Recent advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras

Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore


WORKSHOP (Dec. 31, 2012-Jan. 5, 2013)

Time/Day / Monday
31-12-2012 / Tuesday
1-1-2013 / Wednesday
2-1-2013 / Thursday
3-1-2013 / Friday
4-1-2013 / Saturday
9.30-10.00 / Registration
10.00-11.00 / A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5 / A6
11.00-11.30 / TEA/COFFEE
11.30-12.30 / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4 / B5 / B6
12.30-1.30 / G1 / G2 / G3 / G4 / G5 / G6
1.30-2.30 / LUNCH
2.30-3.30 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 / C5 / C6
3.30-4.00 / TEA/COFFEE
4.00-5.30 / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6

A, B, C: Main speakers. G: Guest Lectures T: Daily Tutorials/Discussion.

A1-6: Brett Wick : Operator theory and function algebras: The Corona Problem

B1: B V R Bhat: An introduction to C*-algebras.

C1 & B2-B6: Uwe Franz: Independence and Levy processes in quantum probability

C2-C6 & G4: Adam Skalski: Quantum Processes

G1, G2 ,G5, G6: K R Parthasarathy: Quantum error correction codes

G3: Michael Skeide: A Brief on Hilbert Modules and von Neumann Modules.

* A special dinner planned for the night of 3-1-2013.

CONFERENCE (Jan. 7, 2013-Jan. 11, 2013)

Time/Day / Monday
7/1/2013 / Tuesday
8/1/2013 / Wednesday
9/1/2013 / Thursday
10/1/2013 / Friday
9.40-10.20 / K R Parthasarthy / B Solel / F H Szafraniec / Dan Timotin / V S Sunder
10.30-11.10 / R. Srinivasan / Issam Louhichi / Mohan Ravichandran / G. Misra / Robin Hillier
11.10-11.50 / COFFEE
11.50-12.30 / Orr Shalit / Daniel Markiewicz / Anil Kumar Karn / H. Osaka / TBA
12.40-1.20 / Marco Merkli / N. Muraki / M. Skeide / Safdar Quddus / Bata Krishna Das
1.30-2.30 / LUNCH
2.30-3.10 / Adam Skalski / U. Franz / FREE / Brett Wick / K Sumesh
3.10-3.40 / COFFEE / COFFEE
3.40-4.20 / K B Sinha / D Goswami / A. Ayyer / TSS RK Rao

* A group photo session during 1.20-1.30PM on Monday (7/1/2013).

*A cultural program is being planned on the night of 8/1/2013.

** A special dinner is being planned on the night of 10/1/2013.
