
Student Governance Council


Date: October 11, 2003

Location: Room 101, UW-Marshfield

I.  Meeting called to order at 11:09am

II.  Role Call

Baraboo 2/0

Barron 0/0

Fond du Lac2/0

Fox Valley 0/0

Manitowoc 2/0

Marathon 0/0

Marinette 2/1

Marshfield 2/1

Richland 0/0

Rock 1/0

Sheboygan 0/0

Washington 0/0

Waukesha 2/0

Executive Board Votes 6/0

Total votes 19

III. Approval of the Agenda Jennie added United Council report H seconded by Marshfield. Approved

IV. Approval of the July 20, 2003 Minutes Approved with out opposition

V.  Officer’s Reports

A. President: Michael Moscicke- Senate steering has met twice since our last meeting. The Chancellor spoke about credit transfer between the UW-Colleges and the Wisconsin Technical Colleges and how such agreements could lead to a merger of our schools or our programs being made redundant. The Provost mentioned that the Academic Affairs newsletter should be out now. Steering has referred a UW-Colleges Constitutional amendment to an ad hoc committee which I now sit on. The proposed amendment aims to standardize the number of students on Collegia throughout the UW-Colleges, create a template for Collegia constitutions, and define a quorum on Collegia. The purpose of this amendment is to create a continuity of governance which the NCA said was necessary for future accreditation purposes. The change may raise or lower the student membership; under the amendment each campus would have a minimum of one student per 250 FTE, as such: Baraboo 3, Barron 3, Fond du Lac 3, Fox Valley 4, Manitowoc 3, Marinette 3, Marathon 3, Marshfield 3, Rock 3, Richfield 3, Sheboygan 3, Washington 3, and Waukesha 6. The amendment will not be proposed at the Oct. third senate meeting.

The Senate Research and Review Committee has voted on a number of professor research proposals by email and approved them all, on the specific condition that students involved know that their grade will not be impacted negatively based on the information they provide during participation in the studies.

The Senate Assessment Committee has met. I have placed Jennie Johnson on this committee. The most important part of the NCA accreditation is assessment so a lot of focus in the next two years will be on uniform assessment planning throughout the institution. Basically this means that Professors and IAS of 40% or more through their departments will be reviewing their ability to instill skills in their students. This semester’s specific focus in on “analytical skills.”

The four UW System student Ambassadors for the UW-Colleges have been selected. The process involved the Chancellor’s office taking nominations from the Deans, Advisors, and me. All students selected are involved with their campus student government in some fashion, except for the one carry over from last year, who I’m not sure about. They are Philip Bonk, Richard Gross, Benjamin Lewis, and Clayton Zogata (who is the carryover.) In the future I hope to have students actually select these representatives.

The Ambassadors will be going to the economic summit in Milwaukee, our Legislative Director Jennie Johnson is the backup student.

The Board of Regents “Charting a New Course…” committees now include two female students from the UW-Colleges thanks to President Lyall. She worked out the agreement with the Board and then came to me for nominees. Due to the time constraints I requested aid from the Chancellor’s office in finding adequate students, which they did by informing campus Deans and Advisors of the opportunity. Melinda Byrne from Marshfield is sitting on the Research and Public Service Missions Committee and Melanie Schroeder from Fox Valley is sitting on the Our Partnership with Our State Committee. At the next SGC I will ask you all to sign a thank you note for President Lyall for her dedication to the student’s voice being represented and that the voice was selected by us.

United Council has been extremely helpful as of late, especially in Shared Governance matters. I am excited about building a close relationship with them. We, of course, will remain an organization separate from their affairs; however, since most of our campuses our members, I feel it is beneficial for us to keep relations at a buddy-buddy level. We will elect a United Council two year campus vice president at the our next SGC meeting, so if you know anyone who is qualified and interested please make sure that they will be at our meeting.

The UW-Colleges Senate is meeting at UW-Washington on Oct. third. I would encourage anyone who is interested in attending to contact your faculty senator and hitch a ride there. We will be discussing changes to Senate Policy #405, senate bylaw 7.03, UW-Colleges constitution Chp 2.03, compensation for department chairs, senate initiation/adoption procedures, the alternative pay plan, and a special award given to Professors. I am the lead senator and will sit on steering, Eric Eisenheim is a senator and sitting on Academic Policy committee and Jennie Johnson is a senator and sitting on Budget for this meeting.

On Oct. 11th we will have our first meeting during which we will have elections for: The Vice President, Executive Director, Budget Senator, Diversity Director, and IITD. We will also have a special election for the position of Women’s Initiatives Director. We may also address AB144/SB444, the SGC Budget and other items.

The SGC Budget is in sufficient state; however, if we run into problems or need to do anything moderately expensive (like buy something from McDonald’s Dollar Menu©) then we will need to raise funds. After speaking with Nora McGuire, the only possible way to raise this money within the institution seems to be the same way we created the SGC membership fee, by passing a resolution that had to also be passed by ALL of the 13 student governments before it took affect. I have also consulted with United Council on this and they are of the opinion that we could create our own SGC segregated fee committee. The only thing we can’t do is use an MRF type fund.

A.  Vice President: Tom Cooper- Spent summer working on the Segregated fee resolution.

B.  Executive Director: LeAnne Pomeroy -Apologized for late minutes for July’s meeting.

C.  Academic Affairs Director: Eric Eisenheim – Request power point from Erik. Contact him regarding any issues you may encounter. Email him .

D.  Legislative Affairs Director: Jennie Johnson-Currently there is a lot of legislation going through the legislature that will be affecting us and I have provided a brief summary of each Bill and if anyone would like any more information on any of the bills, I have a lot, but I didn’t want to include all of it in the report because it is a little e overwhelming.

On October 3, 2003 the UW Colleges Senate met and as you may or may not know I am one of out senators and I sat on Budget Committee. I will continue to sit on the Budget committee for the year and we mostly discussed how we were making up for the $250 million in budget cuts and how they are affecting us. We also were able to ask a lot of questions and I have lots of information too, for everyone to look at.

My committee (Assessment Committee met October 2nd.) We are currently talking about how we can assess students better in all of their classes. The departments have given us their plans for assessment and we will be taking a whole day to review all of them in January.

United Council’s Shared Governance Week of Action: October 19-24

E.  Diversity Director: Crystal Heckert- Dealing with Plan 2008 and system is working with getting it up and running. Last SGC meeting she is at Oshkosh now. Legislation to keep in mind Partner bills, defensive marriage act.

F.  IIT Director: Aidan Arnold: Student Technology Fee Committee(s)- Summary: Student technology Fee Committees decide as to how money is spent in regards to the IIT Department of each campus. Up until last year these committees were run according to the rules set by the UW Colleges Senate that stated there bust be a Majority of students on the committees, whereas this year they’re operating under UW System rules, which state there only needs to be some student representations. Report: I have been attempting to contact each campus in regards to how the student representation for this committee is picked, and to find out if the representation is a majority. I have only been successful in contacting one campus, UW Fox Valley, where the student representation is the majority. Reasons as to why I haven’t been able to contact campuses include not being able to get a hold of the Student (Government) Associations (sue to not having a direct line) and my own time constraints. Impact: Since this committee deals solely with how funds paid by students are spent, it is of the most importance that all campuses have a majority of students in deciding. Impact: Since this committee deals solely with how funds paid by students are spent, it is of the most importance that all campuses have a majority of students in deciding. For More Information: You campus IT Director should be able to give you more information in regards to this topic and committee. Their contact info can be found in any campus directory. Senate IITC-Summary: The Senate IITC deals with the planning, policies, and resources that relate to the IT department(s) of the Colleges. Report: I have only been in contact with this committee via email, as that is primarily the way that contact is made. Currently, we are holding nominations for a Chair of the committee, which will be decided by Friday October 17th. Impact: Students are affected by all measures taken by this committee, as it will affect the access that they have to computers and/or the internet on campus. For more information: Check the website: http://www.uwc.edu/cio/iitc/iitc.htm, which has much more information about specifics of the committee. SGC Website- Summary: The SGC Website is used as a means of communicating our message to a wider audience then we would be able to otherwise. It contains information about the Executive Board Members, Agendas, Meetings (Directions), Documents, and links to other WebPages. It was last updated April 2003. Report: I have had the website ready to post since I received the position of IIT Director in July. Yet, I haven’t been able to gain the correct permission to post the website. I have been able to gain access to the files residing on the SGC Website, where I can transfer, them from there to my local machine, but trying to upload, I am told that my account does not have proper permission. I have been working with Kevin Brinnehl, a System Administrator at Central. I had an appointment set up for him to call on Monday, September 29th between 2-6pm but he did not call. I have since been in contact with him via email, but the problem of having correct permission has yet to be resolved. This will be of my highest priority until I have the correct permission. Impact: This is of the most important for SGC Delegates to be able to get information about future meetings, and for all students to be able to see the impact of SGC. For more information: Contact me via email:

G.  United Council Report –Brian and Bethany gave background and overview of United Council. Board of Regents recent the pay increase. State Attorney Gen found them to be in violation of open meeting laws. Unclassified pay plan 4% raise, money is not there. Tech school merging is not going to happen! Melinda Burn was added to the Charting a new course study. Add a Regent Bill Senate passed Assembly waiting for floor vote. Non-traditional students have large numbers in the Colleges. Undocumented Students bill organization is getting started. Budget repair bill possible in January; position: UW System would take absolutely no more cuts! Would like stories on paper as many and as soon as possible. We need to fix what The Board of Regents has burned with the legislature. GA Oct 17-18 in River Falls, Women’s Leadership 21-23, and December 5-6 Rock. Hold a caucus on Friday night. UC is here to observe.

VI. Special Orders Moved by Crystal and seconded by Aidan

A.  Special Session for Elections

1.  Accept Nominations for:

a.  Vice President- Melinda Burns from Marshfield nominated by Rock and she Ex

b.  Executive Director- LeAnne Pomeroy nominated her self and seconded by Baraboo.

c.  Budget Senator- no nominations

d.  Diversity Director-no nominations

e.  1 IIT Director-Erik Hel from Waukesha from Waukesha nominated by LeAnne, Steve from Marinette.

f.  Women’s Initiatives Director-Tiffany from Rock County nominated by Tiffany from Marshfield.

g.  United Council Two-year Campuses Vice President-Erik seconded by Rock.

2.  Question and Answer Period of Candidates Motion to limit Q and A to time to 18 Minutes

Melinda for Vic President PR Coordinator she is happy to get started with SGC and would like to get a more direct approach of what SGC should be doing.

What do you feel makes you a good delegate? Uses her sources, senate, Regents, and United Council.

Do you have the time for this position? Strategic plan has been made. Will you be able to serve the whole term? Yes.

Look forward to working a more unified group.

Has been fun. Was the secretary at her campus two years ago. A business and administrative major with a minor in communications. Will be graduating in May of 2004. Looking forward to continuing her service to the two year schools.

1.  Experience, organized, has great hopes for this organization.

2.  I have time for this job

3.  I will be able to serve the two year term.