Monday, January 18, 2016

Goldschmidt Home

Madison, WI


CALL TO ORDER: President Peter Mortenson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Peter Mortenson, President; Bob Downing, Vice President; Andy Waxenberg, Ice Buyer; Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf, Secretary; Sarah Edgerton, Webmaster; David Goldschmidt, Registrar; Abby Sanders, Marketing. EXCUSED: Maggie Friedell, Treasurer.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 1, 2015 meeting were approved as presented by unanimous consent.

COMMUNICATIONS FROM WAHA AND REGION 4: An issue was raised regarding the individuals receiving club communications from WAHA and Region 4. President Mortenson agreed to contact WAHA and Region 4 to update board membership with the two organizations.

NUMBERS FOR 2016-2017 SEASON: Board members discussed numbers for next season based on current registrations. Members discussed the need to recruit younger players to support U8 and U10 teams, as well as feed the older teams in the future. It was decided to open Ice Spirit registration early for the 2016-2017 season for organizational purposes. The board also agreed to survey organization members regarding their intentions for the 2016-2017 season.

MARKETING/HOW CAN THE ICE SPIRIT ATTRACT YOUNGER PLAYERS TO THE CLUB?/PLAYER RETENTION:Items discussed to recruit players for future seasons include referral incentives, girl-only summer training sessions, participate in an increased number of parades, seek players lists from Middleton Youth Hockey and the Polar Caps. The board also approved authorization to submit paperwork to host a 2018 state tournament. Sarah Kasdorf will reach out to Todd Horn from the DC Diamonds to discuss their recruitment process.

ALL ICE SPIRIT GIRLS SKATE DAY IN LAKE DELTON: The Ice Spirit board supported the general concept but was concerned about distance. The board will investigate some girls-only summer skating sessions.


President: No report.

Vice President: Bob Downing expressed concern regarding disciplinary issues with the teams. Discussion ensued. The board discussed parental involvement in monitoring locker rooms until such time as a locker room policy could be developed. By unanimous consent, the board agreed to begin locker room monitoring in the U12 locker room immediately. By unanimous consent, the board also agreed to permit coaches to address locker room incidents and implement appropriate discipline.

Ice Buyer: Andy Waxenberg stated the schedule for the first two weeks of February has been posted to the website.Practice schedules for teams qualifying for the state tournament is pending. A request was made to look at different socks for next season (tearing too easily).

Registrar: No report.

Secretary: Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf indicated she received from the previous secretary the bylaws/policies and procedures for the Ice Spirit organization. The club will begin work on updating/adopting policies and procedures at its next meeting. The first two policies to be adopted are a locker room monitoring policy and a discipline policy.

Treasurer: No report.

Webmaster: A newsletter will be sent to the club discussing recent disciplinary issues, including a request for parents to pop into locker rooms to monitor behavior. The newsletter is also to include language reiterating the organization’s stance on use of cell phones in locker rooms.

Marketing: No report.


SET NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting date was set for Monday, February 15, 2016 at the Downing residence. The main topic for the meeting will be the organization’s policies and procedures, focusing on locker rooms and discipline.

ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned following completion of business.