SBI 4U – BIOCHEMISTRY Name: ______

PART A: Multiple Choice: Answer the following questions on the scantron sheet provided.

1.  Lactose is a disaccharide made up of:

a)  Sucrose and glucose

b)  Maltose and galactose

c)  Glucose and glycogen

d)  Galactose and Amylase

e)  Glucose and galactose

2.  Which of the following can be hydrolysed into its subunits?

a)  Nucleic Acids

b)  Proteins

c)  Carbohydrates

d)  Phospholipids

e)  All of the above

3.  The figure on the right show examples of _____ protein structure?

a)  Primary

b)  Secondary

c)  Tertiary

d)  Quaternary

4.  Which of the following proteins is not an enzyme?

a)  Catalase

b)  Phosphofructokinase

c)  Keratin

d)  DNA polymerase

5.  The amino acid phenolalanine to the right is a(n) amino acid:

a)  acidic

b)  basic

c)  non-polar

d)  polar

6.  The amino acid Glu to the right is a(n) amino acid:

a)  acidic

b)  basic

c)  non-polar

d)  polar

7.  The side chain of the amino acid cysteine shown on the right is able to form:

a)  non-polar interactions with other amino acids.

b)  disulphide bridges within protein chains.

c)  ionic bonds with water.

d)  Hydrogen bonds with water.

8.  Lipids store about percent of all the available energy in your body?

a)  80 b) 50 c) 20 d) 5 c) almost zero

9.  Which of the following statements about cholesterol is TRUE?

a)  Most cholesterol is obtained from diet.

b)  LDL returns cholesterol from the body to the liver.

c)  Cholesterol is a complex protein.

d)  Steroid hormones are are similar in structure to cholesterol.

10.  An exothermic reaction:

a)  has higher energy reactants than products.

b)  has higher energy products than reactants.

c)  will cool the environment by absorbing energy.

d)  only when Gibb’s free energy is positive

11.  A nucleotide is made up of all of the following except…

a)  glucose

b)  a phosphate group

c)  a nitrogen-containing base

d)  ribose

12.  In which of the following macromolecules is Hydrogen bonding least important?

a) Nucleic Acids

b)  Proteins

c)  Carbohydrates

d)  Lipids

13.  The image on the right is best described as a:

a) Phospholipid

b)  Cholesterol molecule

c)  Triacyl glycerol

d)  Trans fat

14.  The molecule on the right contains a(n) ___ fatty acid.

a) Omega-3

b)  Saturated

c)  Trans

d)  strong base

15.  The carbohydrate on the right is:

a)  Cellulose

b)  Amylase

c)  Amylopectin

d)  Chitin

16.  Which of the following macromolecules are made in a dehydration synthesis reaction?

a)  Protein

b)  polysaccharides

c)  triglycerides

d)  nucleic acids

e)  all of the above

PART B: Short answer

1. Lactulose is a synthetic sugar.

·  Circle the anomeric carbon on each ring.

·  How many carbons are in each sugar?

·  What type of linkage joins these two sugars?

·  This is a ß - linkage.

2.  List four interactions that can stabilize a protein’s tertiary structure.

3.  List three environmental factors that would slow down an enzyme without denaturing or decomposing it?

4.  What is the difference between competitive and non-competitive inhibition?

5.  How is DNA different from RNA? Be specific.

6.  How does a catalyst increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Include energy diagrams.

7.  Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane

8.  Explain how this cartoon relates to cholesterol.

Match the structure with the correct name [10]

Structure / Name

2-mercaptoethanol pentyl actetate (ethanoate)

2-hydroxybenzoic acid Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane phosphate

diethyl ether Trinitrotoluene

methyl propyl ether Nitroethylpentane