Questions 1-5 are incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Captain Henry, ___ crept slowly through the underbrush.

a) being remote from the enemy,

b) attempting to not encounter the enemy,

c) trying to avoid the enemy,

d) not involving himself in the enemy,

2. ___ he began to make friends more easily.

a) Having entered school in the new city, it was found that

b) After entering the new school,

c) When he had been entering the new school,

d) Upon entering into the new school,

3. A major problem in the construction of new buildings ___ .

a)is that windows have been eliminated while air conditioning systems have not been perfected

b) is they have eliminated windows and still don’t have good air conditioning

c) is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don’t work good

d) is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning systems

4. One of the professor’s greatest attributes is ___ .

a) when he gives lectures

b) how in the manner that he lectures

c) the way to give lectures

d) his ability to lecture

5. ___ was the day before yesterday.

a) The France’s Independence Day

b) The day of the French independence

c) French’s Independence Day

d) France’s Independence Day

In questions 6-16 choose the word that best completes each sentence.

6. I’m going to ___ a big party for Mary’s birthday this summer.

a) make

b) do

c) throw

d) run

7. Would you be able to put me ___ for the night when I come to London?

a) on

b) up

c) over

d) together

8. People were walking ___ across the square.

a) to and fro

b) to and back

c) up and down

d) over and over

9. The new Bose speaker system ___ old approaches to stereo sound to history.

a) consigns

b) suggests

c) develops

d) constrains

10. She didn’t give chapter and ___ but I got a general idea of what she meant.

a) line

b) book

c) page

d) verse

11. Ann is very happy because she ___ through the interview.

a) has put

b) has looked

c) has flown

d) has sailed

12. I was in the ___ of despair before I heard the good news.

a) pits

b) abyss

c) depths

d) valley

13. The employer was satisfied with her work and considered her to be a ___ employee.

a) conscious

b) conscientious

c) conscience

d) consensual

14. Last year Bert ran into a ___ of bother with his next-door neighbour.

a) piece

b) spot

c) point

d) lump

15. The film release caused a ___ of publicity in the press.

a) surge

b) pack

c) matter

d) sign

16. With technology and changing lifestyles, tea packaging has ___ .

a) intensified

b) duplicated

c) protracted

d) proliferated

In questions 17-26 each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

17. The hotel manager became suspicious of those people who were loitering in the lobby.

a) bustling

b) sleeping

c) meddling

d) loafing

18. Boys’ Clubs do not deprive poor children of the opportunity to participate in sports.

a) deny

b) retract

c) improvise

d) dilute

19. Picasso was a well-known cubist painter.

a) artistic

b) colourful

c) celebrated

d) knowledgeable

20. It is imperative that they arrive on time for the lecture.

a) necessary

b) suggested

c) hoped

d) intended

21. Scott seized the opportunity to present his proposal to the director.

a) realized

b) grasped

c) rendered

d) delivered

22. Nearly half of the town’s inhabitants are descendants of indigenous civilizations.

a) native

b) backward

c) hard-working

d) poor

23. Having come from an affluent society, John found it difficult to adjust to a small country town.

a) affable

b) wealthy

c) overpopulated

d) large

24.King Midas’s greed led him to spend a life in grief.

a) cruelty

b) wealth

c) warning

d) avarice

25. Mark cannot talk well because he has a speech impediment.

a) skeptic

b) defect

c) imposition

d) aspect

26. The passengers on the boat were mesmerized by the motion of the sea.

a) paralyzed

b) hypnotized

c) nauseated

d) reverberated

For questions 27-37, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.

Like many other sports, table tennis started out 27___ a mild social diversion. It is actually a descendent, together with lawn tennis and badminton, of the ancient game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names 28___ as Whiff-Whaff and Ping-Pong, which sought to imitate the sound 29___ by the ball striking the table. The game soon 30___ something of a craze and there are many contemporary references to it and illustrations of it 31___ played, usually in domestic surroundings.

32___ the early twentieth century, the sport had already acquired some of its present-day complexities, though it was still seen by many as an after dinner amusement 33___ than a sport. An account published in 1903 found it necessary to warn players 34___ the wearing of evening dress, but went 35___ to give detailed technical advice about the pen-holder grip and tactics.

Over the next 60 years, table tennis developed 36___ a worldwide sport, played by up to 30 million competitive players and by countless millions who played less seriously. Whilst getting faster, more subtle and more demanding all the time, the game has not changed in its essence 37___ the earliest days.

For questions 38-44, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

38. ___

We found him sitting in a sunny … in the garden.

The boy wanted to run but he was rooted to the … .The bad weather had put us in a bit of a … .


By the morning, the concrete in the new path had set … and you could clearly see Paul’s footprint!

Alicia pushed herself … in training in order to qualify for the national championships.

It was raining quite … by the time they came out of the cinema.

40. ___

Here is my report. I will … you through it if you like.

I am sure our granny will … pity on us and invite us to dinner.

It is going to … talent and dedication to become a top dancer.

41. ___

She could just see the shadowy … of a man’s body approaching through the mist.

You need to think about the grammatical … of the word as well as its meaning.

Judging by their past …, they should have a good chance of winning the cup.

42. ___

All the best theatres are in the … of the city and are easily reached by public transport.

Although the project was tough, we took … from the positive feedback we received from our tutor.

Sean was disappointed to find that the leather jacket that he’d set his … on had been sold.


It’s quite … to see people swimming in the sea in the winter here.

She felt that the most … wildflowers were actually more interesting than the rare ones.

Pete and Luisa share a … interest in the sport of volleyball.


The runners set off at a brisk … at the start of the race.

Steve thought that the film lacked … and at one point he thought it would never end.

It’s difficult to keep … with the rate of change in computer products.

In questions 45-55 identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

45. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.

a) not rarely

b) a play

c) since

d) was seventeen years old

46. The company representative sold to the manager a sewing machine for forty dollars.

a) The company

b) to the manager

c) sewing

d) for

47. These televisions are quite popular in Europe, but those ones are not.

a) quite

b) in

c) those ones

d) are not

48. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it?

a) price of

b) great

c) lower

d) wasn’t it

49. George is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class without help.

a) enough intelligent

b) to pass

c) this

d) economics

50. John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975, but he is now living in Detroit.

a) in New York

b) since

c) is now living

d) in Detroit

51. The influence of the nation’s literature, art, and science have captured widespread attention.

a) nation’s

b) science

c) have captured

d) widespread

52. He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart.

a) knows

b) the carburetor

c) taking

d) apart

53. Dresses, skirts, shoes, and children’s clothing are advertised at great reduced prices this weekend.

a) children’s clothing

b) are advertised

c) at

d) great

54. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.

a) of them

b) are trying

c) to get

d) highest

55. The pilot and the crew divided the life preservers between the twenty frantic passengers.

a) and the crew

b) divided

c) between

d) frantic passengers