The OutsidersBook Report

For our next book report, you will be independently reading the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and writing an essay about one of the ideas below. As you read the novel, you will keep track of evidence of each of the ideasbelow on a piece of lined paper. Use the chart format modeled in class (example below). Since we will be writing this book report IN-CLASS, you will be able to use your tracking notes to help you write your essay, so make sure you are keeping track of page numbers. When you write your book report, you will include specific quotes and page numbers from the story to support your ideas. The more evidence you have, the easier it will be to support your ideas and write your essay.

Pick one of the following:

Choice A - Describe Pony and Darry’s relationship in the beginning of the novel, using specific scenes or events, and explain how the relationship changes by the end of the story, using specific scenes/events to show those changes. Also discuss why you think their relationship changed using your collected examples as evidence.

Choice B - Discuss how Johnny and Dally feel about each other and why it is a somewhat unusual friendship.Describe specific scenesor events that show their relationship. Also discuss why you think this friendship formed.

Choice C - Discuss several major scenes or events (a minimum of three) in the story that show that the greasers are loyal to each other. Discuss why you think it is so important to these boys to be loyal to each other.

Note: I will be assigning and checking your evidence chart as homework. Please keep up with your reading and your homework.

When Writing the In-Class Book Report:

Introduction: 1) Hook Opening (refer to your handout on hook openings).

2) A brief summary that includes the T.A.G. (Title, Author and Genre). You may refer to the summary template provided by Mrs. Wosika.

3) Include a thesis statement (this will be from the choices above).

4) Three Supporting Reasons

Body Paragraphs:

1)Topic Sentence

2)Examples/Evidence (Specific scenes/events from the story with page numbers—use your chart!)

3)Commentary (Connecting your example/evidence to your topic sentence. This is your original thought)

4)Make sure you include transitional words and phrases.


1)Restate your thesis statement and your supporting reasons in a different way. Try to use different wording.

2)Provide a clincher statement or some “words of wisdom”. Feel free to refer to the handout on writing conclusions.

Your essay should be at least four-five paragraphs. You may use blue or black ink pen, leave margins on the sides (use the pink lines as a guide), don’t skip lines, and don’t write on the back. If you would like to skip lines, you may, but then the essay should be about two pages, since you are only writing on every other line. Use cursive or printing, whichever is easier for me to read.

Please put your name, date and period on this paper and staple it to the front of your essay. These directions will be used as a grading guide. Also, please attach your evidence sheets that you completed while reading.

Chart Example:

Pony & Darry’s Relationship
Pg. # 2 “…treating me as if I was six instead of fourteen.”
Pg. #42 “He’s as hard as a rock and about as human. He thinks I am a pain-in-the-neck…” / Johnny and Dally’s Unusual Friendship / The Greaser’s Loyalty