
Ratios and Proportions

Ratios and proportions occur frequently in everyday situations. Some involve linear equations, such as those concerning menu planning and recipes, whereas others, often involving geometry, require quadratic equations.

Use ratios and proportions to solve each problem.

1.Ameatloafrecipeuses4lbofhamburgertofeed6people.Howmanypounds of hamburger will be used to feed 15 people?

2.ThetenthgradeatMilfordHighSchoolhasadanceeveryyear.Lastyearthere were 80 students in the tenth grade, and the party cost $200. This year there
are 100 students in the tenth grade. How much should they plan to spend?

3.Ifitcosts$200,000tobuildasidewalkaroundarectangularfieldwhose dimensions are 200 yd by 800 yd, how much will it cost to build a sidewalk around a rectangular field whose dimensions are 300 yd by 900 yd?

4.ThecostofbuyingaplotoflandinHappyValleydependsontheareaofthe plot. If a rectangular plot of land whose dimensions are 200 yd by 800 yd costs $100,000, what is the cost of a rectangular plot of land whose dimensions are 300 yd by 900 yd?

5.Ifitcosts$5980tohaveapicketfenceinstalledaroundarectangularlotthatis 110 ft by 150 ft, how much will it cost to have a picket fence installed around a rectangular lot that is 125 ft by 170 ft?

6.AtPools-a-Plentyitcosts$165foraswimmingpoolcoverforaround, aboveground pool that is 30 ft in diameter. How much will a cover for a pool thatis24ftindiametercostatPools-a-Plenty?Use3.14for.

7.Fencingwaspurchasedfortworectangularplotsofland.Thefirstplot measured 80 yd by 100 yd, and the cost of the fencing was $900. The cost of the fencing for the second plot was $2400, and one of the dimensions of the plot was 120 yd. What was the other dimension?




11.IfJennacanwalk6miin2h,howmanymilescouldshewalkin2.5h, assuming she keeps the same pace?

12.Suppose2.5lbofgrassseedcancoveraplotoflandthatis30ftby30ft.How much grass seed is needed to cover a plot of land 45 ft by 60 ft?

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