Iowa Wesleyan University

International Office

Optional Practical Training(OPT) Packet

Optional Practical Training

Optional Practical Training, also known as OPT, is a type of employment authorization which allows F-1 students to work off campus in ajob directly related to the student’s program of study.


Optional Practical Training (OPT) is designed to provide you with an opportunity to gain actual employment experience,related to your chosen field of study, for a maximum of one year. Its purpose is to complement your academic work during or upon completion of undergraduate, graduate and/or doctoral degree levels of education. (ESL is NOT a level eligible for OPT)

OPT categories:

  1. Post-Completion OPT: Full time employment after completion of the course of study or after completion of all course requirements for the degree, excluding thesis or equivalent.
  1. Pre-Completion OPT: Full- or part-time* employment during your annual vacation if you are enrolled and intendto register for the next session; or Part-time employment (20 hours per week or less) while school is in session.

* Part-time OPT (maximum of 20 hours per week) is permitted while school is in session, but students must be registered for a full course load. A part-time OPT period is computed at half the regular full-time period. For example, students who choose to engage in OPT while school is in session during the fall semester (4-1/2 months) would have two months and one week deducted from the total of one year.

OPT Requirements

  1. Students must complete one full academic year of study.
  2. OPT employment must be DIRECTLY related to the student’s major program of study.
  3. Students must submit an application for OPT no more than 90 days prior to completing the designated program of study on the student’s I-20.
  1. OPT must be requested prior to the completion of all course requirements for the degree or prior to the completion of the course of study.
  1. The Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card or commonly called “OPT card” must be received and employment CANNOT start until the date indicated on the EAD card authorizing employment.

Application Procedures

For standard post-completion OPT, the Form I-765 must be received by the USCIS Service Center no more than 90 days prior to the Program End Date listed on the student’s I-20, and no later than 60 days after the Program End Date listed on the student’s I-20. (see an International office staff member for pre-completion OPT application procedures)

In addition, the Form I-765 in support of post-completion OPT must be received by the USCIS Service Center no later than 30 days after the Designated School Official (DSO) submits the OPT recommendation to SEVIS and prepares your new OPT I-20.

Attend the OPT workshop provided by the International Office

Complete the Optional Practical Training (OPT) Application Form to request your OPT I-20from the International Office.

Complete the OPT Recommendation Form and obtain signatures from the Registrar’s Office andyour Academic Advisor.

Complete the Form I-765 application – use the electronic version to TYPE your information.

Download Form I-765 here:

Download Instructions for Form I-765 here:

Gatheryour required documents. Allow approximately 1 week to gather and organize your documents for mailing.

You will need to obtain the following documents:

  1. Two (2) current passport size photographs of yourself.
  2. Lightly print in pencil your name and your I-94 Admission Number on the back of photos and place in small envelope.

2.Prepare a personal check or money order for $380.00 USD, make the check / money order payable to:

US Department of Homeland Security

  1. Make a copy of your current and ALL previous I-20’s issued to you.
  2. Make one copy of your passport information and picture page.
  3. Make one copy of your F-1 Visa.
  4. Make one copy of your I-94 card (front and back on the same sheet of paper).
  5. Make one copy of your social security card.
  6. Request from the Student Records Office a copy of your Unofficial Transcripts
  7. Make one copy of any previous Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card, if applicable.

Schedule an appointment with a member of the International officeto review your OPT materials and to collect your OPT I-20.

Mail your OPT documents through a courier service (i.e. UPS, FedEx, etc.) or USPS Certified Mail to:

USCIS Nebraska Service Center

P.O. Box 87103

Lincoln, NE 68501-7103

Applicant Information

Last Name: / First Name:
SEVIS #: N000 / Current Program End Date:
University ID #: / Email:@
Mailing Address:
(This is where you want OPT documents delivered AFTER you leave I.W.) / Cell Phone:
Expected Graduation Date://

OPT Information

Have you previously been authorized for OPT? Yes or No From: // To://
I am applying for: Post Completion OPT
(circle one) Pre Completion OPT
OPT STEM Extension / Program Level:
Requested OPT Start Date:// / Requested OPT End Date://
Please INITIAL all boxes indicating you have read, understand, and agree to comply with all stipulation listed below:
____I have maintained valid F-1 status since I began my studies at the Iowa Wesleyan College.
____I understand that I must report any change to my name,residential address, or any interruption of OPT employment within 10 days to a member of the Iowa Wesleyan CollegeInternational Office staff.
____I understand that being unemployed for more than an aggregate of 90 days during my post-completion OPT will result in a violation of the requirements for remaining in valid F-1 status.
____I will provide theInternational office with any and all updates in my work activity and intended travel outside the United
____I understand that I cannot begin working until I have my EAD card in-hand and the start date is current and valid
____I will report the name & address of my employer tothe International office within 10 days of starting my employment and
fulfill any and ALL reporting requirements as required by USCIS with regard to OPT employment and/or OPT STEM
____I must pursue employment in a job directly related to my field of study
____I understand my responsibilities to maintain F-1 status while engaging in OPT.
____I will contact theInternational office if I need to transfer to another institution, change my visa status, or complete my stay
as an F-1 student in the United States.
____I understand my passport must be valid at all times. I will renew my passport six (6) months prior to the expiration date
____I will consult and notify the International office before any travel outside of the United States
Signature: Date://

For the International Office Use ONLY

Date Received: // / Comments/Notes:
Received By:
OPT I-20 Completion Date://

STUDENT INFORMATION – To be completed by the student

Last Name: / First Name:
University ID #: / Major:

Level of Study (Check One): Bachelor’s Master’s

I am applying for (Check One):

1. Pre-completion OPT (work before graduation)

2. Post-completion OPT (work after graduation)

REGISTRAR RECOMMENDATION – To be completed and signed by Registrar.

Has the student completed an Application for Graduation? YES NO

Expected date of degree completion: ______

Number of credits remaining to complete the current degree: ______

Is the student currently enrolled in all of the remaining credits? YES NO

If no, what coursework remains? ______

Upon successful completion of current coursework - does the student fulfill all requirements for graduation? YES NO

If no, what requirements remain?______

Registrar– please sign and date:______

ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION – To be completed and signed by the student’s Academic Advisor.

I have met with the student listed above and recommend Optional Practical Training (OPT) in the field of the student’s study. The department feels that such practical training in the United States prior to returning home would be beneficial to the student and is highly recommended.

To the best of my knowledge, the student fulfills all requirements for his/her degree requirements and is eligible to apply for graduation.

Advisor’s Printed Name: / Advisor’s Phone: ______
Department: / Advisor’s E-mail:


*For the I-765 document, the address is:

601 North Main Street,

Mount Pleasant, IA 52641

Declaration Statement

USCIS Nebraska Service Center

P.O. Box 87103

Lincoln, NE 68501-7103

To Whom It May Concern:

Copies of documents submitted with this application are exact copies of unaltered, original documents. I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an USCIS official or to a U.S. Consular official at a later date.

Signature: ______

Student’s Printed Name: / Date:

Post-completion OPT

Authorization Statement

I, the undersigned student, authorize the members ofIowa Wesleyan University’s International Office staff to receive, open and copy the authorized list of documents (including all notifications) for the use of updating and completing my student file.

Student’s Printed Name:
University ID #: / Date://
Mailing Address: (where you want the EAD / OPT card or other OPT documents mailed AFTER you leave the University.)
Student’s Signature:
Documents Authorized:
Witness’ Printed Name:
Witness’ Title: / Date://
Witness’ Signature:

STEM Extension

General Reporting and Requirements Agreement

Per USCIS regulations, STEM OPT recipients must make “validation reports” to the university Designated School official (DSO) every six (6) month starting from the date the 17-month extension begins and ending when either the student’s F-1 status ends, the student changes educational levels at the same school, the student transfers to another school, or the 17-month OPT extension ends (whichever is first). 8C.F.R. 214.2 (f)(12))ii)(B)

A sample of the required validation report is attached to this form. This report is due to the university DSO within ten (10) business days of each report due date.

The report dues dates will be:

  1. , - Six (6) months after the STEM OPT employment start date
  2. , - 12 months after the STEM OPT employment start date

I, the undersigned student,have read, understand, and will comply with the above mentioned general and specific reporting requirements related to my request for an OPT STEM extension.

Student’s Printed Name:
SEVIS ID #: N000
University ID #: / Date://
Current Mailing Address:
Student’s Signature:

STEM Extension – Validation Report

Student’s Full Name:
SEVIS ID #: N000 / Date://
Current Mailing / Residential Address:
Name of current employer:
Address of current employer:
Date student began working for the current employer: //
Student’s Signature:

This report is due to the Iowa Wesleyan University International Office within 10 days of each report due date, stipulated by the General Reporting and Requirements Agreement signed by the student.

Failure to submit this validation report within 10 days of the reporting date will result in automatic TERMINATION of the student’s F-1 status.