Louder than a Bomb: The Power of the Spoken Word

“LOUDER THAN A BOMB is a film about passion, competition, teamwork, and trust. It’s about the joy of being young, and the pain of growing up. It’s about speaking out, making noise, and finding your voice.

It also just happens to be about poetry.

Every year, more than six hundred teenagers from over sixty Chicago area schools gather for the world’s largest youth poetry slam, a competition known as "Louder Than a Bomb". Founded in 2001, Louder Than a Bomb is the only event of its kind in the country—a youth poetry slam built from the beginning around teams. Rather than emphasize individual poets and performances, the structure of Louder Than a Bomb demands that kids work collaboratively with their peers, presenting, critiquing, and rewriting their pieces. To succeed, teams have to create an environment of mutual trust and support. For many kids, being a part of such an environment—in an academic context—is life-changing.

LOUDER THAN A BOMB chronicles the stereotype-confounding stories of four teams as they prepare for and compete in the 2008 event. By turns hopeful and heartbreaking, the film captures the tempestuous lives of these unforgettable kids, exploring the ways writing shapes their world, and vice versa. This is not "high school poetry" as we often think of it. This is language as a joyful release, irrepressibly talented teenagers obsessed with making words dance. How and why they do it—and the community they create along the way—is the story at the heart of this inspiring film.” (source: http://www.louderthanabombfilm.com/about-the-film.php)

Day One Activity. As you view the documentary, answer the following questions:

Record the names of the poet you especially enjoyed. Next to each, explain in a sentence what it is about them that you like.

What in the video was powerful to you? Why?

What stands out to you?

What questions do you have?

What predictions can you make?

After viewing, answer three of the five questions.

Responses to each question should be at least 2-3 sentences each and completed on loose-leaf and stapled to this sheet.

1.  What made the poems presented in the film so powerful? Would they have been as effective if they were not about the stories of the speakers? Would they have been as effective if they hadn’t been spoken aloud?

2.  What makes a slam poetry performance effective? Use specific examples to support.

3.  Do you think the teenagers in the video needed to have a hard life to write such great poetry? Has the students’ background/life have given them power to write these poems?

4.  The idea of a team being a “family” came up quite a bit in the video. Why was this important to the poets?

5.  Think about the messages these students were trying to pass on. What would you write about?

GCO 1: Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
1.4 listen critically to analyze and evaluate ideas and Information / 1 à Answers need to be completed. Evidence is needed. / 2 à Answers need to be more detailed. Evidence clearly connected to answers should be included. / 3 à Answers are clear and demonstrate that the student was paying some attention. / 4 à Answers are clear and demonstrate some analysis. / 5à Answers are thoughtful; answers demonstrate analysis and evaluation.
On this assessment, this outcome involves students offering evidence that they were listening critically as well as viewing.
GCO 3: Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose
3.2 demonstrate how spoken language influences, manipulates, and reveals ideas and perceptions. / 1 à Answers should be completed; references to the elements of spoken language are needed. / 2 à More specific references and explanations of the elements of spoken language is needed. / 3 à Clear understanding of what makes spoken language effective is clear. / 4 à Good understanding of how spoken language can be powerful is demonstrated. / 5 à Excellent understanding of how spoken language can be powerful and influence others is demonstrated.