings set forth below:
1.RRJA means Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
2.ACA Standards means the Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities published by the American Correctional Association (Fourth Edition, June 2004) as hereafter supplemented or amended.
3.Offeror means the Proposer awarded the contract for.
4.Commissary Services means all management of activities and personnel, procurement of inmate commissary items, and delivery of inmate commissary orders, pursuant to the conditions of this RFP.
5.Inmate means male, female and juvenile offenders detained at the Riverside Regional Jail Authority Correctional Center or Pre Release Center.
6.Operating Standards means all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, codes, regulations, Court Orders and ACA and NCCHC Standards, as any of the same may be supplemented or amended and those rules, regulations, policies, procedures and ordinances reasonably made applicable to Contractor by. If any of the Operating Standards are in conflict with each other or with this RFP, the more stringent shall apply, as reasonably determined by RRJA.
7.Project Manager means the person appointed by the Superintendent who will be the official liaison between and the successful contractor on all matters pertaining to this solicitation and subsequent agreement.
8.Proposer means any individual, corporation or other entity responding to this RFP with a written proposal.
9.Service Commencement Date means the first day that the Contractor begins receiving, preparing and deliveringinmate commissary orders.
10.ITS means the current and future Inmate Telephone Services provider. This is part of electronic security system for RRJA which allows inmates to place personal telephone calls and conduct other approved business through controlled interfaces.
11.JMS means the current and future Jail Management System. This is RRJA’s computerized inmate management system which impart contains modules for commissary, inmate accounts, housing, medical conditions and special diet requirements.
This request for proposal is designed to solicit proposals from qualified firms for providing comprehensive Commissary preparation and management services for the Riverside Regional Jail Authority, located at 1000 River Road, Hopewell VA 23860. Services include, but are not limited to, the management, procurement, preparation and delivery of all Commissaries to inmates. The average daily population (ADP) for the calendar yearof 2011 was 1,340; this is including the pre-release center (120). The ADP of RRJA may increase to over 1,450 including the pre-release center (200).
Firms responding to this RFP must have a proven and verifiable record of providing correctional Commissary services with a comparable size agency and scope of operations.
Proposals shall conform to all instructions, conditions, and requirements included in the RFP. Contractors are expected to carefully examine all documentation, schedules and requirements stipulated in this RFP, and respond to each requirement in the format prescribed. Proposals that do not conform to the mandatory items as provided in the proposal instructions will not be considered.
A contract will be awarded to a single contractor as a result of this proposal.
In addition to the provisions of this RFP and the awarded proposal, which shall be incorporated by reference in the contract, any additional clauses or provisions required by the terms and conditions will be included as an amendment to the contract.
This RFP does not commit Riverside Regional Jail Authority to award a contract. Riverside Regional Jail Authority reserves the right to reject all proposals, and at its discretion, may withdraw or amend this RFP at any time. If, in the opinion of Riverside Regional Jail Authority, revisions or amendments will require substantive changes in proposals, the due date may be extended.
Proposals shall be in the format described below and must include thefollowing:
A.Section One - General Information about the Contractor
Provide general information about the company including background, experience, organizational structure, general product descriptions, etc. At a minimum, Section One shall include:
1.Letter of Transmittal
Prepare a brief letter which provides the following information:
a)Name and address of the Offeror
b)Name, title and telephone number of the contact person for the Offeror.
c)A statement that the proposal is in response to the Inmate Commissary Services RFP.
d)A statement acknowledging and accepting the terms and conditions of this Inmate Commissary Services RFP.
a)The signature, typed name, and title of an individual who is authorized to commit the Offeror to this proposal. The contents of the successful proposal shall become a contractual obligation if a contract ensues.
2.Executive Summary
Highlight the contents of the technical proposal and provide evaluators with a broad understanding of the Offeror’s technical approach and the Offeror’s ability to fulfill all requirements and comply with the terms and conditions of the RFP and ensuing contract.
3.Offeror’s Organization and Staffing
This section shall include identification of the staff members of the project team, their duties and responsibilities and their background and experience.
4.Documented Experience
The Offeror must describe the Offeror’s background and experience to demonstrate the Offeror’s ability to operate aninmate commissary service as described in the Inmate Commissary Services RFP.
B.Section Two - Current and Previous Contracts
Provide information about the company’s current and previous contracts or business, legal actions against the company, and audited financial statements. As a minimum, Section Two shall include:
1.Current Contracts or Business
List facility name, city, state, and type of correctional institutions (jail or prison) where Offeror is providing inmate commissary services and the length of time that each contract has been in effect. This information must be submitted on the Client Reference in Attachement C.
2.Previous Contracts or Business
List facility name, city, state, and type of correctional institutions (jail or prison) where Offeror has terminated inmate commissary services, or been out-bid in the past 24 months. For each contract specify the contract start date and reason for termination.
3.Legal Action
Include disclosure of any legal action pending or settled against the company or corporate principals within the company within the past 48 months.
4.Audited Financial Statements
Provide audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year and previous year to support the Offeror’s financial capability to undertake and complete the performance of the contract. If the company is a subsidiary or division of a corporation, the relationship of the Offeror must be clearly delineated in the proposal.
C.Section Three - Offeror’s Work Plan
Describe in detail the Offeror’s work plan and proposal for satisfying all RFP requirements. At a minimum, Section Three shall include: