Career Mark 6a Description Grid for:

Description M – Management

The assessor needs to understand how your organisation leads, manages, organises and evaluates careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). Use this description to describe things such as: your policy development; structure for leadership, management, coordination and delivery; how you analyse learners’ needs and design provision; staff competence; partnership arrangements; monitoring, review, evaluation and development processes; measurement of impact. (For guidance on how to complete a good description look at the Career Mark website

Assessment indicator / Your description of how you do this…
Please complete by answering the questions in the standards document / List of evidence to prove you do what you say /
1.  National requirements and good practice guidance for CEIAG
Gatsby Benchmark 1 / Recommended maximum word limit – 350 words
2.  Measuring impact of CEIAG on progression
QICS B1.7 / Recommended maximum word limit – 200 words
3.  Structure and process for leading, managing and delivering CEIAG
Gatsby Benchmark 1 / Recommended maximum word limit – 350 words
4.  CEIAG provision based on analysis of learner needs
Gatsby Benchmark 3 / Recommended maximum word limit – 350 words
5.  Learner entitlement to CEIAG / Recommended maximum word limit – 100 words
6.  Involving and supporting families and carers in CEIAG provision
Gatsby Benchmark 6 / Recommended maximum word limit – 100 words
7.  CEIAG trained and competent staff
(Information relating to qualifications and CPD for guidance professionals does not need to be recorded here – see section G.2) / Recommended maximum word limit – 3000 words
8.  Partnership arrangements
Gatsby Benchmarks 5, 6 and 7 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
9.  Monitoring, review and evaluation for continuous CEIAG development
QICS B1.7 / Recommended maximum word limit – 400 words

Description C – Curriculum

The assessor needs to understand how your organisation delivers careers education through its curriculum. (For guidance on how to complete a good description look at the Career Mark website

Assessment indicator / Your description of how you do this…
Please complete by answering the questions in the standards document / List of evidence to prove you do what you say /
1.  Curriculum overview/ model for CEIAG
Gatsby Benchmark 1 / Recommended maximum word limit – 400 words
2.  Planned programme of careers employability and enterprise education
Gatsby Benchmark 2 / Recommended maximum word limit – 350 words
3.  Coordinating Curriculum inputs:
·  all subject learning to careers
·  all encounters with external partners to career learning
Gatsby Benchmarks 4, 5, 6 and 7 / Recommended maximum word limit – 300 words

Description I – Information

The assessor needs to understand how your organisation provides career-related information to your learners, parents, staff and partners, including the quality and accessibility of that information. For guidance on how to complete a good description look at the portfolio section on the website

Assessment indicator / Your description of how you do this… / List the evidence to prove you do what you say /
1.  Systems, processes and content
QICS B1.3 and B1.5
Gatsby Benchmark 2 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
2.  Accessibility of and competence to use resources / Recommended maximum word limit – 200 words

Description G – Advice, Guidance and Support

The assessor needs to understand how your organisation delivers career-related advice, guidance and support for learners which are coherent with all other formal advice, guidance and support activities provided through your organisation. This includes the provision of independent and impartial careers guidance. (For guidance on how to complete a good description look at the Career Mark website

Assessment indicator / Your description of how you do this… / List of evidence to prove you do what you say /
1.  Identification of need and referral system(s)
QICS B1.3, 4 and 5
Gatsby Benchmark 3 and 8 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
2.  Independent and impartial careers advice and guidance
QICS B1.3, 4 and 5
Gatsby Benchmark 3 and 8 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
3.  Coordination and tracking
QICS B1.3, 4 and 5
Gatsby Benchmark 3 and 8 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
4.  Career action planning and target setting
QICS B1.3, 4 and 5
Gatsby Benchmark 3 and 8 / Recommended maximum word limit – 250 words
5.  Facilities
QICS B1.3, 4 and 5
Gatsby Benchmark 3 and 8 / Recommended maximum word limit – 100 words


Career Mark 6a – Description Grids v3 (October 2017)