Teacher’s Guidelines


Focus Reading Book:‘Pa glwb?’ (Nici a Cris series)

*The teaching will commence with the folder ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ which can be found on the CDRom.

CAM 1:GWYLIO (Viewing)

pupils to watch the 2 video clips (Rapsgaliwns Programme 1 – North – ‘YN Y GANOLFAN HAMDDEN’)

CAM 2:GWYLIO/ GWRANDO/DARLLEN (Viewing/Listening/ Reading)

The pupils to view / listen to the 2 video clips while following the script.

CAM 3:DARLLEN (Reading)

The pupils to work in pairs with a copy of the script in order to complete the work sheet ‘Taflen Rapsgaliwns’ which can be found in the folder ‘Chwaraeon Worksheets’ on the CDRom.

Time should be given for the pupils to discuss their work with the remainder of the group / class.


The teacher to lead the work on the page ‘MANYLION PERSONOL’ Pa glwb? ensuring that all pupils are comfortable with the pronunciation and intonation of the necessary question forms.

(i)use should be made of the work completed in CAM 3 above

(ii)pupils can listen to the questions by clicking on the words on the page (e.g. enw/cyfeiriad etc)

CAM 5:LLAFAREDD – Siarad (oracy – speaking)

the pupils to work in pairs to question each other and to complete the work sheet ‘Manylion Personol’ Pa glwb? (printed from the flipchart)

CAM 6:DARLLEN (Reading) – making use of the hyperlink if necessary.

the teacher to lead the reading of the poem ‘Fy Hoff Gêm’

(A)the teacher to read the entire poem and the pupils encouraged to join in the reading of:

(i)the names of the sports (e.g. golff, snwcer etc)

(ii)the words which express opinion (e.g. yn ocê)

before joining in to read the entire poem.

(B)the teacher to type / write the poem in phrases – each one on a separate piece of laminated card.

e.g. Mae snwcer / yn ocê

Mae golff / yn iawn

One phrase should be given to each pupil to give everyone an opportunity to take part in the reading activity (firstly with the poem on view and then from memory)

*A copy of the poem in the form of a poster should be on display in the classroom as reference when the pupils need help to express their opinion and give reasons to support their opinion.

CAM 7:Geirfa stori ‘Pa glwb?’ Vocabulary

The ‘reveal’ tool should be used to ensure that only the Welsh words are visible on the page.


(i)the pupils to work in pairs to discuss the words which are familiar to them already and to encourage them to guess the meaning of the less familiar words.

(ii)the pupils should then have access to the English words in order to match the colours and find the meanings of the words which are totally new to them, thus giving them responsibility for their own learning.

CAM 8:HWYL GYDA GEIRIAU (Fun with words)

(i)the pupils to choose (and write on the Bwrdd GwynBach)

(a)a word they find easy

(b)a word which is difficult (pronunciation, spelling, remembering etc)

and then they should share their thoughts with a partner pair or group in order to help each other.

(ii)the teacher to lead the game ‘Beth sy ar goll?’ (What’s missing?) as a whole class activity.

(iii)the teacher to make use of the ‘loop cards’ to practice the vocabulary from time to time in the Helpwr Heddiw sessions. Time targets should be set from one session to the other to establish the pace of the activity.

(iv) ‘Pelmanism’ or ‘pair’ cards can also be added to the Bocs Helpwr Heddiw . One card (Welsh or English) should be given to each pupil.

CAM 9:Gêm ‘Matsio’ (‘Matching’ Game)

This game which is contained in the ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ is specifically for introducing and practicing the following 9 words in a fun way.






The game should be included as an important part of the Bocs Helpwr Heddiw and Helpwr Heddiw should be given the opportunity to take on the role of the teacher.


CAM 10:GWRANDO a DARLLEN (Listening and Reading)

*It is necessary to close the ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ and open the folder ‘Stori ‘Pa glwb?’ which is on the CDRom. ‘Pa glwb?2’ should be selected.

the pupils to listen to the story while following the print and joining in each time one of the ‘new’ words appears. (i.e. the words in the ‘Gêm Matsio’ and the ‘Geirfa ‘Pa glwb?’ vocabulary page.

CAM 11:DARLLEN (Reading)

On the final page of the flipchart which includes the story there is a page which asks ‘Pa dudalen wyt ti’n hoffi?’ (Which page do you like?)

There is an opportunity here for the pupils to choose their favourite page and read it alone or with a partner of their own choice or the teacher’s choice.

*When pupils are involved in reading in this way, teachers should record their efforts as evidence for end of Key Stage Teacher Assessment.

CAM 12:YSGRIFENNU ‘COFNOD DARLLEN’ (Writing ‘Reading Record’)

(i)the teacher to work with the pupils as a whole class exercise to ensure that each pupil understands the requirements of the task of completing the ‘Cofnod Darllen’ which can be found in the ‘Chwaraeon Worksheets’ folder on the CDRom.

(ii)the pupils to complete the worksheet.

(iii)the pupils to have an opportunity to share their work with a partner / group / whole class

CAM 13:Gweithgareddau ar ôl DARLLEN (After READING activities)

*It is necessary to close the ‘Stori ‘Pa glwb?’ flipchart’ and open the folder ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ again.



  • On page 8 of the ‘Chwaraeon flips’ there is a selection of pictures from the story ‘Pa glwb?’ and below them buttons of different colours. By clicking on the buttons pupils can hear a sentence from the story. The task is to choose the picture which is being described by the sentence they hear.
  • Down the left hand side of the page there is a row of banners. When the banners are dragged onto the page it is possible for pupils to read the sentence they have heard.
  • Before dragging the banner on to the page pupils can attempt to write what they have heard on the Bwrdd Gwyn Bach. When the banner is dragged onto the page they will be able to check their work.
  • The teacher can drag a banner onto the page and then click on one of the buttons so that the pupils can decide if what they are reading and what they are hearing match.

(ii)Gwaith pâr-CYTUNO / ANGHYTUNO

(Pair work)-AGREE / DISAGREE

*For this task the pupils will need a copy of the worksheet ‘Cytuno/Anghytuno’ which can be found in the ‘Chwaraeon Worksheets’ folder on the CDRom.

For this activity the pupils will work in partner pairs. One of the pupils will be reading the sentences (one at a time) which are in the left hand column on the worksheet while the other pupil will be checking in the reading book to see if he / she agrees or disagrees with the sentence read to him / her by his / her partner.

It will be necessary to put a √ in the appropriate column. If the decision is ‘anghytuno’ then the pupil with the work sheet must write the correct sentence from the reading book in the right hand column.

(iii)LLENWI BYLCHAU – ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ (Tudalen 9 a 10)

Filling the blanks – ‘Chwareaon Flips’ (Page 9 – 10)

There is a series of sentences from the story on the pages but there are some words missing.

The missing words appear below the sentences.

  • the pupils, by discussing with a partner, to decide which words go where.
  • a ‘hyperlink’ appears by each sentence so that the pupils can check the completed sentence.
  • once the sentences have been completed the task for the pupils is to find the sentence in the story.

This task can be timed, giving pupils the opportunity to look for ONE sentence at a time and giving the pair who finds the sentence in the shortest time the chance to share the details with the remainder of the class.

CAM 14:GWRANDO-‘Beth wyt ti’n feddwl o …?’

(Listening -‘What do you think of …?’)

(Tudalen 11 ‘Chwaraeon Flips’)

(i)the pupils to listen to someone expressing an opinion on different sports (by clicking on the rugby ball, the golf ball etc)

(ii)the pupils to write what they hear on the Bwrdd Gwyn Bach.

(iii)the pupils to check their work by dragging the banner on the right hand side of the page.

(iv)in order to view the video Rapsgaliwns – South Wales version – ‘YN Y LLYFRGELL’ (In the Library) the blue and yellow button must be clicked.

CAM 15:DARLLEN (Reading)

(i)the pupils to listen to ‘SGWRS A’ being read (by the teacher or by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink on the page)

(ii)the teacher to stop the tape from time to time and ask the pupils ’Pa air / eiriau glywsoch chi ddiwetha?’

(Which word / words did you hear last?)

(iii)half the class to read the part of Nici and the other half the part of Cris.

CAM 15:LLAFAR – Siarad (ORACY – Speaking)

the pupils to work in pairs to substitude the words in italics.

(i)with the script

(ii)without the script but with success criteria for the task


The pupils to use the success criteria from the task above to assist them with their writing of the dialogue.

CAM 18:GWRANDO (Listening)

the teacher to prepare a copy of SGWRS B for each pupil so that he / she can listen to the dialogue again and underline the elements which are different in the written version.

CAM 19:DARLLEN ac YSGRIFENNU(Reading and Writing)

(i)the teacher to lead the reading of the letter to the Urdd magazine ‘Bore Da’, drawing the pupils attention to (a) the number of language patterns underlined in red and (b) the words in blue which help to improve the quality of the writing.

(ii)the pupils to write their own letters to ‘Bore Da’ using the success criteria which can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Nodiadau’r Athro’.

(iii)the pupils to evaluate their own work and that of their peers against the success criteria used for the task.

CAM 20:GWYLIO (Viewing)

(i)the pupils to view the iaw! video 4.2 (1) and (2)

(ii)the teacher to introduce / revise the idea of mind mapping to the pupils

(iii)the teacher to lead the work on the mind map on the last page of the ‘Chwaraeon Flips’ to help the pupils to present information about Daniel (orally and / or written) without using the video or the script.