Time to Shine


Application Form


The application process has been designed to help bidders develop their ideas and show how their suggested project will meet the criteria of the strand and reach the most socially isolated older people in Leeds.

What we are looking for in applications is:

  • Good ideas that will engage isolated older people
  • A demonstration of the value placed on older people, their skills, knowledge and experiences
  • An ability to deliver a project that meet the outputs, outcomes and key performance indicators agreed
  • An ability to meet the monitoring and evaluation requirements of Time to Shine
  • A willingness to be part of the Time to Shine learning community

Before completing this form you are advised to read the Time to Shine Commissioning Brochure and the Project Specification for the Creating Supportive Opportunitiesstrand. Both documents are on the Time to Shine website

Paper copies are available on request.

To apply you must;

•Complete each section of this form. You must answer each question in the text box provided.

The minimum font size is Arial 11 and you must not exceed the word limit. If you write more the additional information will not be read. The word limits are different depending on the question being asked, this is to reflect how much space an applicant may need to write to answer a question i.e. is it a multi-part question and does an answer require an explanation and examples or can shorter bullet points be used. Applicants do not need to use all of the words allowed if they feel they have answered the question using less.

•This is to make sure that everyone making an application is treated fairly in how much information they can write.

At this stage you are not being asked to demonstrate your organisation’s financial or legal status; this is to avoid unnecessary work for applicants that are not shortlisted.

Each part of the form must be filled in before being submitted. If there are any gaps the application won’t be considered. All applications will be considered by a panel of people who have relevant knowledge, interest and / or experience. The assessment panel will include older people and a shortlist of projects will be agreed upon by this panel. All applications will be assessed against pre-agreed criteria and information about the criteria and scoring is included below. Successful applicants will be invited to a discussion to explain their ideas further.

To help with the completion of the application we have written a short explanation at the beginning of each section of the form.

Time to Shine staff facilitate the commissioning process but do not have any say over the funding decisions.

Assessment Criteria and Scoring

Time to Shine is looking to fund activity that will contribute to the evidence base and outcomes of the overall programme. Each member of the assessment panel will assess every application received individually and each application will be assessed and scored against the same criteria. A maximum of 100 points can be scored for the application. The answers to each section will be scored using a range of 0 – 10, 10 being the highest possible score and 0 being the lowest possible score. The points available for each question is included in the section heading. Where a possible score over 10 is indicated a weighting system will be used e.g. a 20-point question will be scored out of 10 and will be multiplied by two to get the final score for the question.

Applicants must score a minimum of 60% of the overall quality points available (i.e. 60 points out of 100). Applicants who do not meet this minimum threshold will be automatically eliminated from the process and not invited to the discussion.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to discuss their ideas further with the assessment panel, this may be in the form of a site visit. The discussion will be scored with a possible 100 points available at this stage. The applicant with the highest score at thediscussion stage will be offered funding and will be required to sign a delivery contract with Leeds Older People’s Forum before the support and training sessions and project delivery can commence.

Leeds Older People’s Forum, as the lead partner for Time to Shine, reserves the right not to award any contract if they are not satisfied with the quality of the applications received at any stage of the process.

The closing date for applications is:

  • 5pm on Friday 1st December 2017. All applications must be sent to

Any applications received after the deadline will not be evaluated.

Applicant Details


Name of person completing the application:

Position/role of person completing the application:

Contact email:

Contact telephone number:

Name of organisation/group:

Address of organisation/group:

Are you applying in partnership with another group/organisation/s?

If yes, who are the partners?

Who will be the lead partner?

Does your project address the needs of any of the following priority groups for this strand?

  • People not able to able to get out of their home (including care home) environment 
  • People who want to get out of their home and are able to 
  • BAME communities, focus on Black African Caribbean or Eastern European groups 
  • Men with a focus on moving through to integrated activities 
  • Disabled people;
  • physical disability
  • sensory impairment
  • mental health 
  1. The project: 20 points available, 10 points for each of the bullet points. (800 words or less)

The target group for the Creating Supportive Opportunities strand is older people who have high levels of entrenched social isolation. Projects must be designed to reach people at home that help them to get out unless there are logistical reasons that prevent this. There needs to be an activity to ‘hook’ people into a project which offers more intensive ‘hand holding’ and practical support to increase confidence before they are ready to engage more widely. Projects must consider how these wider networks will be developed as there is an expectation that all participants engaged will report an increase in their social contacts and networks outside their home environment as a result of being involved.

  • Tell us about your project idea and the people you aim to reach.
  • Clearly explain the activities planned, the support that will be offered and how this will increase social contacts and networks with people experiencing high levels of isolation.

  1. Co-production with Older People: 20 points available, 10 points for the first bullet point and 5 points for each of the second and third.(800 words or less)

Older people are at the centre of Time to Shine.

  • Tell us about your experience of involving older people in your organisation.
  • How have you involved older people in the planning and design of this project and how has this influenced your project idea?
  • How will you involve older people in the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the project?

  1. Reaching Isolated Older People: 20 points available, 10 points for the first bullet point and 5 points for each of the second and third. (800 words or less)

The learning from our first projects has shown us that it is not easy to reach very isolated older people.

  • Tell us about your experience of reaching isolated older people; how you have reached them and what you have learned from this. If you are applying to deliver a project to a priority group tell us about your experience and knowledge of this group.
  • What are your plans for reaching isolated people over the lifetime of this project?
  • Each project in this strand is expected to reach between 110 older people per year. Tell us about your planned approach to achieve this and why this is the most appropriate way.

  1. Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): 10 points available(400 words or less)

The Project Specification gives some indicative outcomes and KPIs for the Creating Supportive Opportunities projects.

Tell us what outcomes and KPIs you expect to deliver through your project, quantifying them where possible. E.g. we will recruit and support 15 volunteers.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation: 15 points available, 5 points for each bullet point (600 words or less)

As a programme of research and learning, monitoring and evaluation are key to demonstrating success.We want to know how you plan to comply with the monitoring and evaluation requirements for your project.

  • Tell us how you will collectthe Time to Shine Questionnaire data
  • What other methods of monitoring and evaluating your project will you use?
  • How will you embed the process to complete the quarterly monitoring return?

  1. Learning: 15 points available, 5 for the first bullet point and 10 for the second. (600 words or less)

An appetite to learn is an important quality to have as part of Time to Shine.

  • How will you collect the evidence to answer the Test and Learn questions?
  • Tell us what you want to learn from delivering your project and what would you like to get from being part of the TTS learning community

If you are also applying to deliver a Connections Project please indicate this below and tell us how the two projects will work together.Please note that this section is not scored but must be completed if you are applying for both strands.
Please complete the table to show us how much your project will cost and what you plan to spend the funding on. All costs should be inclusive of VAT where applicable. NB There is a total budget of £900,000 available for the projects funded under the Creating Supportive Opportunities strand.
You may allocate the funding over a maximum of three years.
  • Remember to include any costs associated with accessibility.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation and sharing learning through partnership working are central to the Time to Shine programme, please ensure provision is made for the staff time required.

Project expenditure / Project Cost Year 1
£ / Project Cost Year 2
£ / Project Cost Year 3
Revenue Costs
Salaries, NI, pensions and fees (indicate how much of the salaries costs will be used on monitoring and evaluation and sharing learning with the Time to Shine team and partners)
Travel and transport
Room hire and refreshments
Activity costs
Other (please detail)
Other (please detail)
Staff (e.g. management, finance)
PR and Marketing
Please detail
Please detail

Time to Shine Application Form Checklist

This list is to help you check that your application is complete and filled in according to the instructions. It is your responsibility to make sure that all the information required is submitted. Any incomplete application forms will not be evaluated.

Section of Application / Item on Application Form / Completed?
Instructions / The application form is completed in a minimum of Arial font size 11
The text boxes have not been increased in size
All of the sections with text boxes have been completed
Applicant Details / All sections have been completed including naming any partners we will be working with and our anticipated lead partner (as applicable)
Budget / The budget table has been completed
Declaration / The declaration on page 12 has been completed

Declaration: I declare that the information I have given is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorised to act on behalf of the organisation in making this application.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name (Block Capitals): ……………………………………………………………………………

Designation: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

On behalf of (Organisation): ………………………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please note that an electronic signature or typed name is sufficient at this stage. A full signature will be required if the application is shortlisted to the next stage.