Project Overview
Name of Project: / What’s Your Sign? / Duration: 5 weeks
Subject/Course:Math, English, History / Teacher(s): Kristine Blumer, Lauren Baldwin, Jeff Colasanti / Grade Level:8
Other subject areas to be included, if any: / Grade 6 Science?
Music, Science (Maybe next year)
Identifying Standards to be Assessed
Project Idea
Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: / In this project, students will be given a chance to be a “Symbologists” (Robert Landon-DaVinci Code) and researcher of 20th Century symbols around the world. A list of symbols (teacher generated) will be given to students as part of their voice and choice, they will choose the symbol they would like to research and learn more about. Through the inquiry process, workshops will be provided to look at other types of symbols (i.e. Car logos, company logos, road signs, etc.) to provide some background knowledge on this topic. This will be a trans-disciplinary project including SS, Math, Music and grade 6. (Next year add Music and Science)
Students will research and create a note-taking guide to create an iMovie or WeVideo to inform viewers about the symbol they choose in History and Math (for year 1)…Year 2 Science and Music will also be integrated in.
Students will create a research guide and video of:
  • Historical Symbols of the 20th Century
  • Mathematical Symbols through History
  • Musical Symbols through History (Year 2)
  • Science Symbols: grade 6? (Year 2)

Driving Question:
  • Philosophical or Debatable
  • Product-Oriented
  • Role-Oriented
/ How can we as symbologists create a reference guide (iMovie) to symbols to help others to understand the symbols around us?
Guiding Questions: /
  • How do the unknowns (variables) help us to study historical issues?
  • What unknown lead to WWII. WWI + The bombing of Pearl Harbor = WWII.

CCSS to be taught and assessed:
***ADD in standards language*** / English – Grade 8
8.RL.5 –Compare and contrast the structure of 2 or more texts and ananlyze how the differing structure contributes to meaning and style
8.RI.9 –8.RI.9 –
8.RI.8 –W.4 –W.2 Informative Explanatory
W.8 Assess Credibility
Math - Grade 8 (ends 4/4) Linear Functions (Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data)
8.F.4 –
8.F.5 –
8.SP.1 –
8.SP.2 –
8.SP.3 –
8.SP.4 –
Music/Science/Social Studies:
RST 6-8.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other words, meanings and phrases as they are used in specific, scientific or technical context.
Additional Standards to be taught and assessed: / Social Studies – Grade 8
1.2 –.
1.2 –
1.3 –
1.4 –
Identify Learning Targets and/or ”I can…” statement / I can analyze similarities in 2 more texts contribute to its meaning. I can analyze differences in 2 or more texts contributes to its meaning.
I can examine 2 or more texts that provide opposing / conflicting information.
I can identify where the (text) agree and disagree on facts or opinion.
I can recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced to a topic.
I can write a clear and coherent Clear and Coherent
I can analyze a symbols that relates to Civil Right
I can analyze a symbol that explains the Great Depression.
I can create a symbol that relates to Civil Rights I can create a symbols that explains the Great Depression.
I can weigh the importance of symbolic historical evidence …..
I can construct a linear relationship between two quantities. I can identify the symbols used in a linear relationship
I can describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph.
I can construct scatter plots for bivariate data.
I know how a line of best fit is used.
I can interpret the meaning of slope and intercept of a linear equation.
I can solve problems using the equation of a linear model.
I can show how to construct a two-way table. I can interpret the data in the 2-way table to recognize patterns.
Academic Vocabulary: / Symbol, national, international, represent, recognition, insignia,
21st Century Competencies to be taught and assessed: / Collaboration / X / Creativity & Innovation / X
Communication (Oral Presentations) / X / Other
Critical Thinking
Presentation Audience:
Major Products & Performances / Group: / Oral Photostory or iMovie of symbols as narrated by the research symbologist / Class: / X
School: / X
Community: / X
Individual: / Individual symbol research and writing of symbol; Create your own LOGO to represent your “Brand” as a person / Experts: / X
Web: / X
Project Overview
Entry eventto launch inquiry, engage students: / QR Symbol Scavenger Hunt/Field Trip to a symbolic place
Assessments / Formative Assessments
(During Project) / Quizzes/Tests / Practice Presentations
Journal/Learning Log / Notes
Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes / X / Checklists / X
Rough Drafts / X / Concept Maps
Online Tests/Exams / Other:
Summative Assessments
(End of Project) / Written Product(s), with rubric:
Symbol Informative Piece / X / Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric:
Oral Photostory or iMovie of symbol / X
Oral Presentation, with rubric / X / Peer Evaluation
Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test / X / Self-Evaluation / X
Essay Test / Other:
Needed / On-site people, facilities:
Community resources:
Methods / (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) / Journal/Learning Log / Focus Group
Whole-Class Discussion / Fishbowl Discussion
Survey / Other:


© 2013 Buck Institute for Education

Project Teaching and Learning Guide
Major Product(s) and Presentation
Student needs to complete / Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students
to successfully complete culminating products and
performances, and do well on summative assessments / Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided
by the project teacher, other teachers, experts,
mentors, community members
Written Piece of the chapter
(ELA formal Piece)
Presentation / Research /  / List of symbols, note-taking guide
Reference material suggestions/resources
Informational/Expository writing
(English Written Piece-Individual) /  / Model, sample guides;Writers Workshop ( peer editing)
Word /  / Software instruction/ word processing
Picture importing
iMovie / / 


© 2013 Buck Institute for Education

project: / Time Frame:
project: / Time Frame:


© 2013 Buck Institute for Education