January 5, 2015

The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00 a.m. All members were present.


Reviews and Reports – Among the items discussed were: The Huckleberry wolf pack, quad county meetings,and performance evaluations.


Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford discussed qualifications for County-provided benefits.


Consent Agenda –Motion was made by M. Manusto approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s December 29, 2014 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings: $4,397.98

Payroll Change Notices:

Auditor –

Stacey Hughes, Mail Clerk, $10.52 hr., effective 01/05/2015

Margit Malakowsky, On-call Mail Clerk, Discharge, Effective 12/31/2014

Counseling Services –

Kris Martin, Business Office Manager, $4569.62/mo., Step 3, Effective 01/01/2015

Treasurer –

Stephany Rowton, Deputy 1 Accountant, full time, $2,455.23, Step 1, Effective 01/01/2015

Weed Board –

Approve request to rehire seasonal Field Inspector

Approve request for continued employment of office staff person, pending continued funding

Adopting The County’s 2015 Regular Property Tax Levy Rate for 2015 Tax Collection per RCW 84.55.120


Mental Health Contract with Spokane County Regional Support Network for the time period of January 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015


Contract Between Pend Oreille County and Pend Oreille County Crime Victim Services


Interagency Agreement IAA15247 Between State of Washington Office of Civil Legal Aid and Pend Oreille County



The Board recessed for lunch.


Judi Lee and Jamie Zachary with Youth Emergency Services discussed sustainable funding concerns, the increased volume of crisis calls, case load growth due to court continuances, CHINS (Child in Need of Services), and noted they are serving 168 youth.


Public Works Director Sam Castro and County Engineer Don Ramsey discussed the following matters:

S. Castro requested approval to extend the Solid Waste Agreement with Republic Services for three years.

Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the extension of the solid waste agreement as requested. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

Amendment to Agreement Between Regional Disposal Company and Pend Oreille County Regarding Transfer Station Operations and Solid Waste Transportation and Disposal Services (Extending Contract from 12/16/2015 to 12/15/2018.


S. Castro requested approval of the job description for the Solid Waste Coordinator Assistant To Director. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the job description. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.

S. Castro requested for approval of a memorandum of understanding between Parks and Roads for the purpose of snow grooming. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Agreement. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.

Specialized Services Agreement Between Pend Oreille County Parks and Pend Oreille County Roads for Snow Removal


D. Ramsey discussed the McKenzie Road projectand the need to re-scope the project.There will be a formal withdrawal of the project as it currently stands. The project will then be resubmitted with a different scope at the next opportunity. The formal withdrawal will be presented to the Board next week.

D. Ramseydiscussed a request to vacate Telephone Road West from US Highway 2 to Southshore Road. A vacation hearing will be scheduled for February 3, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Hearing room.

S. Castro discussed an employee’srequest for a salary change. The request was denied.

S. Castro provided a Buildings and Grounds update, noting the architect will be available for a meeting on Wednesday regarding the Jail retrofit. Commissioner Kiss will attend the meeting. Also noted is that S. Castro is the project manager for the Jail retrofit project and D. Ramsey is the project manager for the 227 Garden Building project.

D. Ramsey discussed the November County Road Administration Board’s leadership meeting and shared information on transportation funding opportunities provided at the meeting.


Prosecutor Dolly Hunt provided a legal update. Items discussed were: the AVISTA franchise document, noting the document will be an ordinance and a hearing is required; anda contract with Spokane for coroner services. The Miner reporter Don Gronning was present.


Public Comment Period - Present was Mike Anderson to discuss noises concerns with a business located next to his property.


Motion was made byM. Manusto continuethe meeting to January 6, 2015. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. . Motion carried.

January 6, 2015

The meeting resumed. K. Skoog was excused.


Sheila Stalp, Northern Deputy District Director for Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, provided a Congressional Office update. Items discussed were: Secure Rural Schools is scheduled to be addressed first in the next session and the goal is to make it long-term. There is an A-to-Z meeting on the 20th in Colville regarding an update on the Forest Plan and the A-to-Z project. The TechMine was discussed and S. Kiss provided a workforce update. Other items included PonderayNewsprintand chip production,Vaagen Brothers, logging,fiber optics, a healthcare coalition, wolves and milfoil. M. Manus noted milfoil infestation is rampant. S. Kiss noted the PUD now operates the aquamog with the focus currently on the public launch areas.


ITS Director Chad Goodhue discussed the following: New World upgrade to take place early Thursday morning, website upgrade and quote; software that archives text messages and a proposed contract that has been reviewed by D. Hunt; panic and distress notification system; keyless door access, and search for a records management system that will work with Aptitude.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow provided the following department update: Parks Board: Section 16 logging is completed; logo selection process is on-going; permitting process is beginning for the watertrails site at the Sandy Shores boat launch; equestrian trail from the Park to Section 16 implementation in 2016; the group camp is dependenton grant funding and additional information will be available in June, 2015.

The Comprehensive Plan public hearing on the proposed changes is scheduled for January 20th with follow up meetings scheduled for January 27th and February 10th. M. Lithgow also noted that the Department of Ecology has offered $20,000 of Ecology Husseman funds to help produce a suite of documents to assist with implementation of the Comp Plan. A Request For Proposals will be provided to the Board next week.

Also discussed were three Planning Commission openings with one vacancy now and two by the end of February.


M. Lithgow discussed the State Building Code and performance of plan reviews based on that Code. He requested approval of a professional services agreement with Postlewait Code, LLC for commercial plan review services on an occasional basis. Motion was made M. Manus to approve the agreement. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

Agreement for Building Plan Review Services with Postlewait Code LLC



Correspondence Received (Non-electronic): None


Correspondence Sent:

Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife- 2015 In-Lieu of Real Property Taxes Based on 2014 Ownership


Motion to adjourn was made by M. Manus. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

ATTEST: ______APPROVED: ______

Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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