Drug Classification Project
Group Member’s Names & What they worked on
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
Each group will be randomly selected!
Drug Classification: ______
**You are going to become an expert in your particular drug classification and will teach the classification to the rest of your peers. Everyone is to work together and share equal responsibility on this project. I will provide several handouts on all classifications. You will be given three work days in the library. The rest of the time is your group’s responsibility.
Presentation Date ______
In class work days ______
Library Days ______
What is expected for the project
- Minimum of a 20 minute and maximum of a 30 minute presentation on the drug classification including handout and review worksheet.
- The research and main points of the classification needs to be explained through a PowerPoint presentation. Must be on a flash drive/CD. Use Google Docs to share your work. It is a good idea to share your Google doc with me. If you don’t have a back up plan & you can not present, your group will get a zero.
- Your group will provide a review worksheet on the information that was presented by your groupfor the rest of the class. (puzzle, fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, etc.) You will also need an answer key for the worksheet. This worksheet will be given for homework and is due the next day or if time allows will be given for class work. Your peers will hand in their worksheet to your group to be corrected by the group and given back the following day. YOU MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 10 QUESTIONS on the worksheet, AND YOU MUST HAVE PICTURES/DESIGNS etc. (15pts.)
The Power-Point Presentation Must Include the following:
- Classification Name ( 1pt)
- Classification Definition ( 3pts.)
- Classification Slang Terms ( 1pt)
- History of the drug/Trends/Popularity
Statistics of use for classification (who uses, age, if it is a major problem) (10pts.)
- How the classification harms the body and mind (10pts.)
- Classification Dependence/Addiction(physical/psychological/both)
( 5pts.)
- TYPES of each drug Classification mentioned in the textbook only! ( 5pts.)REFER TO LAST PAGE
*Name & slang terms for each type( 5pts.)
*Short- term Effects of each type (5pts.)minimum of 5
Long-term Effects of each type (5pts)minimum of 5
*How each type is ingested/taken to the body(5pts)
*Medical uses if any for each type (5pts.)
- Penalties for Possession/Legal issues( personal use) (5pts.)
- How drug addiction will affect the rest of your life ( 5pts)
- You must have pictures of each type of drugin your classification. ( 5pts.)
- All members of the group contributed and could correctly pronounce words in a flowing manner. (5 pts.)
- Enough copies of thereview worksheet for all members of the class and Mrs. Sheipe-Miller.
- Enough copies of the answer sheet key for Mrs. Sheipe-Miller and all members of the group.
- Copy’s of a printed version of the PowerPoint presentation for Mrs. Sheipe-Miller and all members of the group.
- Bibliography of all resources used to Mrs. Sheipe-Miller (MLA Style)Must be on a separate paper not on the PowerPoint!
( if you do not have a bibliography 10 points will be deducted from your final grade!)
If you need copies made
- Place a post-it note on what ever needs to be copied write the following information on the post-it:
-Full name
-Date presentation is due
-Period you have health
-How many copies you need ( my class has ______students)
- Place what needs to be copied with all appropriate information on my desk as soon as you have it.
- I need one full day to make copies! Any copies given to me the day of the presentation will not be made!
** You will be giving each member of your group a grade for cooperation and shared responsibility!
Any group member who does not contribute effort will be given a ZERO
You must be here the day of the presentation! ( tell me if you can’t be here on the date that is given to you)
** Your PowerPoint presentation needs to have a large enough font so the entire class can see it and the slides should be well organized according to the information. ( 10 points will be deducted if the PowerPoint can not be read by the class because the font is too small or the color/pictures are drowning out the words.)
** Double check with me to make sure your presentation will run on my computer, you can also e-mail me a copy to play it safe. ( I have PowerPoint version 2003)
If you can not show your presentation the day it is due because someone was absent or you didn’t have a back up plan it is a zero!
Web Sites: (Google)
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
National Council against drug abuse ( has penalties)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA ( trends, statistics)
PA State Drug Laws
Classifications & The Types Under Each Classification
- Inhalents
( use the examples in the book)
- Marijuana
- Hashish
- Hallucinogens
- Psilocybin
- Stimulants
- Cocaine
- Crack
- Amphetamines
- Methamphetamines
- Methcathinone
- Ephedrine
- Methylphenidate
- Narcotics
- Opium
- Morphine
- Codeine
- Heroin
- Sedative Hypnotics
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Anabolic-Androgenic Steriods
A. Corticosteriods