Young Home and School

August 25, 2017

The Home and School can be found on the school website at

Home and School
August 25, 2017

Young Dolphins
DIVE Into Learning
Develop Differentiated & Diverse Learning Experiences
Inspire Excellence
Value Community
Engage and Energize Productive Student Learners

Dear Young Families,

The first two days of school went very well. Young students and staff were very excited to be back in the building learning and working together. On Thursday, students participated in the First Day of School Assembly where we celebrated being back at school, viewed first day of school pictures, and talked about the importance of respect with each other. Over the next two weeks, students and their classmates will continue to participate in class and team building activities in order to connect with each other and develop relationships with their peers and classroom teacher.

The staff and I would like to thank the PTA and parent volunteers for providing the Young staff with a wonderful back to school breakfast as well as providing morning supervision. The food was yummy! What a great way to end the week.

Please make a note on your calendar that school is not in session on Friday, September 1 or Monday, September 4.


Ms. Morgan

Principal, Young School

Save the Date, CurriculumNight: September 13

Young will host Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 13. Curriculum Night is parents’ first opportunity to learn more about the curricular objectives and procedures of their child’s classroom. Curriculum Night is a parents’ only event. Childcare is not available and the lmc will not be open on Curriculum Night.

Curriculum Night-Monday, September 13(Parents may attend Session 1 or Session 2.)

Session 1: 6:00 pm – 6:40 pm.

Session 2: 6:50 pm – 7:30 pm

A Few Reminders:

  • The first PTA Meeting of the year is Wednesday, September 13 at 9:30 am. We hope to see you there.
  • The front circle drive is closed to cars at arrival (8:45 am 9:15 am) and at dismissal (3:15 pm – 3:50 pm). Please use the car drop-off and pick-up line or park across the street and walk over to pick up your children.
  • If your child is absent, please call the Attendance Line Number at 630-375-3800 and choose option 3. On the message, please leave your name, your child's first and last name, grade level, and the reason for your child's absence.
  • Please remember that Professional Development Wednesdays (PD Wednesdays) begin next week. On Wednesdays, the start of the school day is adjusted by 10 minutes. Every Wednesday, the first bell rings at 9:00 am and the school day will begin at 9:15 am. In addition, on Wednesdays busses will pick up bus riders 10 minutes later.
  • The school assists elementary parents who might not have flexibility in their Wednesday morning schedules by providing supervision in the gym at 8:50 am. During this 10-minute period, students will work quietly on schoolwork or read a book. Students who come to school at 8:50 am on PD Wednesday are to enter the building through the main office doors

Third-Party Educational Programs

The following companies have rented space in our schools to offer an after-school educational program for students. The distribution of this material is in no way an endorsement of programs, services, activities or products byDistrict 204. For more information about the programs listed below, visit:

Young: Young Rembrandts Drawing Classes for Kids

Young: Bricks 4 Kids LEGO Engineering Club