PIF work plan: 6 focus areas and related working groups

The coordination and compilation of tasks among focus areas and related working groups will constitute the PIF work plan, to be updated at intervals to be determined. For the most part, working groups are self-directed and decide priorities among themselves.

Focus area 1: Advance and assist in Joint Venture (and Flyways) in all bird conservation:

Broad Objectives:

·  Implement (and account for) conservation plan objectives

·  Provide technical assistance to JVs

·  Promote JV implementation model

Possible short-term tasks:

·  Summarize which JVs have seen the PIF plan presentation; compile comments; develop strategies to reach Joint Ventures that have not yet seen overview.

·  Summarize/strategize the next step for those JVs that have seen overview or have already taken the next step with technical committees etc. JV by JV unique strategies needed? How to prioritize with Watch List species? Work to increase PIF network in and around those JVs – better links to regional working groups or state contacts as needed?

·  Linking NFWF, JVs (WOTH, GWWA, grassland birds) and full life cycle.

·  Provide guidance for each JV for priority species /habitat that could be impacted by wetland/NAWCA projects.

·  Publicize the fact that PIF coordinator sits on NAWCA ranking committee.

·  Fill the JV gap. (What priorities and focal species and their habitats are missing from JV implementation plans. Identify partners and mechanisms to expand JV area of influence)

Focus area 2: Improve public lands management and policy for birds,

Broad Objectives:

·  Address incompatible forest management/policy

·  Address incompatible range management/policy

·  Support USFWS Migratory Birds programs, initiatives

·  Use Executive Order Council to advance PIF objectives

Possible short-term tasks:

·  Involve PIF in USFWS TRACT process for criteria to prioritize refuge acquisition.

·  Develop and distribute a ‘Guide to using birds as indicators of forest health” in new FS planning rules.

·  Quantify impact of new tower recommendations on number of birds saved.

·  Grassland initiative (current status, Is PIF adequately engaged? )

·  Help integrate PIF priority birds into FS and BLM new planning rules

·  Increase biological capacity of BLM and FS (explore and promote ‘partner biologist’ model for these agencies)

·  Increase PIF involvement with NAWCA

·  Increase PIF involvement with NMBCA

·  Continue to brief USFS and BLM senior officials – complete next briefings by end of February 2017 (?)

Focus area 3: Improve private working landscapes for birds,

Broad Objectives:

·  Farm Bill/ agriculture policy

·  NRCS initiatives

·  Expand Industry Committee – forest industry lands

·  Outreach to communication tower operators

Possible short-term tasks:

·  Work with Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) on technical aspects and landowner sign-up for pivot corners-CP-33

·  Increasing training opportunities via WWG Roadshows and NRCS/NBCI biologists.

·  Compile and link private land resources (pocket guides, management recommendations, landowner letters, workshops etc.)

·  Integrate landbirds conservation goals with SGI IWJV Partner Biologist and BCI program

·  Assist in increasing biological capacity of NRCS.

·  Identify PIF priority species benefited on private lands by region.

·  Monitoring and evaluation of prescribed practices (step 9 of NRCS conservation planning).

·  PIF Participation on NRCS state and regional tech committees.

·  Through monitoring and evaluation provide feedback on impacts of specific practices on landbirds to NRCS.

Focus area 4: Hemispheric connections and Full life cycle conservation,

Broad Objectives:

·  Central American Species Assessment and beyond

·  Conservation business plans (or similar)

·  Southern Wings and NMBCA

·  PIF VI conference in Costa Rica, Feb 2018

Possible short-term tasks:

·  ACAD through central and south America

·  Complete and seek funding for Conservation Business Plans/Investment Strategies

·  Plan and implement the PIF VI workshop and conference

·  Promote and integrate landbird conservation needs/business plans with Southern Wings

Focus area 5: Build a constituency for bird conservation

Broad Objectives:

·  Encourage and strengthen opportunities for advocacy

·  Continue and strengthen IMBD and other outreach

·  Develop a strategy to encourage citizen science (especially eBird) for specific purposes.

Possible short-term tasks:

·  Integrate with Blue Ribbon Panel

·  Promote watchable wildlife issues to state agencies

·  Connect with NPS Bio blitz

·  Integrate with bird - craft beer bird tours

·  Promote Avicaching using eBird\

·  Promote partner biologist model with state agencies

·  Ground truth Climate change distribution models.

·  Strengthen PIF’s social media skills and use the PIF web page more effctively.

Focus area 6: Cutting edge science for research and monitoring.

Broad objectives:

·  Regional species assessment (e.g. JV scale)

·  Refined population estimates and objectives

·  Full annual cycle modeling and demographic monitoring

Possible short-term tasks:

·  Make species assessment data base (SAD)/ tables in new Cont plan interactive

·  Successional Plan for SAD

·  Finish Latin American scoring for ACAD

·  Demographic monitoring promotion and tools