External consultation and responses tracker –7/12/16
Live consultations

Consultations and Select Committee inquiries / Type / Deadline / Lead / Progress update /

[Expected November – Stern implementation]

[Expected – consultation on student visa changes]

Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework 2nd REF Consult Doc

/ Consultation / Fri 17 March 2017 (noon) / Jane
The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee open opportunity to suggest science and technology areas for scrutiny. Inquiry: My Science Inquiry / Initiation for proposals / 4th January 2017 / Jane Forster / Seeking ideas
Science and Technology committee: Inquiry: Closing the STEM skills gap / 13th January / Tbd / Probably not this time but one to watch
Health Select committee inquiry into the role of education in preventing mental health problems in young people / Select committee inquiry / 20th January 2017 / James PK and others / Requested input

BEIS call for evidence on the UK bio-economy strategy

/ government call for evidence – / 29th January 2017 / Asked Christine / Not relevant

QAA have announced a consultation on their draft guidance to institutions on student information

/ Consultation / 7th December / Rosemary Collins / Submitted on 7th December 2016.
Dorset NS clinical services review / Consultation / 28 Feb 2017 / Mandi? / Mandi considering whether we want to respond

DofE Consultation on postgraduate doctoral loans

/ Consultation / 16/12/16 / Sarah / Need support from the Graduate School, finance, student support
summary here

DofE Part-time Maintenance Loans Consultation

/ Consultation / 16/12/16 / Sarah / Need support from finance, student support
summary here.

Schools that work for everyone- DfE consultation

/ Open consultation / 12th December 2016 / Jane / Working with CEL/FAAMG, workshops

HEFCE study on costing study of nursing, midwifery and allied health profession courses

/ Study / December 2016 / Finance Team

Review of post-16 education and training institutions

/ Review / February 2017 / Jane / Review -Dorset document

Further details on these consultations and sector requests can be found at http://staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/aboutbu/professionalservices/ovc/policyandpublicaffairsatbu/consultationsandcallsforevidence/

Current Select committee enquiries are found here: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/inquiries-a-z/current-open-calls-for-evidence/

BU’s responses to consultations can be found here: http://staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/aboutbu/professionalservices/ovc/policyandpublicaffairsatbu/consultationsandcallsforevidence/bupublicpolicy-consultationresponses/

1 08/12/2016

Closed consultations/consultations we have responded to

/ Consultations / Type / Deadline / Lead / Progress update /
1.  / Sport Duty of Care Review: call for evidence / Call for evidence / 23rd May 2016 / Prof Tim Rees / 23/05/16- Tim Rees submitted . Still considering feedback
2.  / National Innovation Strategy -call for ideas (BIS) / Call for ideas / 30th May 2016 / Emma / Didn’t respond but tracking - innovate UK due to publish a National Innovation Plan before the end of the year
3.  / Changes to regulation of midwifery / Open consultation / 17th June 2016 / Sue Way / Submitted – no date for feedback given yet
4.  / Reviewing Public Health England / Consultation / 24th June 2016 / Ann Hemingway / Submitted: No date for response yet
5.  / HESA Consultation on measuring graduate outcomes (DLHE) / Open consultation / 14th July 2016 / Emma / Submitted 14th July
6.  / Accelerated Courses and Switching University or Degree: Call for Evidence / Call for Evidence / 19th July 2016 / Emma / Submitted 19th July
7.  / HESA consultation on open data / Open Consultation / 28th July 2016 / Donna Hornsby / https://www.hesa.ac.uk/OpenData_Consultation
Response submitted 28th July
8.  / Commons Science and Technology committee - Leaving the EU: implications and opportunities for science and research inquiry / Call for evidence / 31st July 2016 / Jane Forster / Report published 17th November 2016 and awaiting response from government
9.  / Commons Communities and Local GovernmentCommittee - Inquiry into the financial sustainability of local authority social care and the quality of care / Call for evidence / 19th August 2016 / Not planning to respond – will track outcomes
Latest evidence here
10.  / Review by Baroness McGregor-Smith on the Issues Faced by Businesses in Developing Black and Minority Ethnic Talent: Call for Evidence / Call for Evidence / 22nd August / Alex Wardrop / Alex Wardrop post doc on the Fair Access Research- FAR- project has agreed to respond. Submitted Friday 19th August
No response yet
11.  / Home Affairs Committee - Inquiry into hate crime and its violent consequences / Call for evidence / 1st September / Emma B-W / Professor Barry Richards leading response with others - read it here - Sent- 31st August
Latest evidence is here
12.  / Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee - Inquiry into rural tourism in England / Call for evidence / 6th September 2016 / Emma / Evidence published here.
No report yet - oral evidence taken 16th November 2016
13.  / Innovate UK – seeking views on 'Future Approach to Knowledge Transfer' / Comments welcome / 1st September / - / Did not respond- but keeping eye out for outcome
14.  / Evaluation of the AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund / Survey / 23rd September / Fiona Knight / http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/AHRC_CEF_Inst_2016/
15.  / Boundary commission consultation into national constituency boundaries / Consultation / 5th December / Jane Forster / consultation
submitted 18th October 2016
16.  / Dorset County Council- reducing the number of local authorities / Consultation / 25th October / Jane / submitted 18th October 2016
17.  / Forestry in England inquiry -Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee / inquiry / 18th October 2016 / Adrian Newton / view the inquiry here. Adrian Newton responding through the British Ecological Society. Evidence not yet published
18.  / Health Committee– Brexit & Health & Social Care / Inquiry / 28th October 2016 / Inquiry
All evidence published here
19.  / QAA consultation on the quality review visit for new providers / Consultation / 24th Oct 2016 / Jacky Mack / consultation
20.  / UUK Review of Skills / Call for Evidence / 31st October 2016 / SM/JFo / Call for Evidence
Very short response submitted 31st October 2016
21.  / Culture, Media and Sport Committee - The impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the digital single market inquiry / Inquiry / 28th October 2016 / Prof Adam Blake / Evidence submitted on tourism – 27th October 2016
Terms of reference here
Evidence published 2nd Nov but not ours yet
22.  / Education Committee - the impact of exiting the European Union on higher education / Inquiry / 11th November 2016 / Jane / Terms of reference here. Response submitted 10th November 2016 – not published by the committee yet
23.  / Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group consultation on Dementia Services / Consultation / 30th November 2016 / Approached BUDI / https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DorsetDementiaReview

BU’s responses to consultations can be found here: http://staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/aboutbu/professionalservices/ovc/policyandpublicaffairsatbu/consultationsandcallsforevidence/bupublicpolicy-consultationresponses/