In this analysis we will compare the New World Translation

(NWT) (1984 edition) to the King James Bible (KJ).

The NWT was made by the Jehovah's Witnesses. They purposely

changed the translation to match their doctrine vs. making their

doctrine match God's word. In this analysis we will see the results.

K J V S. N W T

Gen. 1:2 KJ: "... And the SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED upon the

face of the waters."

NWT: "... and God's active force was moving to

and fro over the surface of the waters."

COMMENT: It was God in the form of a PERSON, a HE,

(i.e. God's HOLY SPIRIT), that was involved

in creation and NOT an impersonal 'force'.

The reason God's Holy Spirit was translated

God's 'active force' in the NWT is because

Jehovah's Witnesses DENY that God's Holy

Spirit is ALIVE. Some problems with that

belief are: 1) God's Holy Spirit MOVED

upon the face of the waters (here in Gen.

1:2), 2) The Holy Spirit can be GRIEVED

(Eph. 4:30), 3) He has a WILL (1Co. 12:11),

4) He KNOWS (1Co. 2:11), 5) He can be

BLASPHEMED (Mark 3:29), 6) He can be OBEYED

(Acts 13:2), 7) He can LEAD (Gal. 5:18 and

Rom. 8:14), 8) He SEALS BELIEVERS (Eph.

1:13), 9) He INTERCEDES for believers

(Rom. 8:26), 10) He GIVES GIFTS (1Co.

12:8-10) and 11) He TALKS (Rev. 14:13 and

Rev. 22:17).

Gen. 1:5,8,13 KJ: 5 "... And the evening and the morning were

19,23,31 THE FIRST DAY." 8 "... And the evening and

the morning were THE SECOND DAY." 13 Etc.

19 Etc. 23 Etc. 31 Etc.

NWT: 5 "... And there came to be evening and there

came to be morning, A FIRST DAY. 8 "... And

there came to be evening and there came to

be morning, A SECOND DAY." 13 Etc. 19 Etc.

23 Etc. 31 Etc.

COMMENT: On day 3 God made the GRASS and the TREES.

Then, on day 4 God made the SUN. Could the

grass and trees have gone '1 million years'

WITHOUT SUNLIGHT between day 3 and day 4?

Of course NOT! So, just like the King James

Bible says: It was THE first day and THE

second day etc, NOT A first day or A second

day. There were NO "GAPS" between the 6

literal, and SEQUENTIAL, days of creation.

The NWT robs God of his GLORY in CREATION.

Gen. 1:21 KJ: "And God created great WHALES, ..."

NWT: "And God proceeded to create the great sea

monsters ..."

COMMENT: God creates 'sea monsters'?

Gen. 2:13 KJ: "... land of ETHIOPIA."

NWT: "... land of Cush."

Comment: I know where Ethiopia is, but where is Cush?

Is the NWT's 'Cush' a "simpler and more

understandable word", than the King James'


Gen. 3:4-5 KJ: "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye

shall not surely die: For God doth know

that in the day ye eat thereof, then your

eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be

as gods, knowing good and evil."


NWT: "At this the serpent said to the woman: 'You

positively will not die. For God knows that

in the very day of your eating from it

your eyes are bound to be opened and you

are bound to be like God, knowing good


and bad.'"

COMMENT: This is MAJOR blasphemy! God (with a big G)

is not evil! Think about the difference.

Gen. 6:8 KJ: "But Noah found GRACE in the eyes of the


NWT: "But Noah found favor in the eyes of


COMMENT: God's GRACE was extended in the Old

Testament, too.

Oh, BTW, an amateur archeologist has found

the remains of Noah's ark. I've seen their

DVD and I believe it is real.

Their web site is:

There are people today that are looking for

the ark on Mount Ararat. But, check your King

James Bible. In Genesis 8:4 it says "the ark

rested in the seventh month, on the

seventeenth day of the month, upon the

MOUNTAINS (PLURAL) of Ararat". The amateur

archeologist found the remains of Noah's ark

12 miles from Mt. Ararat within the MOUNTAINS

of Ararat. The length of the discovered ark

is 1 inch off, that's right, 1 inch off, from

300 cubits (Gen. 6:15).

Gen. 11:1 KJ: "And the whole earth was of one language,

and of ONE SPEECH."

NWT: "... one language and of one set of words."

Gen. 24:47 KJ: "... and I put the EARRING UPON HER FACE,


NWT: "... I put the nose ring on her nostril ..."

COMMENT: The NWT put WHAT on her nostril?

Deut. 32:22 KJ: "For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and

shall burn unto the lowest HELL, ..."

NWT: "For a fire has been ignited in my anger

And it will burn down to Sheol, ..."

COMMENT: HELL IS GONE in this verse in the NWT.

Joshua 12:23 KJ: "... the king of the NATIONS of Gilgal, ..."

NWT: "... the king of Goiim in Gilgal ..."

COMMENT: Is the NWT's 'Goiim' a "simpler and more

understandable word" than the King James'


2Sam. 16:4 KJ: "... And Ziba said, I humbly BESEECH thee

[that] I may find GRACE in thy sight, my

lord, O king."

NWT: "... Ziba said: 'I do bow down. Let me

find favor in your eyes, my lord the


2Sam. 21:19 KJ: "... Elhanan ... slew [THE BROTHER OF]

Goliath ..."

NWT: "... Elhanan ... got to strike down Goliath


COMMENT: WHAT? 'Elhanan struck down Goliath'?

Sunday school CHILDREN know that DAVID SLEW

Goliath! The NWT translation 'scholars'

really blew this one. Oh, BTW, for a good

book on the quality of the King James

translators please see: "The Men Behind

The KJV" by: Gustavus S. Paine

ISBN: 0-8010-7008-2 published by Baker

Book House.

Scholar for scholar the translators of the

KJ Bible were far greater men of God than

any today. John Bois could read the Bible,

in Hebrew, at age 5. Lancelot Andrews was

fluent in 20 languages. John Chedderton knew

Greek, Hebrew and Latin as well as you and

I know English (and better) etc. etc.

1Kings 10:28 KJ: "... and LINEN yarn: the king's merchants

received the LINEN yarn at a price."

NWT: "... the king's merchants would themselves

take the HORSE DROVE for a price."

COMMENT: Horses? The NWT is not on the right topic.

1Kings 14:24 KJ: "And there were also SODOMITES in the land:


NWT: "And even the male temple prostitute proved

to be in the land. ..."

COMMENT: "SODOMITES" are watered down to just

'prostitute(s)'. Sodomy is an ABOMINATION

(Lev. 18:22), but the NWT has overlooked


Oh, BTW, an amateur archeologist has found

the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah. I've seen

their DVD and I believe it is real.

Their web site is:

1Kings 15:12 KJ: "And he took away the SODOMITES out of the

land, ..."

NWT: "Accordingly he had the male temple

prostitutes pass out of the land ..."

COMMENT: Again, the NWT changes "SODOMITES" to

just 'prostitutes'. Sodomy is GONE, in

the NWT, here in 1Kings 15:12, AND in

1Kings 14:24, AND in 1Kings 22:46 AND

in 2Kings 23:7.

1Kings 20:38 KJ: " ... with ASHES upon his FACE."

NWT: " ... with a bandage over his eyes."

COMMENT: In English, "ASHES" and 'bandage' are two

different words entirely, so are "FACE"

and 'eyes'.

Ezra 8:36 KJ: "And they delivered the king's commissions

unto the king's LIEUTENANTS, ..."

NWT: "Then we gave the laws of the king to the

satraps of the king ..."

COMMENT: Is the NWT's 'satraps' a "clearer and more

understandable word" than the King James'


Psalm 9:17 KJ: "The wicked shall be turned into HELL, ..."

NWT: "Wicked people will turn back to Sheol, ..."

COMMENT: The NWT has DELETED hell. Is this an attempt

to sell more NWTs?

Psalm 109:6 KJ: "Set thou a wicked man over him: and let

SATAN stand at his right hand."

NWT: "Appoint over him someone wicked, And may

a resister himself keep standing at his

right hand."

COMMENT: SATAN has been REMOVED from this verse in

the NWT.

Prov. 23:14 KJ: "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt


NWT: "... you may deliver his very soul from

Sheol ..."


Eccl. 5:20 KJ: "... God ANSWERETH [HIM] in the joy of his


NWT: "... God is preoccupying [him] with the

rejoicing of his heart."

COMMENT: The NWT translators blew this one.

Isaiah 11:3 KJ: "And shall make him of quick understanding


NWT: Omitted.

COMMENT: The verse is speaking of JESUS and says that

he shall be "of quick understanding". The

NWT omits this.

Isaiah 14:12 KJ: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER,

son of the morning! ..."

NWT: "O how you have fallen from heaven, you

shining one, son of the dawn! ..."

COMMENT: WHO fell from heaven? The NWT doesn't say.

But, the King James tells us: It's LUCIFER.

Lucifer is GONE in this verse in the NWT.

Isaiah 32:2 KJ: "And A MAN shall be as AN hiding place from

the wind, ..."

NWT: "And each one must prove to be like a hiding

place from the wind ..."

COMMENT: The "MAN" here can be no one but CHRIST.

Just another case of setting the Lord Jesus

aside, and giving us a substitute. Think how

serious all these corruptions are, and how

they destroy the word of God by substitution.

Also, the NWT should read AN hiding place,

(like the KJ) not A hiding place. The NWT

contains bad grammar.

Isaiah 53:10 KJ: "... when thou shalt make HIS SOUL AN


NWT: "... If you will set his soul as a GUILT


Daniel 3:25 KJ: "... and the form of the fourth is like


NWT: "... and the appearance of the fourth one

is resembling a son of the gods."

COMMENT: 'A son of the gods'? It was JESUS CHRIST,

THE SON OF GOD, who was in the fiery furnace

with Shadrach, Messach, and Abednego. It was

Jesus Christ who protected them and it is

Jesus Christ who SAVES US from the fiery

furnace (i.e. from hell).

Daniel 7:10 KJ: "... THE JUDGMENT WAS SET, and the books

were opened."

NWT: "... The Court took its seat, and there

were books that were opened."

COMMENT: The JUDGMENT OF GOD has been removed.

Hosea 11:12 KJ: "... but Judah YET RULETH WITH GOD, AND IS


NWT: "... But Judah is yet roaming with God,


COMMENT: The NWT has watered down "RULING" with

God to just 'roaming'.

Micah 5:2 KJ: "... Bethlehem ... out of thee shall he come

forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in

Israel; whose GOINGS FORTH [have been] from


NWT: "... whose ORIGIN is from early times, ..."

COMMENT: This refers to the Lord Jesus Christ and

the NWT (from the Jehovah's Witnesses) makes

him a CREATED BEING having an ORIGIN, thus


Zech. 9:9 KJ: "... behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he

[is] just, and having SALVATION; ..."

NWT: "... Your king himself comes to you. He is

righteous, yes, SAVED; humble, ..."

COMMENT: Jesus is 'SAVED' but he is NOT SAVIOR?

Notice once again: The JWs' NWT OMITS

Jesus as SAVIOR.

Zech. 11:17 KJ: "Woe to the IDOL shepherd that leaveth the

flock! ..."

NWT: "Woe to my valueless shepherd, who is

leaving the flock! ..."

COMMENT: The NWT scholars missed this one.

Zech. 12:10 KJ: "... and they shall look UPON ME whom they

have pierced, ..."

NWT: "... and they will certainly look to the

One whom they pierced ..."

COMMENT: The Jehovah's Witnesses CHANGE "ME" (Jesus)

whom they pierced to a vague 'One' whom they

pierced. They do that because the JWs


such, they DENY he is our SAVIOR.

Zech. 13:6 KJ: "And [one] shall say unto him, What [are]

these wounds IN THINE HANDS? Then he shall

answer, [Those] with which I was wounded

[in] the house of my FRIENDS."

NWT: "And one must say to him, 'What are these

wounds [on your person] between your hands?'

And he will have to say, 'Those with which

I was struck in the house of my INTENSE


COMMENT: This is a verse prophesying JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus was wounded IN HIS HANDS not 'between'

his hands. (He was also wounded on his

back). Lastly, he was in the house of his


PERVERTED this verse.

Matt. 1:19 KJ: "Then Joseph ... not willing to make her

(Mary) a publick example, was minded TO PUT

HER AWAY privily."

NWT: "... Joseph ... intended to DIVORCE HER


COMMENT: Think on this. What a DIFFERENCE! The

meaning is far-reaching and a lot is


Matt. 1:25 KJ: "And knew her not till she had brought

forth her FIRSTBORN son: ..."

NWT: "But he had no intercourse with her until

she gave birth to a son; ..."


Matt. 2:4 KJ: "... he (King Herod) DEMANDED of them where

Christ should be born."