Program Nomination Deadline: Noon, March 1, 2016

Faculty reviewers rely heavily on this statement to help them evaluate the file from the vantage point of the program.

Name of Nominee (Last, First):
Current UMN Graduate Program:

The above-named student:

Has completed all program coursework; OR

Is registered in spring 2016, which will complete program coursework requirements


Has passed oral preliminary examination without reservation; OR

Has passed oral preliminary examination with reservation, to be removed by (mm/dd/yyyy):

When did this student matriculate into the U of M program?

(e.g., Masters: fall 2012 and Ph.D.: fall 2014, or Ph.D.: fall 2012)


Ph.D. (or D.M.A.):

Did this student ever receive an approved Leave of Absence?

Yes: No:

If yes, how long was the approved absence?

Is the nominee expected to graduate by December 2017?

Yes: No:

The following three questions may be answered directly on this form, or may be attached as a letter. The DGS should not quote extensively from the nominee’s recommendation letters.

1. Discuss the quality of the nominee’s research and the likely impact on the field:

·  Describe the nominee’s independent and original contribution to the research; what are the specific and unique ideas/contributions made by this individual to the larger group research project, or to the adviser’s existing research project.

·  What is the significance and potential/likely impact of the research, in context of the entire field.

2. Discuss the productivity, scholarly accomplishments, and scholarly potential of the nominee:

·  Compare the nominee’s record with other students at this stage in the field. Cite specific achievements, where applicable.

·  Describe the quality and standing (impact) of the journals, conferences, or performance venues, keeping in mind that faculty reviewers may not be aware of the impact without this clarification. Explain the discipline’s convention for listing authorship (i.e., primary author first, authors alphabetical, or other).

3. Comment on the nominee’s progress in relation to program’s expectations and norms.; please note any unusual circumstances:

DGS Signature: ______

(Typed Signature is acceptable)