Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 23rd May 2016


Cllr Penny Simpson - Chairman

Cllr Nigel Currie - Vice Chairman

Cllr Dawn Armstrong

Cllr Victoria Barrett

Cllr Sanjeev Joshi

Cllr Brian O'Connor

Cllr Alan Peers

Cllr Matthew Treasure-Jones

Cllr James Sheppard

The Clerk Jan Critchley

County Cllr Amanda Jupp

Cllr Patricia Youtan

District Cllr Stuart Ritchie

63 Apologies for Absence - None. County Cllr Amanda Jupp will be late due to attendance at

another meeting.

64 Minutes of the last Meeting

The Minutes were approved, accepted and signed by the Chairman. Action

65 Matters arising from the Minutes

1. Minute 50:1 Traffic Calming. The Clerk reported that she has also sent a copy of the Traffic

Calming Specifications to County Cllr Amanda Jupp.County Cllr Amanda Jupp to give an update

when she arrives. Action

2. Minute 50:2 Parking and Speed issues at Christ's Hospital. County Cllr Amanda Jupp to give

an update when she arrives. Action

3. Minute 50:3 Parking outside Barns Green Primary School. County Cllr Amanda Jupp to give

an update when she arrives. Action

4. Minute 60:1. The Clerk reported that she has written to the Chairman of the Trust regarding

the area around the sundial on the village green and awaits a response. Action

66 Open Session for Members of the Public

Terry Jones addressed the Parish Council. He presented a proposal for a Traffic Management

Scheme for the parish in light of his perception and concerns regarding the volume of traffic and

driving behaviour issues in the parish. He said that he has taken a recent interest in traffic calming

and the Neighbourhood Plan. He shared his views regarding a Traffic Scheme in the village of

Jevington, East Sussex who commissioned a traffic management survey to be carried out by a

company called Hamilton-Baille. This company specialises in traffic management schemes that

look at shared spaces and changes in how traffic flows.

The Chairman thanked Terry for his presentation and asked that he sends it to Amanda Jupp our Action

County Councillor and the Clerk so that investigations can be carried out and reported back to

the Parish Council.

67 Chairman's Announcements

1.  The Chairman reported that she has ordered 160 Commemorative medals for the

children at Barns Green Primary School and Barns Green Playgroup from Tower Mint

Limited. The Chairman said that she will distribute them. Action

68 Planning Applications

New Applications

DC/16/0811. John Brown Architecture Ltd, The Bricks, Manor Farm Barns, Selsey Road,

Donnington, Chichester, PO20 7PL. (Agent).

Site address: Brooklands Farm, Valewood Lane, RH13 0QJ. Owner of site not stated.

Two storey side extension and new garage structure.

Itchingfield Parish Council has no objection to the extensions as they are in proportion.

However, the proposed new garage structure has the potential for habitable use, so it’s use must be

designated as ancillary to the main dwelling.

DC/16/0861. Mr Stuart Brierly, Noble Farm, Bashurst Hill, Itchingfield, RH13 0PD.

This application is submitted as an application for a lawful development certificate for an

existing use or operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition.

The use of land for the stationing of a static caravan for residential use. i.e. C3 dwelling house


The application is based on the continuous use of the land for the purpose sought for more than 10 years.

The use of the land continuously has not been proven as there was a gap between the original occupant

ceasing to occupy the static caravan and the present owner commencing occupation. The present occupier

of the site has clearly been occupying a touring caravan as shown in images submitted with the original

application, DC/15/2380 and not the static caravan. The granting of C3 would lay the way open to an

application for a permanent dwelling on the site and more.

Itchingfield Parish Council recommends that this planning application should be refused.

DC/16/0926, 14/04/2016. Mrs Sarah Mallin. Farm Close, Barns Green.

Application for tree works to trees subject to a tree preservation order, (TPO).

This planning application has already been approved by HDC.

DC/16/1041, Mr. Joseph Ray, c/o Agent: Brett Incorporated Limited, 18 Seal Road, Selsey,

Chichester .

Site address: Downie and the Nook, Cottage, Sandhills Road, Barns Green - Erection of

replacement cottage style dwellings at The Nook and Downie Cottages.

Due to the recent findings of Itchingfield Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan focus groups,

it has come to light that single storey dwellings are a valuable asset to our housing within the

parish. Therefore Itchingfield Parish Council feels that this is an overdevelopment of the site

and does not recommend it for approval and feels that it should be refused.

2. Strategic Housing & Economic land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). Further to a

letter received from HDC regarding the SHELAA, which included a list of existing SHELAA

sites in each Parish and further to Cllr Brian O'Connor's response on behalf of the Parish Council,

the Clerk to write to HDC with the Parish Council's comments as soon as possible as HDC had

requested these to be in by 20th May 2016. Action

69 Report by County and District Councillors

District Cllr Patricia Youtan gave the following report:

1. Tricia reported that with regard to Kingfisher Farm, the 11 registered owners of the site

have been served with an Notice of Enforcement as planning permission expired in 2014.

It is assumed that the owners will submit a new planning application or appeal. Now 56 units at

Kingfisher Farm have been served with interim injunctions. The police have advised to

report anything to them directly. The next step is to serve a full injunction to remove all of

the units over and above the 11 that are registered. Tricia said our thanks should go to

Madeleine Hartley, Tom Crowley and Chris Lyons of HDC.

2. Tricia reported that the pot holes from Westons Farm to Christ's Hospital bridge need to

be repaired.

District Cllr Stuart Ritchie gave the following report:

1. Stuart reiterated that with regards to Kingfisher Farm parishioners have got to report

anything they see to the police.

2. Stuart reported that the planning application for Waterfarm was heard at the Planning

Committee North meeting in May and he spoke in favour. The planning application was

recommended for refusal but this was overruled.

70 Neighbourhood Development Plans

1. The focus groups have now met and each gathered together their 10 questions. A small sub

Committee has been formed consisting of Cllr Alan Peers, Ian Walker, Merve Goddard and

Rowena Tyler and they will now finalise the questions to be included.

2.  The Village Survey will be formulated this week and this will go out in early July. Posters and Action

leaflets will become more prevalent over the next few weeks and an article will be going in the

BIG MAG. Action

3.  It was formally agreed by Itchingfield Parish Council to appoint Dowsettmayhew as the

Planning Consultant for Itchingfield Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk signed

the contract and will send a copy off to Dale Mayhew at Dowsettmayhew Planning Partnership. Action

71 Barns Green Development Fund Projects

Cllr Nigel Currie reported that it is now 4 or 5 days away to the completion of the new Car Park.

The line painting will be done on Wednesday. The gates arrive on Thursday and the lights next

week. Cllr Nigel Currie reported that Tidey and Webb have done a great job and Simon Gale has

also done a great job as the Project Leader. There will only be 8 parking spaces actually outside

the Village Hall now with 3 disabled parking spaces. Once the Car Park is complete, Cllr Nigel

Currie plans to get a meeting together to discuss how to stop cars parking on the grass.

Cllr Nigel Currie reported that he had had a meeting with Muntham School and the problem of the

blocked ditches in Muntham Drive were an issue before the car park was built. The Parish Council

is now trying to rectify this situation by having the work included in the car park works but this

really shoudn't have been the case and Muntham School should have sorted out the problem a long

time ago as a pipe needs to be replaced.

The Clerk reported that following cheques had been paid from the Itchingfield Parish Council

Development Fund:

` £36,000.00 and £42,000.00 to Tidey & Webb Limited in respect of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the

Car Park Works. £4,057.44 to N. Francis Electrical Limited in respect of supplying 10 Bollard

Lights and bases for the new Car Park. £1.016.00 to Gillian Gadd & Co. in respect of the legal

costs regarding the transfer of land to the Village Trust.

County Cllr Amanda Jupp arrived at 9.25pm.

72 Accounts for Payment and Signing of Audit of Accounts year ending 31 March 2016.

The Chairman and the Clerk signed the Audit of Accounts year ending 31 March 2016

1. Accounts

There were five payments.

£22.00 to Orange Home UK in respect of the Internet Service for May 2016.

£54.00 to Barns Green Village Hall Committee in respect of the IPCNPSG Focus Group Meeting

on 4th April, the IPCNPSG Meeting on the 18th April and the Parish Council

meeting on 25th April 2016. £248.50 to Peter Healy in respect of Litter Warden Money from March

to July 2015 and March to April 2016. £2.40 to JR Print in respect of the A1 Poster for the Annual

Village Meeting. £778.89 to the Clerk consisting of £708.81 salary for May and £70.08 expenses.

2. Signing of Audit of Accounts for year ending 31 March 2016.

The Accounts were signed by the Chairman and the Clerk subject to audit. Agreed unanimously.

The Clerk reported that she will ask Paul Allen or David Redston to be the internal auditor for the

Parish Council for the Parish Council Accounts for year ending 31st March 2016. Action

The Clerk to send the Accounts off to the parish auditors Littlejohn. LLP by the 13th June 2016. Action

73 Correspondence

1. The response received from Muntham House School regarding the repair to the culvert on Action

Muntham Drive was not appropriate as the comments should have been directed to the Village

Trust and not the Parish Council. Work is currently being done to extend and renew drains.

County Councillor Amanda Jupp will make a representation at the next Governors Meeting at

Muntham School and ask what plans do they have to maintain their ditches.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Matt Treasure-Jones for all his work with regarding to the ditches and

drains in the parish.

2. An email had been received from Simon Gale on behalf of the Barns Green Youth Club

requesting a grant of £1,305.00 from the Parish Council to be considered in the precept 2016-2017.

A copy of the year end accounts had been included. It was proposed by Cllr Brian O'Connor

that the Parish Council give a grant to the Barns Green Youth Club of £1,305.00, seconded by

Cllr Nigel Currie and agreed unanimously.

74 Annual Village Meeting on 7th June 2016 - discussion.

The following will be on the agenda:

1.  An update on the work of the Development Fund

2.  An update on the Neighbourhood Plan

3.  An update on Kingfisher Farm. Katie Bourne from Sussex Police will be attending.

The Clerk to arrange for some A1 Poster to be printed and put up. Action

The Clerk to take minutes of the Annual Village Meeting. Action

County Cllr Amanda Jupp gave the following updates with regard to Minute 65 above.

1. Traffic Calming Minute 50:1 - Chris Stark is still on annual leave at the moment but Amanda

will speak to him upon his return.

2. Parking and Speed issues at Christ's Hospital.- Minute 50:2 - No more to report at present.

3. Parking outside Barns Green Primary School - Minute 50:3 - With regard to the TRO's at

the school, Amanda will speak to Chris Stark upon his return from leave.

75 Police Matters/Highways/Emergency Planning/Litter

Police Matters - nothing to report.

Highways - nothing to report

Emergency Planning - Nothing to report.

Litter Warden - nothing to report. .

76 Parish Council Website

The Clerk reported that there were just a few more amendments to be carried out on the new

website and then it will go live at the beginning of June 2016. The Clerk reported that she

is still having issues with the old provider who has not made any contact as the old website needs to

be closed down. The Clerk to still chase this. Action

77 Any Other Business

1. The Chairman reported that the Barns Green Village hall are holding an Afternoon Tea Party

to celebrate the 90th Birthday of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Barns Green Village hall

on Sunday 12th June 2016.

2. Cllr Dawn Armstrong said that the residents of Ashmiles were also holding a Street

Party for the Queens Birthday Celebrations on 11th June 2016.

78 Date of Next Meeting - Monday 4th July 2016. This meeting will be our June Meeting.

There being no other business the meeting finished at 10.05pm.