Manasquan Sending District CurriculumHealth 3-4

Unit: Family Life

Stage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals: NJCCCS, 2009
STANDARD 2.1 (Wellness) All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Growth and Development
  1. Describe the structure and function of human body systems.
  2. Describe each human life stage and the physical changes that occur at each stage.
  3. Discuss factors that contribute to healthy physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and uniqueness.
B. Safety
  1. Describe the characteristics of safe and unsafe situations and develop strategies to reduce the risk of injuries at home, school, and community.
  2. Explain that abuse can take several forms, including verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical, and identify ways to get help should abuse be suspected.
  3. Describe the characteristics of strangers, acquaintances, and trusted adults and demonstrate safe and appropriate ways to deal with each.
C. Social and Emotional Health
  1. Describe basic human needs and how individuals and families attempt to meet those needs.
  2. Discuss how culture, peers, and the media impact the way individuals communicate and express emotions, and how emotions can affect communication, choices, and behaviors.
  3. Discuss the causes of stress and demonstrate ways to deal with stressful situations.
  4. Explain and demonstrate ways to cope with rejection, loss, and separation.
  5. Explain how stereotypes influence personal growth and behavior.
STANDARD 2.2 (Integrated Skills) All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Communication
  1. Describe and demonstrate the effective use of communication skills, including refusal, negotiation, and assertiveness.
  2. Identify and employ ways to improve listening skills.
B. Decision Making
  1. Outline the steps to making an effective decision.
  2. Discuss how parents, peers, and the media influence health decisions and behaviors.
  3. Describe situations that might require a decision about health and safety.
C. Character Development
  1. Describe character traits and core ethical values such as trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, caring, justice, fairness, civic virtue, and citizenship.
  2. Discuss how an individual’s character positively impacts individual and group goals and success.
STANDARD 2.4 (Human Relationships and Sexuality) All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Relationships
  1. Describe different kinds of families and discuss how families can share love, values, and traditions, provide emotional support, and set boundaries and limits.
  2. Compare the roles, rights, and responsibilities of various family members.
  3. Discuss ways that families adjust to changes in the nature or structure of the family.
  4. Discuss how culture and tradition influence personal and family development.
  5. Discuss factors that support healthy relationships with friends and family.
  6. Describe the characteristics of a friend.
  7. Describe appropriate ways to show affection and caring.
B. Sexuality
  1. Describe the physical, social, and emotional changes occurring at puberty.
  2. Discuss why puberty begins and ends at different ages for different people.
C. Pregnancy and Parenting
  1. Explain that after fertilization, cells divide to create a fetus/embryo that grows and develops inside the uterus during pregnancy.
  2. Discuss how the health of the birth mother impacts the development of the fetus.

Enduring Understandings:
At the end of the unit students will understand that…
  • Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors.
  • An individual’s health at different life stages is dependent on heredity, environmental factors and lifestyle choices.
  • Current and emerging diagnostic, prevention and treatment strategies can help people live healthier and longer than ever before.
  • Making good health decisions requires the ability to access and evaluate reliable resources.
  • Effective communication skills enhance a person’s ability to express and defend their beliefs.
  • Decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may not be in a person’s best interest.
  • Character can be developed and supported through individual and group activities, the influence of positive role models and involvement in community service.
  • Character is who you are when no one is looking.
  • Research has clearly established that alcohol, tobacco and other drugs have a variety of harmful effects on the human body.
  • Tolerance, appreciation and understanding of individual differences are necessary in order to establish healthy relationships.
  • Reliable personal and professional resources are available to assist with relationship problems.
  • Technological advances continue to provide increased opportunities to develop relationships anytime and anyplace with a worldwide audience.
  • Prenatal care has a direct impact on the delivery and long-term health of the child.
/ Essential Questions:
At the end of the unit students will be able to answer…
  • What causes optimal growth and development?
  • What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy risks?
  • How can you learn to like yourself and others?
  • How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them?
  • In order to achieve lifetime wellness, what should I plan for and what should I just let happen?
  • To what extent do outside influences shape values?
  • How do I make the “right” decisions in the face of peer, media and other pressures?
  • How do we learn to understand and respect diversity in relationships?
  • How do we know when a relationship is not worth saving?

Content Knowledge:

Students will know…

  • List the body changes that indicate growth and development.
  • Explain how people change as they grow older.
  • Describe how responsible self-care influences growth and development.
  • There are many different types of healthy families.
  • Identify and discuss different family roles, responsibilities, traditions, including those that relate to health promotion and disease prevention.
  • How the roles if different family members change as you grow up.
/ Content Understandings:
Students will understand that.
  • With age and maturity come reasoning and good decision making skills.
  • The characteristics of a healthy vs. unhealthy friendship.
  • The difference between good touch and bad touch.
  • The importance of family rules and those boundaries are meant to keep you safe.
  • As you grow your body will change, and you will continue to develop as a special person.
  • Different cultures and different families have different traditions.

Content Skills:

Students will be able to…

  • Identify three health habits that can influence growth and development.
  • List physical changes that take place in each cycle of life. Infancy, childhood, pre-adolescence and adulthood.
  • Define cells, tissue, organ, body system and traits.
/ Misconceptions:
Predictable misconceptions to address are…
  • You have to be best friends with everyone.
  • Everyone grows at the same rate and at the same time
  • Everyone has the same relationships with their family.
  • All families are nuclear.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Summative Assessments
Traditional Tasks
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Short paragraphs
  • Unit tests
  • Worksheets
/ Summative Evidence
Performance Tasks:
  • Role playing
  • Oral presentation
  • Note taking – fill in
  • Poster

Formative Assessments
  • Tests and quizzes
  • Homework
  • Group interaction (fro review research and brainstorm ideas)
  • Class discussion

Stage 3- Learning Plan

  • Define the different types of families.
  • Look at pictures of different types of families, and identify their similarities and differences.
  • Make a list of 5 things that would affect the dynamics of a family.
  • Make a poster showing what you give to members of your family. Ex: love, patience, talent, art, etc.
  • Cut out pictures from a magazine of older people, and write captions of what you hope to be doing at that point in your life.
  • Work in small groups – pick one body system and list the organs that make up that system.
  • List five traits that were passed down from family members.
  • Select a personal family tradition, and write a short story explaining why it is unique and special to your family.
  • Create a comic strip showing what could happen if a family member does not keep up with his or her chores and responsibilities.
/ Strategies:
  • Team work
  • Group discussion
  • Active listening
  • Group participation
  • Active reading
  • Visualize
  • Predict
  • Summarize
  • Connect
  • Making charts, graphs and posters.

Interdisciplinary Connections:
x__ Art- pictures, posters
___ Music –
_x__ Physical Education – what you can do as a family for health and fitness
___ World Language –
___ Health –
_x__ Science – Body systems
_x__ Social Studies – Culture, environment, heredity
___ Mathematics –
_x__ Language Arts – writing, discussions
Technology Connections: United Streaming, Videos, Internet, DVDs
Resources: United Streaming, Videos, Internet, DVDs, Health Books, and Workbooks.

HealthPage 111/17/2018