St Albans HSA

20th January 2016


Attendees: Mrs E Jewitt (chair), Mrs E Robertson (minutes), Mrs JSymmonds

Apologies: None received

1)Welcomeand Apologies

Mrs Jewitt welcomed attendees. It was noted membership has been low recently. Meetings were previously all set down for a Wednesday 9am but it following a parent request varying days and times were scheduled to allow for more members to attend. It was noted that attendance has actually been lower following the change. Dates and times to remain for this term but to revert to set day of the week and time for next term.

2)Matters Arising

(i)Mrs Jewitt confirmed action outstanding for clear identification such as laminated volunteer badges or lanyards for those helping at events such as Christmas and Summer Fair to clearly identify organisers. Mrs Jewitt to organise badges.

ACTION 1: Mrs Jewitt to make HSA badges and liaise with school office to ask if they would laminate. (action carried forward from 03/11/2015 meeting)

(ii)Mrs Jewitt confirmed Mrs Boxall has advised Mrs Hordell is happy with the friendship bench although may wish to call them something else. Mrs Boxall confirmed Mrs Hordell is seeking to identify a school lead to conduct a review of all playground facilities with a view to improving them and the friendship benches will be included in this review. Mrs Jewitt to liaise with Mrs Hordell and confirm progress.

ACTION 2: Mrs Jewitt to discuss friendship bench with Mrs Hordell

(action carried forward from 30/09/2015 meeting)


Mrs Jewitt confirmed the AGM has been set down for 3pn Friday 12th February. This will take place before the cake sale. Agenda to-date includes chair report, treasurer report, officers posts, charitable status, constitution, AOB.

4)HSA Status

Mrs Jewitt confirmed that once the constitution has been adopted at the AGM, the HSA would be applying for charity status as more than £5,000 is raised and this is the correct process. Information will be circulated in due course.

ACTION 3:Mrs Jewitt to apply for charity status for HSA and provide further information to members when available.

5)HSA 2015/16 Fund Raising

Mrs Jewitt confirmed Mrs Hordell would like HSA to raise funds for a new sound and light system for the school hall which would improve school productions. In addition, school friendship benches and playgroup review would be included.

6)Review Last Term Activities

(i)Film Night raised £266.22

(ii)Calendar and tea towels raised £212.83

(iii)Christmas cards raised £382.83

(iv)Christmas fair raised £1124.40

(v)Santa raised £104.95

(vi)KS2 concert raffle raised £114.40

(vii)KS2 concert refreshments raised £27.29

(viii)Denmead Brass Band/school choir refreshments raised £102.24

(ix)Cake sale raised £110.78

Total raised last term was £2,445.94

Film Night:The change in format and earlier start time went well and the revised snack bags were well received (muffin, crisps, sweet treat, biscuit and drink). Lesson learned – half time comfort break required. It was confirmed Mrs Charlesworth (YR and Y3) would lead film nights in future.

Calendar and Tea Towels – still some left for sale 83 calendars sold, 17 remaining and 173 tea towels left, 77 still to be sold. Mrs Jewitt asked for thanks to be noted for Mrs Redd (Y3) who took the photos for the calendar at no charge. Mrs Jewitt confirmed costs and suppliers to be removed for next year. Lesson learned – pre-order letter to be sent out earlier and do not sell at other events first.

Christmas Cards – all went well, thanks to Mrs Taylor (Y4 and Y6)

Christmas Fair – All went well, no issues. Thank you to Mr and Mrs West (Y1)

For storing all the Christmas fair items through the year.

Santa – Thanks to Santa and the elves, they did a fantastic job this year and looked great in the new outfits. Lesson learned – review wording of parent letter for next year, use same supplier as different number of items for some classes and named individual to be responsible for ensuring any allergies, dietary issues are noted and catered for

KS2 Concert – concert went well with good raffle and refreshment sales#

Denmead Brass Band and School Choir event – this ran on Sunday for the first time. A good number of the school choir attended which was excellent as it was a cold and miserable Sunday afternoon. Event went well. Deanmead Brass Band kept door donations and HSA sold refreshments which went well. If event repeated next year joint HSA and band raffle will generate more prizes and sales.

Cake Sale – as usual the cake sale went well

7)This Term Activities

Easter Egg Hunt – date confirmed as the afternoon of Tuesday 22nd March. Volunteer helpers required – Mrs Jewitt to write out to parents.

ACTION 4: Mrs Jewitt to write to parents asking for volunteers for Easter Egg Hunt on Tuesday 22nd March.

Fun Mats – discussed and agreed that fun mats would be done in October/November for Christmas

Fashion Show – date confirmed as Thursday 3rd March. The event will be held after school. Donations of clothes are required as well as volunteers to help on the day and during the event. Event will run 4:30pm to 6pm with children modelling the clothes using a cat walk. Clothes will be available for purchase straight after the event. Mrs Jewitt to send a letter out to parents asking for clothes donations and volunteer helpers for during the day and during the event.

ACTION 5: Mrs Jewitt to write to parents asking for clothes donations and volunteer helpers for the fashion show on Thursday 3rd March.

Charity Days – HSA to ask Mrs Hordell if the school can decide which charity events they will be supporting this year ie Sport Relief, Race for Life etc and send a list with dates out to parents as soon as possible to provide as much time as possible for parents to prepare. If a child needs to dress for a certain event it allows more time for parents to find appropriate clothes for example something pink for Race for Life.

ACTION 6: Mrs Robertson to ask Mrs Hordell to confirm which charity events the school will be supporting for the year and include the dates in the next newsletter.

7) Future Meeting Dates

9am Tuesday 8th March

9am Monday 18th April

2:30pm Wednesday 18th May

9am Tuesday 14th June

Number / Action / Name
1 / C/F HSA volunteer laminated badges be created / Mrs Jewitt
2 / C/F: Discuss buddy/friendship bench with Mrs Hordell / Mrs Jewitt
3 / Apply for charity status for HSA and provide further information to members when available / Mrs Jewitt
4 / Write to parents asking for volunteers for Easter Egg Hunt on Tuesday 22nd March / Mrs Jewitt
5 / Write to parents asking for clothes donations and volunteer helpers for the fashion show on Thursday 3rdMarch / Mrs Jewitt
6 / Mrs Hordell to confirm which charity events the school will be supporting for the year and include the dates in the next newsletter. / Mrs Robertson